suiciding là gì - Nghĩa của từ suiciding

suiciding có nghĩa là

An act which, despite its distaste to many people, is not to be judged. The most notable of the outcomes is the death of the practitioner - however there are other things to consider. It could be done to prove a point, to end personal suffering, or in other extreme circumstances. Consider, for instance, if one had cancer and knew it to be both incurable and excruciatingly painful - and to make things even simpler this person eighty four years of age - suicide would be justified and probably not looked down on. Many who commit suicide may look on their death as a sort of martyrdom [whether it be a delusion of grandeur or realistic is not my place to decide] and believe that it will prove a point. Then there are those who make what many consider to be a mistake and do it in a fit of passion or rage. As I said earlier, though, it is an action that is not to be judged by the living [or in my mind, by anyone]. It is a matter of personal decision as to what is best for ther person considering it. While many would say it is an act of selfishness because of the supposed depression it inflicts on others, one might also question what debt we carry to others? Does meeting someone mean that I must live for their happiness? While it is a selfish act in the truest sense of the phrase - an act carried out in self interest - I would contend that this isn't something to condemn as our bashing of it would be in our own self interest. It is an act of self-indulgent hypocrisy to require someone to live through their sadness because we want to limit our own.
Similarly, one who is considering the act should consider others. Other than in the instance of proving a point, it should be done discreetly and not in an overly dramatic fashion so as not to cause others undue or excess pain. As someone who has considered it many times in the past, I have thought it through very thoroughly, and while some may consider suicidal thoughts a sign of depression I would like to note that it has always cheered me up in my moments of despair as it reminds me of my impermanence and that my troubles will all be over one day. It has allowed me to cope. I speak, mind you, not only as the "melodramatic self-piteous emo goth freak" but also as someone who has been on the other end.
Most notably, one should consider just how irrevocable the act is.


1. My elderly neighbor commited suicide three years ago, and now his suffering is at an end.
2. A friend of the family took a bottle of pills and commited suicide, in a moment of regret she left an appology.
3. Suicide, like many other things, is not ours to judge as right or wrong - but the decision should be weighed heavily.

p.s. saying to god, "you can't fire me, I quit!" lol - that was a good one.

suiciding có nghĩa là

When you get tired of fighting a battle you never even saw coming.


She committed suicide.

suiciding có nghĩa là

---Suicide is NOT the cowards way out. If you commit suicide it doesn't mean that you are a weak or bad person. Everybody encounters problems during their lives that may make their lives hard. But it's not how bad these problems are that matters, it's how the individual knows to handle these problems. Some people can't see a way out other than suicide but that doesn't, in any way, make them a weak or lesser person. It only shows that they haven't been taught how to handle their problems in any better way. And that is not their fault.

---Never ignore somebody if they start to talk about ending their life. Most of the time it is NOT for attention. Most of the time it is a cry for help. They are asking for somebody to show that they care. They aren't doing it to be called a poser or stupid or an attention-seeker or any other shit like that. They're saying it because they actually DO want to end it...they do actually feel the need to die. And if you just ignore them, how are you going to feel when you find out that they're dead? Think about it...just try to help the individual as much as you can.

---Suicide is NOT a selfish act. You all say that they're leaving their loved ones behind and hurting them, but that really only makes you selfish. How can you expect this person to continue living through all the pain that their life is giving them? To go through the feeling of being invisible, like they have no one to confide in? To go through feeling like everybody that once loved them has now abandoned them? And to go through feeling that everyday the walls are closing in on them and that everyday they are sinking further and further into despair? Into loneliness and heartache? How on earth can you expect someone to live with that all the time, just to keep everybody else happy? It's not like it's their duty to make everyone happy. So stop being selfish yourself and think of the individual for once.

---Don't think that suicidal people don't care about you. One of the common reasons for suicide is that the individual doesn't want to hurt their loved ones anymore. And though they know that suicide may hurt their loved ones, it stops the individual from ever hurting them again. Better once than a million more times. And deep down inside, the individual probably does know that people do care, but they just can't believe that when they're feeling so down and out. It's just hard to think that people care about you when you feel that they never seem to show it and they never seem to be there when you need them most.

