What are the most seductive candle scents?

For centuries, we optimistic humans have been searching out foods and remedies we believe are aphrodisiacs. At Dexter & Mason, we can’t resist delving deeper into stories about scent, so we’ve been reading up on traditional aphrodisiac fragrances.

We’ve written before about the relationship between smell and memory. Because the olfactory bulb passes through the  “feeling” part of our brains, it’s also closely linked to emotion. The science behind aphrodisiacs may be sketchy; however there’s definitely an argument that any smell which creates a good mood has to be a plus for romance.

So which scents are commonly regarded as aphrodisiacs? Here are a few of the most popular sensual scents together with recommendations for St Valentine’s Day scented candles. Some of our findings surprised us: who knew that home baking was so sexy? [The makers of Bake off were definitely onto something there…] We’ve gone for candles rather than diffusers, because as we all know, candlelight is so romantic…


Vanilla has a long association with love and romance; and in the ancient Totonec legend, vanilla first sprung from the blood of tragic, star-crossed lovers. Less romantically, when we were researching vanilla for our recent blog, we read that rats became more aroused when exposed to vanillin [apologies for that passion-killing image].

It’s thought that we humans love the smell because it makes us feel comforted and secure, with memories of warm childhood kitchens, home baking and comfort food. Feeling relaxed and at-ease plays a big part in which scents are considered sensual.

Best candle: Cardamom & Mimosa. Fresh and floral, with a hint of sexy spice and that warm vanilla base.


This heady base note was originally obtained from male musk deer glands; and its underlying richness seems to work on humans as well as does… Happily, today’s musks are usually synthetic and cruelty-free, but have still captured those earthy tones. If this fragrance could speak, it would have a warm, husky voice.

Best candle: Orchid Noir. Intense florals meet that woody, musky base for a touch of drama.


This beautiful flower symbolises love in several ancient cultures: an Indian Love God even uses jasmine blossom to soften his arrows. Its tropical scent transports us to warmer, more exotic climes – and that has to be a good thing for romance, right?

Best candle: Peony & Blush Suede. Jasmine brings its exotic edge to this sweet floral blend [and the base notes include rich musk].


Luxurious and warm, sandalwood is another comforting fragrance, redolent of wood fires and cosy nights in. It’s also used to create feelings of calm and contentment, and is a good scent to use if you want to feel happily relaxed.

Best candle: Blackberry & Bay has a splash of sandalwood for a smoky tone.


We were surprised to see lavender on so many lists of aphrodisiac fragrances, too. However, it seems that its fresh fragrance and calming properties are perfect for creating a romantic mood. And any fragrance promoted by Marilyn Monroe has to be a winner!

Best candle: Lavender, pure and simple.


Of course, for a touch of traditional romance, we had to include the rose. There must be something in the scent of a flower that’s been associated with love for so many centuries…

Best candle: English Rose. Both mellow and sweetly uplifting.

We hope that our list of sensual scents has inspired you to choose a romantic fragrance for Valentine’s Day. If you want to order a gorgeously romantic gift for your Valentine, take a look at our luscious selection of scents.

Candlelight is a tried-and-true way to set the mood for romance–just watch any classic rom-com where date nights are almost always illuminated by flickering candles and scattered with rose petals. Candles provide the perfect sensual glow for kindling a spark, but they can also surround you with scents proven to ignite attraction. 

If you’re looking for a way to spice up your next date night in, light a Homesick candle layered with one of the following flirty and sensual scents, sure to inspire romance and stir up flames between you and your partner that last long after you blow out the wick.  

Soft and Romantic Vanilla: A classic, lovable aroma, vanilla is a fragrance almost everyone would swipe right on.  And the age-old belief in vanilla’s aphrodisiac effects make us even more sweet on this beloved scent. Ideal for creating a soft, romantic ambiance, this subtly sugary aroma can be found paired with many other perfect date night scents in our specialty candles. Try lighting up an intimate evening with our vanilla and floral SoCal candle, with an added note of tonka bean–a similar but spicier sweet fragrance. 

