Spilled milkshake on laptop

Help! Spilt milkshake on keyboard and a key doesn't work!

[Deleted User]
Posts: 812
Forum Member
07/11/06 - 17:42 in PC & Mac Hardware and Software #1
I spilt chocolate milkshake on my laptop [only a bit] and now my Up arrow key doesn't work. All the other keys in the area work but not this one. I've tried restarting my laptop thinking it may just need a kick but it's still not working.

Any ideas or is it water-damaged for good?


  • [Deleted User] Posts: 812
    Forum Member
    07/11/06 - 18:34 #2
    Anyone? I really need to get this working as I use the key for Excel spreadsheets
  • Dino
    Posts: 1,996
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    07/11/06 - 18:38 #3
    Falling Stars wrote:
    I spilt chocolate milkshake on my laptop [only a bit] and now my Up arrow key doesn't work. All the other keys in the area work but not this one. I've tried restarting my laptop thinking it may just need a kick but it's still not working.

    Any ideas or is it water-damaged for good?
    Oooh. Milkshake. Nasty. I was drinking some coffee a few months ago whilst reading something on my newish and expensive Dell laptop. Needless to say, someone caused me to laugh whilst drinking and I had the choice of

    1] Choking to death
    2] Spraying a mouthful of coffee over the laptop

    The laptop was a bit on the funny side for a few hours; jitters on the LCD screen mainly. It's fine now, though. I dried as much of the coffee up with tissue paper. In the past I've used a hair dryer on the coolest setting [whilst the device was off] to dry out water damaged electronics.

    Good luck!
  • Netizen
    Posts: 5,041
    Forum Member
    07/11/06 - 18:38 #4
    You'll have to take the laptop apart in order to clean the electrical contacts underneath the keys, but this is far from easy. I'd recommend getting a professional laptop repair shop to do it for you.
  • [Deleted User]
    Posts: 7,169
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    07/11/06 - 19:05 #5
    My kid brother once spilt 2 litres of coke into an NTL cable box - and didn't tell me until after i'd telephoned for an engineer to fix it.

    Well, he soon saw the caked-in thick, gooey coke which filled the box. :eek:
  • [Deleted User] Posts: 812
    Forum Member
    07/11/06 - 19:39 #6
    Still not working. I've taken the key off and cleaned a bit of the hard chocolate stuff underneath but nothing. I've now also broke the key and can't get it back on
    Oh well, I've been after an excuse to get a new computer.
  • [Deleted User] Posts: 7,169
    Forum Member
    07/11/06 - 19:51 #7
    Falling Stars wrote:
    Still not working. I've taken the key off and cleaned a bit of the hard chocolate stuff underneath but nothing. I've now also broke the key and can't get it back on
    Oh well, I've been after an excuse to get a new computer.

    Nah, like Netizen said, all you need to do is take it to a place where it can be professionally cleaned. It wont be that expensive, and they will be experts, this kind of thing happens all the time - but i'm sure chocolate milkshake will test their professionalism.
  • [Deleted User]
    Posts: 1,777
    Forum Member
    07/11/06 - 19:58 #8
    In the interim, buy a £6 keyboard from Tesco and plug it into a USB port.
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