Lỗi user account control detect should be enable năm 2024

User Account Control or UAC for short is a security feature of Windows which helps prevent unauthorized changes to the operating system. These changes can be initiated by applications, users, viruses, malware. User Account Control makes sure changes are made only with approval from the administrator. If the changes are not approved by the administrator, they are not executed, and Windows will remain unchanged. To install Autodesk software correctly or troubleshoot an issue, User Account Control [UAC] needs to be turned off


  1. Type UAC in the search field on your taskbar. [If the search field isn't visible, right-click the Start button and choose Search.]
  2. Click “Change User Account Control settings” in the search results.
  3. In the “Choose when to be notified about changes to your computer” window, do one of the following:
    • To turn UAC off, drag the slider down to Never notify and click OK.
    • To turn UAC on, drag the slider up to the desired level of security and click OK.
  4. You may be prompted to confirm your selection or enter an administrator password.
  5. Reboot your computer for the change to take effect.

    About the Author

Installation Technical Support Specialist

Ken Williams has over 20 years of experience as a systems administrator helping organizations with installation, configuration, and maintenance. At IMAGINiT, Ken puts his knowledge of Microsoft, SQL, servers, and Autodesk to work ensuring clients are able to stay up-and-running, install their software easily, and maintain their solutions.

User Account Control must be configured to detect application installations and prompt for elevation.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity V-220948 WN10-SO-000260 SV-220948r569187_rule Medium Description User Account Control [UAC] is a security mechanism for limiting the elevation of privileges, including administrative accounts, unless authorized. This setting requires Windows to respond to application installation requests by prompting for credentials. STIG Date Windows 10 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2021-03-10


Check Text [ C-22663r555329_chk ] If the following registry value does not exist or is not configured as specified, this is a finding:

Registry Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Registry Path: \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\

Value Name: EnableInstallerDetection

Value Type: REG_DWORD Value: 1

Fix Text [F-22652r555330_fix] Configure the policy value for Computer Configuration >> Windows Settings >> Security Settings >> Local Policies >> Security Options >> "User Account Control: Detect application installations and prompt for elevation" to "Enabled".

Should User Account Control [UAC] be enabled or disabled when running Dragon NaturallySpeaking?


Dragon NaturallySpeaking is designed to operate with the User Account Control [UAC] setting within Windows 7 and Vista set to "ON". In Windows Vista, there are two levels [On/Off], while Windows 7 has four levels. Nuance recommends keeping UAC set to ON for Windows Vista, and in any of the top three levels on Windows 7.

Additional Information:

What is UAC? [According to Microsoft..]

User Account Control [UAC] is a feature in Windows that can help prevent unauthorized changes to your computer. UAC does this by asking you for permission or an administrator password before performing actions that could potentially affect your computer's operation or that change settings that affect other users. When you see a UAC message, read it carefully, and then make sure the name of the action or program that's about to start is one that you intended to start.

By verifying these actions before they start, UAC can help prevent malicious software [malware] and spyware from installing or making changes to your computer without permission.

When your permission or password is needed to complete a task, UAC will alert you with one of the following messages:

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