Lỗi problems came up in the following areas during load

I am using universe which is based on BW infocube to create webi report and then import that report data into xcelcius 2011 using live office connectivity. I already created many dashboards by using same scenario but for particular dashbaord it giving me error 'Problem came up in the following areas during load: table', and just showing table headers on Excel sheet if anyone already face this issue please revert back ASAP and one more thing we are using all software of same versions

Please check attached Screenshot

Hi I created a simple xls sheet using Excelxp tagsets. When I open the file , I got the following message. In the pop up screen.

"Problems Came up in the following areas during load."

inside the window, I see

"workbook Setting" "Table."

at the bottom I see

"This file cannot be opened because of erros. Error are listed in C:\docoments and settings \userid\Local Setting \ Temporary Internet Files \Content.MSO\4A80BD4.log."

Description: Error when opening a saved Excel 2000 output Error Message [see attached screenshot for example]: Problem During Load Problems came up in the following areas during load. Missing file: C:/Documents and Settings\carnold\Desktop\a1 Missing file: C:/Documents and Settings\carnold\Desktop\a2 Environment: Microsoft Office 2000 Root Cause: If you open a report that was saved in XLS format or run a report in XLS format, and security settings in your browser are set so that you are prompted to open or save the report, do not click Save. If you save the report, the spreadsheet content will not be saved. This is because Excel reports in Office 2000 HTML format use relative paths to the spreadsheets. The relative URL paths are no longer available when you open a saved XLS report. Solution: Click Open first and then choose to save the report.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFUEU","label":"IBM OpenPages with Watson"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Error: "Problems During Load - Problems came up in the following areas during load: Table" when exporting report to Microsoft Excel from CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management.

The issue causing the export to fail is due to a setting in ‘Regional and Language’ options on the local computer.

  1. Navigate to Start > Control Panel.
  2. Open Region and Language.
  3. Select Additional Settings.
  4. In the field titled ‘Negative Number Format’, enter -1.1.
  5. Click Apply.

Once logged back into CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management, the report will be able to export.

Solution Id 000209984/sw32444 Direct Link

Khỏi tải. File xls được tạo từ Office 2007 trở lên, có định dạng table không tương thích với 2003. Cứ mở lên nếu được, sau đó save as lại file khác. Nếu không mở được thì mở bằng open office và save as lại xls.

  • 4

Khỏi tải. File xls được tạo từ Office 2007 trở lên, có định dạng table không tương thích với 2003. Cứ mở lên nếu được, sau đó save as lại file khác. Nếu không mở được thì mở bằng open office và save as lại xls.

I found the problem without analising the log file. i stil can not access the log file in temporary internet files. But i realised that i put a string[non-number] characters on a number-styled cell in Excel xml. So if you having the similar issues about your Excel file generated from xml, then have a look at if your cell values are appopriate with your cell data type.

answered Jun 22, 2012 at 12:37


1,9727 gold badges31 silver badges58 bronze badges


If you type or paste the path of the log file into Explorer or your text editor of choice, you may find that the folder does exist, despite being invisible.

answered Oct 9, 2013 at 18:22

Nate ParsonsNate Parsons

14.5k13 gold badges52 silver badges67 bronze badges


In my case it was a with an incorrect ss:Index

I was using a template and the last row had a fixed Index=100. If the number of rows I added exceeded 100, this last row had a wrong index and excel threw the error without any other message or log [MacOSX, Excel 15.25.1]. I wish they printed more informative error messages, what a waste of our time.

answered Sep 14, 2016 at 9:59


38k14 gold badges95 silver badges96 bronze badges

Excel 2016. My error message was "Worksheet Settings". Path was pointing to non-existing file.

My cause of the problem was ExpandedRowCount not big enough for number of rows in Worksheet. If you add rows in XML directly [i.e. on a machine where Excel is not installed], make sure to increment number of rows in ExpandedRowCount.

answered Jan 31, 2019 at 15:44


9078 silver badges17 bronze badges

yes.Even i too faced the same problem and problem was with the data type of cells ofexcel generated using xslt

answered May 15, 2013 at 8:46


1031 silver badge13 bronze badges

In addition to checking the data being used vs "Type" assigned, make sure that the list of characters that need to be encoded for XML are indeed encoded.

I had a system that appeared to be working, but then some user data including & and

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