Pardot segmentation lists

The difference between a Pardot Campaign and a Pardot List is a common confusion new clients ask aboutwhen first setting up theirPardot account.

We want to build a campaign

What are lists?

How do I put my prospects in a campaign?

How can I segment my recipients?

Most people familiar with the business world are used to talking about marketing campaigns and to-do lists, but Pardots use of these terms can bedifferent.

So, what is a PardotCampaign and a Pardot List then?

Pardot Campaign

Marketing> Campaigns

A Pardot Campaign is, most importantly, a thematic touchpoint for your prospects [similar to a lead source] and an umbrella for your marketing materials.

Lets break that down. When you create marketing content in Pardot, usually you will provide a Campaign. This helps you stay organized because all your related emails, templates, forms and landing pages will be in the same place!

Campaigns also tell you where your Prospects came from. When a new Prospect is added to your account, theyll filter into a corresponding Campaign. Each prospect is associated with only one Pardot Campaign this can technically be changed but will affect your Reports.

Pardot List

Marketing> Segmentation> Lists

Lists in Pardot are used for segmentation. Theyre connected to Email sends, Drip Programs and Engagement Studio. You can create all sorts of Lists and choose which demographic to include on each. Also, any List can be a Suppression List youll always have that option when sending communication through Pardot.

You can even automate your list-making process by using Dynamic Lists. Set rules and Prospects will automatically filter onto the Dynamic List if they match your chosen criteria. Alternately, you can create a simple Static List. Its important to note Static Lists can be altered by Completion Actions and other Pardot automation tools but Dynamic Lists are totally dependent on the rules/criteria selected when creating it.

The More You Know! Hopefully now youre more prepared to work on your Pardot Campaigns and Pardot Lists. If you need more assistance, send us an email anytime wed love to help! Also, you might like: Is this a Pardot Campaign or Program?

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