Keep laptop plugged in or not reddit

I googled and every single answer is either vague, confusing, or different.

I keep it this way even during sleep it is plugged in however it is shut down. Is it fine or should I change my habits.

Should I Leave My Laptop Plugged In All The Time? from technology

I have a 2009 Toshiba Laptop with a lithium-ion battery. I have heard so many different things when it comes to batteries...deep chargeing is bad..leaving plugged in all the time is fine for batteries/pcs made after a certain year...u should charge laptop between 40-80 percent all the time.. i just want to knopw simply, what should i do? Will leaving my laptop plugged in ac power when i use it, decrease the battery life? should i charge it and use it til it gets low, and recharge it? or should i take out battery completley when using a/c power? does it matter? please, someone let me know the best practice. thx

My question is: will having your laptop constantly plugged in and charging degrade battery life faster than if the laptop wasn't always plugged in?

I have had an Hp laptop for 5 years now. Over the course of those 5 years, I always had the laptop plugged in and charging. I would leave it plugged in overnight even when the battery was at 100%. Now my laptop battery is significantly worse than when it started. It can't even go 20 mins on its own charge. I am wondering whether me leaving it plugged in all the time has contributed to this problem.

Edit: I know laptop batteries degrade over time, but I was not expecting such drastic degradation.

I've mostly always had my Spectre at home and haven't moved it from a desk spot and it's always plugged in. Does that damage it? Or is it ok?

Hey, guys I bought a laptop for 'studying', I want it to last as long as possible I was wondering in what patterns I should charge it, currently I keep it plugged in all the time as I hardly go out but I am not sure if this is good for it's health


This has always confused me. Some people say that you always need to keep it plugged, while some say you need to unplug right after it's fully charged. Recently I saw an article and it says that you need to unplug it after it's fully charged and then plug again when the battery drops to 50%.

Which way is the healthiest for a laptop?

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