Which of the following AWS Support plans provide programmatic access to AWS support Centre features to create manage and close your support cases?

The Business Support plan offers resources for customers running production workloads on Amazon Web Services as well as any customers who:

  • Run one or more applications in production environments
  • Have multiple services activated, or use key services extensively
  • Depend on their business solutions to be available, scalable, and secure

Plan Detail and Resources

Technical Support

24x7 access to Cloud Support Engineers via email, chat & phone.

Customer Contacts

An unlimited number of contacts may open an unlimited number of cases [IAM supported].

Case Severity & Response Times*

Production System Down: < 1 hour
Production System Impaired: < 4 hours
System Impaired: < 12 hours
General Guidance: < 24 hours

Trusted Advisor - Full Checks

Access to the full set of Trusted Advisor checks and guidance to resources provision following best practices to help reduce cost, increase performance and fault tolerance, and improve security.

Infrastructure Event Management

Architecture and scaling guidance, and real-time operational support during the preparation and execution of planned events, product launches, and migrations. Available with Business Support for an additional fee.

Architecture Support - Business

Contextual guidance on how services fit together to meet your specific use-case, workload, or application.

Amazon Web Services Support API

Programmatic access to Amazon Web Services Support Center features to create, manage, and close your support cases, and operationally manage your Trusted Advisor check requests and status.

Third Party Software Support

Guidance, configuration, and troubleshooting of Amazon Web Services interoperability with many common operating systems, platforms, and application stack components.


Starts at ¥599 per month. See pricing detail.

For customers running business or mission critical applications on Amazon Web Services, we recommend alternative support options.

*Based on the severity of your inquiry, we will make every reasonable effort to respond to you within these timeframes.

Our support for Internet Explorer ends on 07/31/2022. Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

You can use the AWS Support API to create support cases programmatically instead of using the AWS Support Center in the AWS Management Console. You can add correspondences and attach files to your case, so that support agents can investigate and help resolve your issue. This topic provides examples of how to use the AWS Support API operations.

  • For a list of API operations, parameters, and data types that you can use for AWS Support, see the AWS Support API Reference.

  • For a list of languages that support the AWS Support API, choose an operation name, such as CreateCase, and in the See Also section, choose your preferred language.


  • Overview
  • Create an AWS Support client
  • Discover Amazon Web Services and issue severity levels
  • Create an attachment set
  • Create a support case
  • Retrieve and update support case communications
  • Retrieve all support case information
  • Resolve a support case
  • Service quotas for the AWS Support API


This topic uses Java code examples to demonstrate the use of AWS Support. For more information about SDK support, see Sample code & libraries.

Using IAM with the AWS Support API

AWS Identity and Access Management [IAM] is supported by the AWS Support API. For more information, see Access permissions for AWS Support.

Create an AWS Support client

The following Java code snippet shows how to create an AWSSupportClient, which is used to call the AWSSupportService. The createClient method gets AWS credentials by calling the AWSSupportClient[] constructor with no parameters, which retrieves credentials from the credentials provider chain. For more information about this process, see Tutorial: Grant access using an IAM role and the AWS SDK for Java in the AWS SDK for Java.

For more information about AWS credentials, see AWS security credentials in the AWS General Reference.

private static AWSSupportClient createClient[] { AWSSupportClient client = new AWSSupportClient[]; client.setEndpoint["//support.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"]; return client; }

Discover Amazon Web Services and issue severity levels

The AWS Support Java client provides a CreateCaseRequest type to submit a case programmatically to AWS Support. The CreateCaseRequest structure is populated with the request parameters and then passed to the createClient method on the AWSSupportClient instance. These parameters include codes that specify the AWS service and case severity.

The following Java code snippet demonstrates calls to the AWS Support DescribeServices and DescribeSeverityLevel operations.

