breeder là gì - Nghĩa của từ breeder

breeder có nghĩa là

Someone who reproduces at least once, and appears to have no concept of how to raise a child.
Breeders often have skewed reasoning [or no reasoning] behind their decision to give birth, such as:

"Why did I have kids? Well...that's just what you do, isn't it? You can't not have kids..."
"I didn't want kids, but he/she said that if we didn't have any, he/she would leave me, so I had to really."
"It sorts out all the problems in your relationship! No, really!"
"My parents wanted grandchildren."
"If you have kids, you get a free house and allowance from the tax-payers!"
"The bible says so."

Breeders are easily spotted by the following:

- their determination to ignore the havoc wreaked by their snotty brat

- the tendancy to change nappies on restaurant tables and other inappropriate places

- their complete and utter outrage when someone asks them to prevent their child from misbehaving

- their cries of "he/she's just a chyyyuld" if you refuse to comply with their ickle precious's every whim

- their often unkept appearance, the stains of baby-food on their t-shirts, greasy skin because they didn't have time to shower between popping out to buy their fags and dropping their brat off at his dad's council flat.

This term is often associated with the childfree, though it is sometimes used by others. It is not used to describe those who do a decent job of raising their kids.


"On the bus the other day, this mother and her kid got on, and the kid tried to take my book. I told him it was mine and he had a massive tantrum. Even worse, his mum actually tried to persuade me to give him my book, because he was 'just a child'! God, what a breeder!"

breeder có nghĩa là

1. People who feel it is their need to pop out as many children as they can, even if they don't have the money to do so. People who actually work for a living are generally the ones who pay for their little sprogs. They also try to claim that it is selfish to NOT want children! Needless to say, they are not very bright.

2. They are usually pro-life people.


breeder có nghĩa là

1. derogatory term to describe heterosexuals, usually when engaged in an extended relationship [eg. marriage] with a partner of the opposite sex.
2. Derogatory term used by inner city dwellers [of ANY sexual inclination] to define inhabitants of the suburbs who subscribe to - and are enslaved by - their desire to procreate.


example - im going out to breedersville on the weekend to visit my sister.

[breedersville - read 'suburbs']

breeder có nghĩa là

Most often used in the derogatory to describe people that elect the suburban middle class lifestyle because they are so inept the only possible way they can contribute anything to society is to produce offspring. Typical cycle goes as follows: schooling -> job -> marriage -> children -> death. Their children also tend to grow up to become breeders and the cycle continues. True "breeders" can be compared to animals such as rabbits or cattle that do nothing but multiply by breeding. The term probably got its start in the GLBT community but has since gained outside popularity.


After college, you'll get a job and marry some girl or boy. Then you two can get fat and raise children in your nice house with a white picket fence and all the other breeders.

The song Little Boxes by Malvina Reynolds describes breeders.

breeder có nghĩa là

a noun. someone whose sole purpose is to have babies. They define their existence solely based on how many kids they have and how big their family is. see also "heterosexual"


"joe always talks about his kids"
"yes, joe is a breeder."

breeder có nghĩa là

a straight person. a heterosexual.


James is a breeder, Joe is not, he's a gay.

breeder có nghĩa là

A heterosexual. A carbon footprint enhancer. That group of humans most responsible for global warming, deforestation and a depletion of the ozone layer. A propagator.


In addition to being Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin is a prolific breeder.

breeder có nghĩa là

A heterosexual person. Formerly, this was an insult used by the gay community; it is now mostly used by straight people in a lighthearted vein to [mistakenly] show that they are down with gays and familiar with the culture.


Hey, we're throwing a barbecue next Saturday, and we'd love it if you could come. That is, if you don't mind hanging out with a bunch of breeders all day! Ha ha!

breeder có nghĩa là

a fat hillbilley who has mutiple kids and is overweight. one can usually find a breeder around the 1st of the month at wal-mart cashing thier ssi checks, using thier food-stamps and or planning thier next accidental child. it is a rule among breeders that they are all related to kid rock and willie nelson in one way or another


man on cell phone: yes dear i picked picked up the red mini blinds i am just waiting on a fat breeder to pay for her groceries.
wife on the phone: what is taking so long?
man on phone: well this cow is trying to use her food stamps to but a pack of smokes, o great now she is going through all 11 of her kids to see which one knows the pin for her food stamp card. wait she found it, its tattooed on her right thigh, right above her kid rock tat

breeder có nghĩa là

a flippant term which can be used by anyone who is child-free, straight or gay, to describe those who have children ... and have earned this derisive label because of their general attitude of superiority toward those who do not have children


"Shit, what's with these friends who hit you up for a wedding gift, you don't hear from them, and then they resurface to hit you up for baby gifts?"
"What do you expect? That's typical breeder behavior."

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