Vba listbox delete selected row

Deleting selected row in ListBox

Hi guys, newbie here.

I've been working on this project for weeks, and cant seem to make this one feature work.

I have a ListBox called ListBox1 that uses RowSource for the data.

Now what I would really like is to be able to delete a row from the worksheet depending on the item selected in the ListBox. I have used the delete last row method, but because the ListBox contains alot of data, I would prefer to have ability to select the item I wanted to delete.

Any help?

Much Appreciated,


Try this on some test data... Sub CommandButton3_Click[] ' Will move data to array and then move wanted data ' to a second array and repaste that back on to the spreadsheet ' currently TestCondition is the comparison in column A ' Change Sheet1 if your worksheet name is different. Const COMPARE_COL As Long = 1 Dim a, aNew[], nr As Long, nc As Long Dim r As Long, c As Long, rNew As Long Dim TestCondition As String, tmp a = Worksheets["Sheet1"].UsedRange nr = UBound[a, 1] nc = UBound[a, 2] ReDim aNew[1 To nr, 1 To nc] rNew = 0 TestCondition = lstDisplay.Selected[a] For r = 1 To nr tmp = a[r, COMPARE_COL] If tmp TestCondition Then rNew = rNew + 1 For c = 1 To nc aNew[rNew, c] = a[r, c] Next c TestCondition = tmp End If Next r Worksheets["Sheet1"].UsedRange = aNew End Sub

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