// DescribeServices example public static void getServiceCodes[AWSSupportClient client] { DescribeServicesResult result = client.describeServices[]; for [Service service : result.getServices[]] { System.out.println["Service code [name]: " + service.getCode[] + "[" + service.getName[] + "]"]; for [Category category : service.getCategories[]] { System.out.println[" Category code [name]: " + category.getCode[] + "[" + category.getName[] + "]"]; } } } // DescribeSeverityLevels example public static void getSeverityLevels[AWSSupportClient client] { DescribeSeverityLevelsResult result = client.describeSeverityLevels[]; for [SeverityLevel level : result.getSeverityLevelsList[]] { System.out.println["Severity level [name]: " + level.getCode[] + level.getName[] + "]"]; } }

Each call returns a list of JSON-formatted objects. DescribeServices returns service codes and their corresponding names, and DescribeSeverityLevels returns severity levels and their corresponding names. In addition, DescribeServices also returns a list of AWS Support categories that apply to each AWS service. These categories are also used to open a support case by using the CreateCase operation. Although these values can also be obtained from the AWS Support site, the AWS Support service always returns the most recent version of this information.

Create an attachment set

To attach files to the case, you must add the attachments to an attachment set before creating the case. You can add up to three attachments to an attachment set, and the maximum size of any attachment in the set is 5 MB. For more information, see AddAttachmentsToSet.

The following Java code snippet creates a text file attachment, adds it to an attachment set, and then gets the ID of the attachment set for adding to the case.

public static string createAttachmentSet[] throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader[new InputStreamReader[System.in]]; // Get content and file name for an attachment. System.out.println["Enter text content for an attachment to the case: "]; String attachmentcontent = null; try { attachmentcontent = reader.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { e.printStackTrace[]; System.exit[1]; } System.out.println["Enter the file name for the attachment: "]; String attachmentfilename = null; try { attachmentfilename = reader.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { e.printStackTrace[]; System.exit[1]; } // Create the attachment. Attachment attachment1 = new Attachment[]; attachment1.setData[ByteBuffer.wrap[attachmentcontent.getBytes[]]]; attachment1.setFileName["attachmentfilename"]; // Add the attachment to an array list. List attachments = new ArrayList[]; attachments.add[attachment1]; // Create an attachment set and add the attachment array list to it. AddAttachmentsToSetRequest addAttachmentsToSetRequest = new AddAttachmentsToSetRequest[]; addAttachmentsToSetRequest.setAttachments[attachments]; AddAttachmentsToSetResult addAttachmentsToSetResult = client.addAttachmentsToSet[addAttachmentsToSetRequest]; // Get the ID of the attachment set. String attachmentsetid = addAttachmentsToSetResult.getAttachmentSetId[]; System.out.println["Attachment ID: " + attachmentsetid]; return attachmentsetid; }

Create a support case

To create an AWS Support case using the AWS Support service, populate a CreateCaseRequest instance with the following information:

  • ServiceCode – The AWS Support service code that you obtained by calling the DescribeServices operation, as described in the previous section.

  • CategoryCode – The category code that describes the type of issue the support case concerns.

  • Language – A code for the language that AWS Support provides support in. Currently, AWS supports English [en] and Japanese [ja].

  • CcEmailAddresses – A list of email addresses to receive copies of subsequent communications.

  • CommunicationBody – Text for the body of the initial case submission.

  • Subject – A title for the support case.

  • SeverityCode – One of the values returned by the call to DescribeSeverityLevels.

  • AttachmentSetId – [Optional] The ID of a set of file attachments to include with the case. The AddAttachmentsToSet operation returns the ID.

The following Java code snippet collects values for each of the case creation parameters from the command line. It then populates a CreateCaseRequest instance and passes them to AWS Support by calling the createCase method on an AWSSupportClient instance. If the call is successful, it returns an AWS Support CaseId value in the following format.