Toasty and Earthy Vetiver: Heat up your date night in with the warm, woody aroma of vetiver. Sourced from a grass originating in India, and related to other aromatic botanicals like lemongrass and citronella, vetiver has an earthy and smoky scent. Reminiscent of snuggling up by a crackling fire, this fragrance is guaranteed to alight attraction. Find it mingling with a mix of other romantic aromas in our orange and vetiver Nebraska candle, perfect for perfuming a night spent cozied up with your significant other. 

Sugary and Indulgent Doughnuts: Surprisingly enough, the scent of this tasty, fried treat is a serious aphrodisiac, giving you all the more reason to indulge in dessert after a romantic dinner. Enjoy the syrupy aroma of this delicious confection in our doughnut, vanilla and musk Hanukkah candle, a sensual trio of scents that put the cherry on top of date night. 

Fruity and Energizing Orange: Another edible aphrodisiac, the scent of this citrus fruit has also been found to inspire sparks. A bright and energizing fragrance, orange’s fruity aroma is ideal for refreshing a routine date night. Set the mood with the attraction-arousing scents in our citrus and musk Arizona candle, perfect for making even takeout and a movie a little more exciting. 

Cool and Invigorating Peppermint: Looking for a scent to complement a spontaneous date night? The stimulating, mood-boosting aroma of peppermint is just what you need. Surprise your significant other with an impromptu intimate night in, perfumed with a crisp, invigorating peppermint scent. Layered with vetiver and musk, our peppermint Alaska candle is a sensory recipe for romance. 

Warm and Sensual Musk: Earthy and woody, the scent of musk is innately sensual, and layers well with other fragrances. A versatile aroma, you’ll find it provides a warm and enticing foundation for other romantic scents. Incorporate our Las Vegas candle into your date night set-up, and surround yourself and your partner with stimulating peppermint and sweet tonka bean, grounded in the attractive aroma of musk.

Flirty and Floral Jasmine: Evoking the romance of a surprise bouquet of flowers or the petal-scattered bedroom floors of those rom-com classics, sweet-smelling jasmine is also a well-known aphrodisiac, so much so that it’s been used to spark romance in the honeymoon suite. To kindle your own flames in the bedroom, make this fruity fragrance a part of every date night. In our citrus and floral Love candle, roses, peonies and jasmines form the perfect fragrant arrangement to share with your significant other. 

Set the Scene for Romance with Scent

Scent has exceptional sway over our emotions, so tapping into yours and your partner’s sense of smell is the perfect way to set the sensual mood for a date night in. Whether you’re having a chill movie night or sharing an intimate evening over a home-cooked meal, romantic candle scents can create the ideal ambiance. Homesick’s minimalist candles also make the best candles for the bedroom, lighting a spark as you snuggle up with your significant other at the end of the night. Light any one of Homesick’s date-night-ready scented candles and it’s sure to smell like love is in the air.

What candle scent is best for romance?

Patchouli and rosewood fragrances are known for their aphrodisiac effect. Uplifting floral scents can also cause sparks to fly, such as Lavender Lemongrass, Fresh Cut Roses, or Golden Gardenia. Other romantic options include jasmine, honeysuckle, or cherry blossom.

What scent is seductive?

Vanilla, jasmine, ginger, patchouli, sandalwood… all these are known to have great powers of attraction and provoke aphrodisiac reactions,” describes Ricci.

What is the most romantic scent?

5 Romantic Scents for Valentine's Day.
Rose. The rose is the most romantic flower of all, with its sweet and delicate scent. ... .
Jasmine. Jasmine is used in many different perfumes, and has a more exotic scent which makes it great for adding an aromatic floral smell to the fragrance. ... .
Vanilla. ... .
Lavender. ... .

What candle has the strongest scent?

But my nose doesn't lie when it determined that not one but two brands smelled strongest — WoodWick by Yankee Candle Co. and Bath & Body Works. It was really too close to call with these two, but they overpowered other candles I tried by far.

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