The task you are trying Remote Desktop busy

On connecting, user receives "Remote Desktop Service is currently busy" message

  • Article
  • 12/23/2021
  • 2 minutes to read
  • 4 contributors

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In this article

To determine an appropriate response to this issue, see the following:

  • Does the Remote Desktop Services service becomes unresponsive [for example, the remote desktop client appears to "hang" at the Welcome screen].
    • If the service becomes unresponsive, see RDSH server memory issue.
    • If the client appears to be interacting with the service normally, continue to the next step.
  • If one or more users disconnect their remote desktop sessions, can users connect again?
    • If the service continues to deny connections no matter how many users disconnect their sessions, see RD listener issue.
    • If the service begins accepting connections again after a number of users have disconnected their sessions, check the connection limit policy.

The task you are trying to do can’t be completed because Remote Desktop Services is currently busy

What causes the error remote desktop services is currently busy?

Sometimes users cannot connect to RDS Windows Server using the built-in RDP client [mstsc.exe] with the following error:

Pure Capsaicin



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Mar 30, 2020 at 14:20 UTC

Microsoft Remote Desktop Services expert

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I've never run into that on my 2012R2 RDS Server.

Could you be under [or over] provisioned? How much RAM is allocated? How many vCPU?


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Mar 30, 2020 at 14:52 UTC

Only time I've had this happen is a stale session where the user is still logged in but hung on like logging off.
If you go into task manager and kill the users connection [force logoff] does it allow them to connect?

Ending disconnected sessions rules usually help.

Also are you fully patched? This hasn't happened in a long time with my farm. I'm also running 2012R2


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Mar 30, 2020 at 17:29 UTC

From task manager I see "unknown" users. When I try "Sign off" nothing really happens.

We are fully patched.

At one time, today, I tried to RDP to an application. I got the notification as mentioned earlier in this thread, and then al of a sudden I was able to use the app via RDP. I mean, I did not try again but it looks like I got connection as a result of a previous request that was hanging.


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Mar 30, 2020 at 17:36 UTC

This is a VM that is not under my control. In server manager I found this:

This VM has many roles. DC,file,...

I can however monitor the server for CPU,RAM, etc with an external tool. I checked this in the past and saw nothing out of the ordinary. I think.


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Mar 30, 2020 at 18:02 UTC

Microsoft Remote Desktop Services expert

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8 gig of RAM? That seems very low for multiple users. I have more than that on my personal PC.

Also, see if you can find out how many vCPU are assigned. If someone messed that up it could also be the problem.


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Mar 31, 2020 at 08:02 UTC

Yeah, my PC has 16..

The VM has 2 vCPU's. RAM or CPU or other metrics do not seem to max out. Never. Except at reboot.


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Apr 7, 2020 at 06:57 UTC

DriekesHVD wrote:

Hi, new at RDP.

We have an issue that occurs intermittent. I saw many posts about this issue, but nothing that lead us closer to a solution.

Today, we had one user facing this notification . I restarted TERMSERVICE. That particular user was able to log in again and use the application, but then other users faced this notification, including myself.

Can this be considered as a windows bug? Or could somebody shed his/her light [again] on this issue.

To circumvent this, we reboot our 2012R2 VM nightly. I can give some more context if needed.

Regards and take care.

I found a workaround in this thread:

// .

Should I close this ticket [ the one I initiated] with status "No answer"? Or leave it open for now?


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Apr 7, 2020 at 10:54 UTC

Microsoft Remote Desktop Services expert

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If you've solved the issue mark the post with the solution as Best Answer. That helps anyone else that may find this thread, so they can quickly see your solution. It doesn't matter if the post you mark is your own, the idea is to help future readers.


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James5694 Aug 19, 2020 at 13:43 UTC

I know this post is a few months old, but there is a much faster way to fix this. From a machine that can see the locked up server,


Powershell this:


Invoke-Command ServerNameHere -Credential [Get-Credential] -ScriptBlock {Get-Process winlogon | Stop-Process -Force}

or use Enter-PSSession and stop the process that way.

Edit note: this will log off all users


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Remote Desktop Services is currently busy

If you ever see this error when a user is trying to log on to a Remote Desktop Server:

The task you are trying to do can't be completed because Remote Desktop Services is currently busy. Please try again in a few minutes. Other users should still be able to log on.

Log on as an Admin
Load Remote Desktop Services Manager
Switch to “Processes” tab [the user won’t be listed in the Users or Sessions tabs]
End any processes listed for that user

This is usually a Group Policy process getting stuck

Once the processes have ended, the user will be able to log on fine.

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