---If you are someone who believes in fate and God and you believe that everybody has a particular time to die made for them, then you should also believe, as sad and horrible as it may be, that suicide is meant to happen. Perhaps the individual is actually MEANT to die at this time and it just so happens that suicide is the way they die?
I really don't know...I'm just putting down my opinion. I hope it helps at least one person out there.

---This definition wasn't intended to encourage people to commit suicide, I am merely hoping that it will help everybody else to understand a bit more about suicide and why people commit it.


Commiting suicide does not make you weak. Or selfish.

suiciding có nghĩa là

hey, why did you look this up? i know shit gets hard and you feel like you can’t go on, but trust me, you can. you aren't alone. some people might not understand you or your problems, but there's other ppl who understand you even better than they ever could. talk to the right ppl. you aren't alone. no one deserves to be on their own. not even you. i know it's hard to keep on keeping on sometimes. i'm proud you for waking up every day. think about this: do you want to end your life, or do you just want to end the way your life is right now? because i can assure you, you can change your life, you don't have to end it. it's another challenge but you don't have to go through it alone. tell yourself everyday you will hold off for one more day, one more hour, one more minute, whatever you can manage. and please get help if you can't deal with it alone. it should never come this far. suicide is not the solution. talk to someone. talk to a helpline. we need you around because you're important. don't listen to what others tell you. you're beautiful. you're valid. you're strong. you matter. please don't hurt yourself. don't commit suicide. I APPRECIATE YOU. THE WORLD WOULDN’T BE THE SAME WITHOUT YOU. the greatest thing i have ever done is kept going, so please; stay alive.


please don’t commit suicide, if you need anything, send me a message on my podcast’s instagram; @100percenterin.pod

suiciding có nghĩa là

Suicide is serious, I’m not here to joke either, suicide is when a person feels so awful that they Hide themselves form everyone and feels awful about themselves, Some people joke about suicide but most people who do actually struggle with it, the highest rate of suicide is by Teenagers, People who left Cults, People who lost a lifetime partner. 1 in 70 people kill themselves Some people OD Overdose others shoot themselves, others slit their wrists, There is hope though, if you are considering suicide call 1-800-273-8255


I want to commit suicide I’m sorry, I love you all but I hurt sorry that I didn’t feel good enough to stay sorry that I killed myself, sorry that I committed suicide, love you all

suiciding có nghĩa là

Something not enough people see as a problem. Suicidal people are just people that forgot, that it's ok.. To need love


Person: I'm depressed
Society: You're overreacting
Person: i cut myself
Society: It's for attention
Person commits suicide
Society: We didn't see the signs

suiciding có nghĩa là

A choice that some people make when they fear life more than death.


It's sad I heard she committed suicide she was nice I'll miss her.

suiciding có nghĩa là

when someone is murdered and then arranged in such a way to make the death seem like a suicide. the victim may also be forced to take his own life so that the real culprit leaves little to no evidence of wrongdoing. authorities rule the cause of death to be a plain old suicide which often means that no investigation is preformed.


the key witnesses were all suicided before they could testify. i guess they all were depressed or something. oh well. case dismissed!

suiciding có nghĩa là

Someone wishing they could go to sleep & never wake up.


If someone takes a couple ibuprofen because they want to sleep, I'd say maybe they have insomnia? If someone wants to take a couple bottles of ibuprofen because they want to sleep forever, I'd say maybe they could be suicidal?

suiciding có nghĩa là

Suicide is when a person has had enough of their life, to a point where they can't keep going, so they decide to kill themselves. Suicide isn't talked about enough, otherwise children wouldn't be dying, and parents wouldn't have to be crying. It's very sad, but it's also serious, it shouldn't be joked about, and unfortunately... Most people who commit suicide are bullied, and we need to take action towards this. Instead of teaching bullying at 12-14 teach it at 6-8. We shouldn't be afraid to let children know what's going out in the world, it just proves that it's really bad, and it's only going to get worse. Please remember you are beautiful, amazing, talented, loved and above all, human. You are going to have bad days, you are going to have good ones, just PLEASE PLEASE... Please, remember to keep your head up king/queen, you've got lots to loose...
Call 0101123, if you are having suicidal thought, stay awesome, I love you.


Bully: Haha, they killed themself! What a coward.
Me: They have been through a lot more than you'll ever experience in your whole life, also if they're cowards, how are all suicide methods painful? And it takes a lot of courage to kill yourself.

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