newbury park là gì - Nghĩa của từ newbury park

newbury park có nghĩa là

A city full of rich white republicans. The epitome of the California lifestyle. The Parents are all doctors, lawyers and surgeons, and their kids all drive BMW's and Range Rovers. Some kids pretend to be poor and emo, and buy black clothes from Nordstrom, but at the end of the day, they get in their Jaguar, and drive to their mansion in Dos Vientos Ranch.


Look their goes Victoria in the new mercedes her parents bought her for her 16th birthday, damn I wish I lived in Newbury Park.

newbury park có nghĩa là

The #1 safest place to live in the United States as of June 9, 2007.
As proclaimed by a US crime rate study.


Dude, Newbury Park is fucking awesome!
Where's that?

Southern California!

What's there? What happens there?

Nothing! But it's safe!

newbury park có nghĩa là

A high school in southern california. It boasts an International Baccalaureate program which is overrated. The students in the program act like elitists and snobs to everyone who isn't. At Newbury Park High, if you aren't taking at least Half IB classes and aren't getting straight As you aren't going to college according to IB students. Every now and then there is a phenomenal athlete who goes to a D1 school but other than that every sports team that makes it to CIF has lost in either of the first 2 rounds. Some of the guys try to act like bad-asses but none of the fights last longer than 10 seconds. As some describe it, the students don't care enough to start fights. The students at NP are all smart [except the burnout stoners], the difference is how much the student doesn't care. The really smart IB kids care a lot but they are a small minority, the smart kids in AP don't care enough to do IB and are just in it for the extra boost on their GPA and the dumb are still smart but don't care enough to apply themselves. This is probably due to the safe and protective atmosphere where parents don't let their children leave Newbury Park's borders at night for fear of the outside world.


A- "Where do you go to school?"
B- "Newbury Park High School"
A- "Is it fun??"
B- "... no"

newbury park có nghĩa là

a high school in southern california where there are and absurd amount of stoners. about 1/4 of the population smokes pot. 0 school spirit and sucks at everything sports wise except girls soccer and maybe 2 others. most students hate that they have no school spirit but does nothing to change it. most kids used to be really good at fighting, but now they are all fresh fags. has a very strong art department, and only has 3 classes a day, maybe 2 if you're lucky


"do you go to newbury park high school?"
"your football team sucks because they all smoke pot"

newbury park có nghĩa là

A small boring town in Southern California. It has a high school that is full of smart irritating kids of which at least 50% live in dos vientos [ a snobby rich community]. Not necessarily the most fun place to live but it is safe.


A: why is there a definition of Newbury Park on Urban Dictionary B: Its a boring town and people have nothing better to do. Especially if they go to NPHS...homework procrastination.

newbury park có nghĩa là

There is a place closer than you think. A place where you might see a black person sometimes. A place where there's ONE FUCKING MCDONALD'S. A place where you can't let small animals out at night because they WILL die. A place where children never get shot, but you kind of want to see them get shot. A place that sometimes looks like a rancid dump or a rich white Republican man's playground; and never in between. A place where my school once went on lockdown because there was a stray dog on campus. A place where sixty degrees Fahrenheit is too cold to go outside. A place where the criminally insane were released onto the streets one day and now you can't go outside alone past 11 PM. And that place, is a little town we like to call: Newbury Park. The other day I saw a seagull kill and begin to eat a rat until a raccoon killed the seagull and ate it. Newbury Park.


Tommy: My peepee tickles when I look at the other boys on the playground. Kyle: What are you FUCKING GAY? You: I want to die. Welcome to Newbury Park.

newbury park có nghĩa là

A city in which everyone hails Girm the Worm, the ruler of the world. Also, the high school in newbury park usually has stink bombs going off in the cafeteria thanks to SOMEONE.


VVVVVVVVVVVVVVvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Newbury Park is quite the city

newbury park có nghĩa là

It's a small town most people think is privilaged and white but really the teens are all either stoners smoking pot day after day hiding it from there parents thinking there all hard does shrooms and acid every once in a while says things like lit smoked out and fucking coss they through "kick backs" try to rap and dance like freaks to a sad excuse for rap and the ones that don't smoke pot are meth/herion addicts selling drugs and car hoping probabaly making up fake gangs or stealing something of yours while they help you look for it say shit like palobra homie serdio and hang out with 13 year Olds in an rv


Your from newbury park? Damn straight cups what's good fool

newbury park có nghĩa là

A small town with Ventura 20 miles west and LA 20 miles South. Newbury Park is kinda just here. Nothing goes on, we just chill. Half the kids at the High School are stoned off their asses. No crime, no excitement.


Jimmy: Where did you grow up? Tom: Newbury Park Jimmy: Oh where's that? Tom: Small SoCal town, prey close to Malibu and LA Jimmy: Oh thats sweet! Tom: That is where you are wrong kiddo

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