Lỗi uninitialized local variable a used trong links list năm 2024

This local variable may be used before it is defined. If a variable is assigned to in a function and not explicitly declared global or nonlocal then it is assumed to be a local variable. If it is used before it is defined then an UnboundLocalError will be raised.


Review the code and consider the intended scope of the variable. Determine whether the variable should be global or local in scope. If a global variable is required then add a global statement, or in Python 3 you can use a nonlocal statement if the variable occurs in an enclosing function. Otherwise, ensure that the variable is defined before it is used.


The following code includes different functions that use variables. test1() fails with an UnboundLocalError because the local variable var is used before it is initialized.

Em viết code bài tìm ngày kế tiếp tự dưng bị lỗi c4700:uninitialized local variable 'x' used tiền bối nào giải thích giúp với




typedef struct { int ngay; int thang; }ngaythang; ngaythang nhap(char *m); void xuat(ngaythang n); ngaythang ngayketiep(ngaythang n); void main() { ngaythang n,ngaykt; n = nhap("moi nhap ngay thang"); ngaykt = ngayketiep(n); xuat(ngaykt); _getch(); } ngaythang nhap(char *m) { ngaythang n; printf(m); do {

printf("moi nhap ngay: ");  
scanf_s("%d", &n.ngay);  
if (n.ngay > 31 || n.ngay < 1)  
  printf("khong thoa man moi nhap lai\n");  
} while (n.ngay>31 || n.ngay < 1); do {
printf("moi nhap thang: ");  
scanf_s("%d", &n.thang);  
if (n.thang>12 || n.ngay < 1)  
  printf("khong thoa man moi nhap lai\n");  
} while (n.thang>12 || n.thang < 1); return n; } void xuat(ngaythang n) { printf("ngay %d, thang %d", n.ngay, n.thang); } ngaythang ngayketiep(ngaythang n) { ngaythang x; //tim ngay ke tiep if (n.ngay != 30 && n.ngay != 31)
else if (n.ngay == 30)
switch (n.thang)  
  case 4:  
  case 6:  
  case 9:  
  case 11:  
    x.ngay = 1;  
  case 2:  
    printf("thang 2 ko co ngay 30");  
    x.ngay = 31;  
else {
switch (n.thang)  
case 4:  
case 6:  
case 9:  
case 11:  
  printf("thang nay khong co ngay 31");  
case 2:  
  printf("thang 2 khong co ngay 31");  
  x.ngay = 1;  
} //tim thang ke tiep if (n.thang == 12)
x.thang = 1;  
return x; }

My issue is i am getting error C4700: uninitialized local variable 'response' used on line 26. I know it's probably something simple I'm completely missing please help.

The local Driver's License Office has asked you to write a program which grades the written portion of the driver's license exam. The exam has 20 multiple choice questions. The correct answers are:

1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. D 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. B

In main, declare an array and initialize it with the above correct answers. Also declare a second array for an exam taker's answers, and get a text file name from the user.

  1. have the user enter 20 answers from an exam taker and write the answers to the text file (validate that the answers are A, B, C, or D). See the 20 exam taker's answers below.

Hint: open (and close) the file in the function.

  1. read the text file of the exam taker's answers and store them in the exam taker's array, which was declared in main.

@ngoisaochip wrote:

include "stdafx.h"

include "conio.h"

include "iostream"

include "stdio.h"

struct SinhVien { char strMSSV[9]; char strHoTen[30]; char strNamSinh[5]; float fDiemTrungBinh; }; struct SinhVienNode { SinhVien info; SinhVienNode pNext; }; struct List { SinhVienNode pHead; SinhVienNode pTail; }; void XuatDanhSach(SinhVienNode p); void init(List & L); SinhVienNode getNode(char MSSV[9], char HoTen[30], char NamSinh[5], float DiemTrungBinh); void addFirst(List & l, SinhVienNode p); void addTail(List & l, SinhVienNode p); SinhVienNode insertHead (List & l, char MSSV[9], char HoTen[30], char NamSinh[5], float DiemTrungBinh); SinhVienNode insertTail (List & l, char MSSV[9], char HoTen[30], char NamSinh[5], float DiemTrungBinh); void addAfter(List & l, SinhVienNode q, SinhVienNode p); void main() { List lop18TH01; int a, b; init(lop18TH01); do { printf("Nhap so luong sinh vien muon them: "); scanf_s("%d", &a); } while (a < 1); printf("\n"); SinhVienNode p; char strMSSV[9]; char strHoTen[30]; char strNamSinh[5]; float fDiemTrungBinh; for (int i=1; i<=a; i++) { printf("Sinh vien thu %d:", i); printf("Nhap vao MSSV: "); scanf_s("%s", &p->info.strMSSV); printf("Nhap vao ho va ten: "); scanf_s("%s", &p->info.strHoTen); printf("Nhap vao nam sinh: "); scanf_s("%s", &p->info.strNamSinh); printf("Nhap vao diem trung binh: "); scanf_s("%f", &p->info.fDiemTrungBinh); p = getNode(strMSSV, strHoTen, strNamSinh, fDiemTrungBinh); addTail(lop18TH01, p); } /

_getch(); system("cls"); do { printf("1 \t\n"); printf("2 \t\n"); printf("3 \t\n"); printf("4 \t\n"); printf("5 \t\n"); printf("0 \t\n"); printf("Chon: "); scanf_s("%d", &b); system("cls"); switch (b) { case 1: break; case 2: _getch(); break; case 3: _getch(); break; case 4: _getch(); break; case 5: _getch(); break; }; system("cls"); } while (a != 0);

/ _getch(); } void XuatDanhSach(SinhVienNode p) { printf("%s - %s - %s - %.1f\n", p->info.strMSSV, p->info.strHoTen, p->info.strNamSinh, p->info.fDiemTrungBinh); } void init(List & l) { l.pHead = l.pTail = NULL; } SinhVienNode getNode(char MSSV[9], char HoTen[30], char NamSinh[5], float DiemTrungBinh) { SinhVienNode p = new SinhVienNode; if (p == NULL) return NULL; strcpy_s (p->info.strMSSV, MSSV); strcpy_s (p->info.strHoTen, HoTen); strcpy_s (p->info.strNamSinh, NamSinh); p->info.fDiemTrungBinh = DiemTrungBinh; p->pNext = NULL; return p; } void addFirst(List & l, SinhVienNode p) { if (l.pHead == NULL) l.pHead = l.pTail = p; else{ p->pNext = l.pHead; l.pHead = p; } } void addTail(List & l, SinhVienNode p) { if (l.pHead == NULL) l.pHead = l.pTail = p; else { l.pTail->pNext = p; l.pTail = p; } } SinhVienNode insertHead(List & l, char MSSV[9], char HoTen[30], char NamSinh[5], float DiemTrungBinh) { SinhVienNode p = getNode (MSSV, HoTen, NamSinh, DiemTrungBinh); if (p != NULL) { addFirst (l, p); return p; } return NULL; } SinhVienNode insertTail (List & l, char MSSV[9], char HoTen[30], char NamSinh[5], float DiemTrungBinh) { SinhVienNode p = getNode (MSSV, HoTen, NamSinh, DiemTrungBinh); if (p != NULL) { addTail (l, p); return p; } return p; } void addAfter(List & l, SinhVienNode q, SinhVienNode *p)

{ if (q != NULL) { p->pNext = q->pNext; q->pNext = p; } if (q = l.pTail) l.pTail = p; addFirst(l, p); }

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