AWS Support provides both CaseId and DisplayId fields. The DisplayId field corresponds to the case number that is displayed on the AWS Support site. The CaseId field is for use in programmatic interactions with the AWS Support service. Both fields are exposed on the CaseDetails data type.

public static void createCase[AWSSupportClient client] throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader[new InputStreamReader[System.in]]; System.out.println["Enter an AWS service code: "]; String servicecode = null; try { servicecode = reader.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { e.printStackTrace[]; System.exit[1]; } System.out.println["Enter a category code: "]; String categorycode = null; try { categorycode = reader.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { e.printStackTrace[]; System.exit[1]; } System.out.println["Enter a language code, 'en' for English: "]; String language = null; try { language = reader.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { e.printStackTrace[]; System.exit[1]; } System.out.println["Enter an email address to copy on correspondence: "]; String ccemailaddress = null; try { ccemailaddress = reader.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { e.printStackTrace[]; System.exit[1]; } System.out.println["Enter body text for the case: "]; String communicationbody = null; try { communicationbody = reader.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { e.printStackTrace[]; System.exit[1]; } System.out.println["Enter a subject for the case: "]; String casesubject = null; try { casesubject = reader.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { e.printStackTrace[]; System.exit[1]; } System.out.println["Enter the severity code for the case: "]; String severitycode = null; try { severitycode = reader.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { e.printStackTrace[]; System.exit[1]; } System.out.println["Enter the attachment set ID for the case: "]; String attachmentsetid = null; try { attachmentsetid = reader.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { e.printStackTrace[]; System.exit[1]; } CreateCaseRequest request = new CreateCaseRequest[] .withServiceCode[servicecode] .withCategoryCode[categorycode] .withLanguage[language] .withCcEmailAddresses[ccemailaddress] .withCommunicationBody[communicationbody] .withSubject[casesubject] .withSeverityCode[severitycode] .withAttachmentSetId[attachmentsetid]; CreateCaseResult result = client.createCase[request]; System.out.println["CreateCase[] Example: Case created with ID " + result.getCaseId[]]; }

Retrieve and update support case communications

AWS Support cases usually result in communication between the customer and AWS Support professionals. AWS Support provides the DescribeCommunications and DescribeAttachment operations to retrieve this correspondence, and the AddAttachmentsToSet and AddCommunicationToCase operations to update the case. These operations use the Communication data type to pass updates to the service and return them to your code.

The following Java code snippet adds communication to an AWS Support case. In the example, a private printCommunicationsmethod is provided for your convenience.

public static void addCommunication[AWSSupportClient client] { System.out.println["Enter the CaseID for the case you want to update."]; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader[new InputStreamReader[System.in]]; String caseid = null; try { caseid = reader.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { e.printStackTrace[]; System.exit[1]; } System.out.println["Enter text you want to add to this case."]; String addcomm = null; try { addcomm = reader.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { e.printStackTrace[]; System.exit[1]; } AddCommunicationToCaseRequest request = new AddCommunicationToCaseRequest[].withCaseId[caseid] .withCommunicationBody[addcomm]; client.addCommunicationToCase[request]; System.out.println[ "AddCommunication[] Example: Call GetCommunications[] " + "if you want to see if the communication was added."]; } // DescribeCommunications example public static void getCommunications[AWSSupportClient client] throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader[new InputStreamReader[System.in]]; String caseNumber = null; System.out.println["Enter a CaseID"]; caseNumber = reader.readLine[].trim[]; { DescribeCommunicationsRequest request = new DescribeCommunicationsRequest[] .withCaseId[caseNumber.toString[]]; DescribeCommunicationsResult result = client.describeCommunications[request]; printCommunications[result.getCommunications[]]; // Get more pages. while [result.getNextToken[] != null] { request.setNextToken[result.getNextToken[]]; result = client.describeCommunications[request]; printCommunications[result.getCommunications[]]; System.out.println[ "GetCommunications[] Example: Case communications retrieved" + " for case number " + request.getCaseId[].toString[]]; } } } private static void printCommunications[List communications] { for [Communication communication : communications] { System.out.println["SubmittedBy: " + communication.getSubmittedBy[]]; System.out.println[" Body: " + communication.getBody[]]; } }

DescribeCommunications returns the five most recent communications from a support case. Also, DescribeCommunications takes a list of CaseId values, which lets you retrieve communications for multiple cases in a single call.

