Assassins creed 4 đánh giá năm 2024

I was very skeptical when this game was announced last year, after just experiencing Assassin's Creed III i wasn't in any hurry to play the next. In my opinion i thought Ubisoft had taken the series back a step and it wa... Read Full Review

25 of 28 users found the following review helpful

  • A true adventure

    By ganky12ellis | Review Date: Apr 04, 2022 | PS4 Warning: SpoilersThe Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag reviewAre ya ready kids! Aye aye Captain Kenway! Ow yeah. Well, as I went through this game there was no stopping my exploration needs. Every ten square meter island ... Read Full Review 1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Not an awful game, yet it is not a good game.

    By oc_ta_vi_an | Review Date: Sep 11, 2021 | PC The game comes as a spin-off of Assassin's Creed Black Flag with another protagonist called Adewale. He is an ex-slave and now he is part of the Brotherhood. He is shipwrecked and gets to Porte-au-Prince where the slave... Read Full Review 1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Good but tough

    By hridayramshenoy | Review Date: Jun 20, 2021 | PC Being a fan of the AC franchise, I decided to use the COVID home time to get back to gaming. And what better a series to start with than Assassin's Creed. It took me a while to familiarize myself with the ways of the Ass... Read Full Review 1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Competent, but not outstanding.

    By Modranto | Review Date: Feb 04, 2019 | PC Summary:Braving giant waves amid a storm, launching a naval assault on an island fort, going toe-to-toe with a Spanish Man-o-War: These are the kind of pirate adventures we dream of when we're young. Assassin's Creed IV:... Read Full Review 1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • a pirate experience

    By phantomdark | Review Date: Mar 09, 2018 | PS4 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is the game's favorite saga of great parts of the public, it is in fact the most game has had changes since the Assassins Creed 2, now the naval battles is something present in the game, i... Read Full Review 1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
  • Great looking but appears to be buggy

    By kuya42na | Review Date: Jan 02, 2018 | PC i have played this game only recently and im not dissapointed on its gameplay and graphics which exceeded AC3. however i have encountered some bugs ingame. for example some mission doesn't show the target properly, the ... Read Full Review 1 of 1 users found the following review helpful

It's another AC game...

By protter | Review Date: Oct 19, 2016 | PS3

There's not much to say about this game that probably hasn't been said. It's a good game, and if you're fairly new to the series, it probably feels like a great game. It looks stunning. It's got a pretty cool story. It's... Read Full Review

While Black Flag feels very much like an Assassin's Creed game, its gameplay reminds me more of Sid Meier's Pirates! wrought in glorious 3D. As in that classic game, you are free to sail wherever your heart desires, and be as dastardly or as benign as you like. Embodying Edward Kenway and living through his adventures on the seas, while also experiencing his struggle with Assassins and Templars alike, is pure escapist delight.

All the distinguishing features of the series – the Templars, parkour and brutal assassinations – are here, but now they are not the core, they are just elements of the best pirate game ever, of a Red Dead Redemption at sea. [13/2013, p.52]

great Pirate game with good combat a great story and agood Open world over all 8 out of 10

Un jeux que j'ai poncé pendant mon enfance même à l'heure actuelle je le re-ponce et je me dit que c'est vraiment un très bon jeux merci à ubisoft de nous avoir sortie cette merveille à l'époque

It has taken the gameplay of the previous games, refined it, and combined it with a huge open world that is packed with enough content to literally last for days. If you have ever wanted a proper pirate game, this is as good as it gets.

The game is stunning, and the Caribbean makes for a gorgeous setting.

We didn't like going out of the animus, the mission structure gets repetitive real fast and the framerate isn't always as solid as it should be. Nevertheless, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag offers a great and varied experience, mostly thanks to the expertly designed world you get to explore.

The seafaring aspect of Black Flag is where much of the fun lies, but things feel a little too familiar every time Kenway sets foot on land. Climb buildings, collect items, infiltrate fortresses, assassinate targets. If you've grown weary of this formula, you'll count the minutes until you're back out at sea, plundering ships, harpooning sharks and diving for sunken treasure.

Pirate fans will merrily pick this up and discover a solid purchase, but the rest might want to hold out in hopes of something different from next year’s iteration.

Great character and story but in some mission very boring and too much tailing mission

The FPS rate of this game is very bad, sometimes it is at 30 and out of nowhere it drops to 20/18 and this really hinders our experience and fun

Quem vai salga o pexe caraio? Bota nego pra canta e vamo pelo mar ai. Cacetada. Se metade do jogo n fosse ficar seguindo nego andando lentamente igual uma idosa com as costa travada eu dava uma nota melhor. Fora isso, very nice.

Big map with little substance, most islands look the same and are very linear, the same goes for most other activities like hunting or diving, they are a copy/paste job with little dynamic. Weather feels too scripted and predictable as well. Story is boring with intrusive tutorials throughout. Fighting and naval combat were better in AC3, it's more arcadey in BF and animations are also a considerable downgrade as is the A.I and notoriety system. There's little incentive to explore as most treasure is auto converted to gold when there could have been some depth to the trading and far more interesting items and customization options, but it's like every other aspect about this game, it has no depth. There's some fun to be had but at heart it's little more than a superficial title with pretty graphics.

The gameplay is great. The fighting for me is better than it was in previous games. Pirates thing is quite nice. And boat fights are pretty great. But I was disappointed very much with the general storyline (DESMOND, PRESENT DAYS STORYLINE). No questions answered, some new stupid questions raised and basically those new questions are not so important. So after playing this game, looking from the storyline point of view you can say that you found out absolutely nothing that could interest you. People may skip this game and move on to the following part, which will be probably show up next year and won't feel that they missed something. Anyway, disappointing.

Summary The year is 1715. Pirates rule the waters of the Caribbean and have established a lawless Republic. Among these outlaws is a lethal young captain named Edward Kenway. His notorious exploits earn the respect of legends like Blackbeard, but draw him into an ancient war that may destroy everything the pirates have built for themselves.