Why does remote desktop keep disconnecting?

  • Is the remote or your Win 7 box set to "log off" after a timeout instead of "lock"?

  • Open gpedit.msc

    Browse to Computer Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> Windows Components --> Remote Desktop Services --> Remote Desktop Session Host --> Session Time Limits.

    Enable the "Set time limit for disconnected sessions" and set it to Never

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  • I know with remote desktop with terminal server there is a setting that will log off an inactive connection after a certain time.  A group policy can control this any may be applying to the windows 7 boxes as well.  Ours is set to keep the session alive for an indefinite amount of time.

    Here's the policy and details:


  • What is the operating system of the computer you are remoting into?  I know Microsoft allows up 2 two users to be logged into the same box without have terminal server licensing.

  • It is a Windows 7 box that is being remoted into. From either a Windows 7 or XP machine. I have already tried setting up the session time limits but it hasn't been working.

  • Check your active directory for user properties, under sessions make sure End a disconnected session, Active session limit, and Idle session limit are all set to never.

  • They already are. Just double checked.

  • I found that if I change the Local Security Policy under Local Policies->Security Options-> Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL+ALT+Del" to Enabled, the problem dissapears.

  • curious.... are both users logging in to the same Win 7 box?  are you just punting eachother "coincidentally"?

  • No these are different Win 7 boxes. These are our own desktops that we are remoting into.

  • This keeps sounding like you have a rogue GPO in place somewhere.  Have you done a gpresults and see what pops up on the remote PCs?

  • I am running it on both machines and nothing looks out of the ordinary.

  • So the problem is only on a few of your Windows 7 boxes.  Have you had one of the people this is happening to log into a different machine to see if the results are the same?

    Are you using roaming profiles or redirected folders?

  • Yes I've tried that. I can remote into other machines no problem. It doesn't matter which machine I remote from when I am remoting into my problem child one it always does it.

    No I'm not using roaming profiles or redirected folders.

  • How many machines are affected, that you know of?  Just one?

  • Two. Mine and one of the users. We are the only two it happens to.

  • I remember reading that article. It didn't work. Everything is already set to never.

  • And if someone else other than you and the other person this affects logs into the afflicted machines?  Does it exhibit the same behavior?

    I'd create a user, log in with them and see if it happens the same way.  At least then you'll know if it's a machine issues or a user issue.

  • had the same problem. figured it out finally!

    someone at work had set me up with my own OU so i could stay rdp'd longer than the default time permitted for users, well they also set it to 'terminate disconnected session' after 12 hours [unbeknownst to me]. so after looking at all the wrong OU's and wild goose chases for a while, i finally figured i would check my OU, but ADUC only showed that I had an OU not the settings, so i had to go into GPMC to see the actual settings for my OU and boom, there it was - TERMINATE DISCONNECTED SESSION = 12 HOURS... BOOO HISSS! changed to never, game over!

    hope this helps, someone somehow...

  • how do i check this?

  • Perfect simple answer.

    Thank You

  • Jayse wrote:

    Open gpedit.msc

    Browse to Computer Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> Windows Components --> Remote Desktop Services --> Remote Desktop Session Host --> Session Time Limits.

    Enable the "Set time limit for disconnected sessions" and set it to Never

    This also works with windows 8.1

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  • lancehoggan wrote:

    Jayse wrote:

    Open gpedit.msc

    Browse to Computer Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> Windows Components --> Remote Desktop Services --> Remote Desktop Session Host --> Session Time Limits.

    Enable the "Set time limit for disconnected sessions" and set it to Never

    This also works with windows 8.1

    Thanks for the props lancehoggan.  Glad to know this works on Windows 8.  Did you have to download the client-side extensions for the GPO to work?

  • Session settings for AD User was set to disconnect in after one hour. Problem solved. Thanks jayse.

  • HalfPastJohn wrote:

    Session settings for AD User was set to disconnect in after one hour. Problem solved. Thanks jayse.

    My pleasure HPJ.  Glad people are still getting use out of this thread.

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