Retrieve all support case information

You can retrieve all the information associated with your AWS Support cases by calling the DescribeCases operation. You populate a DescribeCasesRequest data type with a list of ClientId values, which are returned by each case when a successful createCase request returns.

The following Java code snippet accepts CaseId values from the console and populates a DescribeCasesRequest instance for use by the DescribeCases operation. A private printCases method is provided for your convenience.

public static void getCases[AWSSupportClient client] { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader[new InputStreamReader[System.in]]; System.out.println["Enter an AWS Support Case ID"]; String caseid = null; try { caseid = reader.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { e.printStackTrace[]; System.exit[1]; } DescribeCasesRequest request = new DescribeCasesRequest[]; request.withCaseIdList[caseid]; DescribeCasesResult result = client.describeCases[request]; printCases[result.getCases[]]; // Get more pages. while [result.getNextToken[] != null] { request.setNextToken[result.getNextToken[]]; result = client.describeCases[request]; printCases[result.getCases[]]; } } private static void printCases[List caseDetailsList] { for [CaseDetails caseDetails : caseDetailsList] { System.out.println[ "Case ID: " + caseDetails.getCaseId[]]; // This ID is for API use. System.out.println[ " Display ID: " + caseDetails.getDisplayId[]]; // This ID is displayed on the AWS Support website. System.out.println[" Language: " + caseDetails.getLanguage[]]; System.out.println[" Status: " + caseDetails.getStatus[]]; System.out.println[" Subject: " + caseDetails.getSubject[]]; System.out.println["Recent Communications: " + caseDetails.getRecentCommunications[]]; } }

The DescribeCases operation takes parameters that let you control the number of cases, types of cases, and amount of detail to retrieve. For more information, see the DescribeCases operation.

Resolve a support case

AWS Support provides a ResolveCase operation to resolve your own support cases. The following Java code example demonstrates its use.

public static void resolveSupportCase[AWSSupportClient client] { System.out.println[ "Enter the AWS Support case ID for the case you want to resolve."]; BufferedReader BR = new BufferedReader[new InputStreamReader[System.in]]; String caseid = null; try { caseid = BR.readLine[].trim[]; } catch [IOException e] { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace[]; } ResolveCaseResult rcr = client.resolveCase[new ResolveCaseRequest[].withCaseId[caseid]]; System.out.println["Initial case status: " + rcr.getInitialCaseStatus[]]; System.out.println["Final case status: " + rcr.getFinalCaseStatus[]]; }

Service quotas for the AWS Support API

The following table describes the current quotas for the AWS Support API.


Default value

The maximum number of AWS Support cases that you can create.

10 per hour

The maximum number of AWS Support API operations that you can perform per second.


The maximum number of AWS Trusted Advisor API operations that you can perform per second.


What is the AWS Support feature that allows customers to manage support cases programmatically?

The AWS Support API Reference is intended for programmers who need detailed information about the AWS Support operations and data types. You can use the API to manage your support cases programmatically. The AWS Support API uses HTTP methods that return results in JSON format.

Which of the following in the AWS support plans gives access to a support concierge?

Which support plan includes AWS Support Concierge Service? Enterprise Support - The AWS Support Concierge Service is available only for the Enterprise plan subscribers.

What are the 4 support plans offered by AWS support?

AWS Support offers five support plans: Basic. Developer. Business..
One-on-one responses to account and billing questions..
Support forums..
Service health checks..
Documentation, technical papers, and best practice guides..

Which AWS Support Plan provides access to cloud support associates by way of email only during business hours?

With its Enhanced Technical Support, the Enterprise Support plan provides you with 24×7 access to the AWS Cloud Support Engineers via phone, chat, and email. You can also have an unlimited number of contacts that can open an unlimited amount of cases.

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