avids là gì - Nghĩa của từ avids

avids có nghĩa là

Enthusiastic, dedicated, keenly desirous.
-Having an unbound craving.

Ví dụ

•an avid moviegoer.

•avid for pleasure.

•avid for adventure.

avids có nghĩa là

A class where kids can see into the future. They will find success, glory, riches, and fame in avid. This future is easily attainable only in Avid. Cause in Avid you learn to be intelligent and responsible. Sure it may be boring in the beginning, but stick with it and you will find the pot of gold in the end of the rainbow. Pot of gold= College , College=fun and crazy times

Ví dụ

•an avid moviegoer.

avids có nghĩa là

A girl who enjoys to go skydiving and eat pie 24/7. sometimes this person will eat pie WHILE skydiving. They have major skill and are EXTREMELY unpredictable.

Ví dụ

•an avid moviegoer.

avids có nghĩa là

•avid for pleasure.

•avid for adventure. A class where kids can see into the future. They will find success, glory, riches, and fame in avid. This future is easily attainable only in Avid. Cause in Avid you learn to be intelligent and responsible. Sure it may be boring in the beginning, but stick with it and you will find the pot of gold in the end of the rainbow. Pot of gold= College , College=fun and crazy times Avid class of 09, pure success, pure gold A girl who enjoys to go skydiving and eat pie 24/7. sometimes this person will eat pie WHILE skydiving. They have major skill and are EXTREMELY unpredictable.

Ví dụ

•an avid moviegoer.

avids có nghĩa là

Someone that partakes in pulling off incredibly stupid stunts, convinced by their peer pressuring friends and their cheap wagers.

Ví dụ

•avid for pleasure.

avids có nghĩa là

•avid for adventure.

Ví dụ

A class where kids can see into the future. They will find success, glory, riches, and fame in avid. This future is easily attainable only in Avid. Cause in Avid you learn to be intelligent and responsible. Sure it may be boring in the beginning, but stick with it and you will find the pot of gold in the end of the rainbow. Pot of gold= College , College=fun and crazy times

avids có nghĩa là

Avid class of 09, pure success, pure gold

Ví dụ

A girl who enjoys to go skydiving and eat pie 24/7. sometimes this person will eat pie WHILE skydiving. They have major skill and are EXTREMELY unpredictable.

avids có nghĩa là

"Wow! You've almost finished the entire pumpkin pie. Quit being such an Avid!"

Ví dụ

As defined by the man who coined the term:

avids có nghĩa là

"An Avid fart is an annoying editing technique that involves flashing through a bunch of frames or sped up shots, usually accompanied by a "whoosh" or "thoooom" or "choooonk" sound effect. I believe it was originally used for things like in that Lance Henriksen TV show Millennium when he had a psychic vision. But then they started using it just as a meaningless transition between scenes in many movies and TV shows, because they think it adds production value or style. But it really just makes it seem shitty.

Ví dụ

Bob is an avid smoker.

avids có nghĩa là

I call it the Avid fart because Avid is the name of the first commonly used digital editing system, and it's this technology that has made Avid farts easy. So editors with no self control start pushing buttons thinking they are adding to the movie by throwing in all kinds of annoying crap that does not add to the movie."

Ví dụ

Omg you’re so avid.

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