cannabis là gì - Nghĩa của từ cannabis

cannabis có nghĩa là

Cannabis is a leafy plant which grows wild in many of the tropic and temperate areas of the world. It is cultivated both indoors and out for the production of its flowering tops. The most commonly used form of cannabis are the leaves and flowering tops [buds] which may be either smoked or eaten; It also comes in a more concentrated resinous form called hashish, and as a sticky black liquid called hash oil. There are three distinct species of cannabis: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis, though there is some argument as to whether these should be considered varieties rather than species. Most recreationally used cannabis is the result of interbreeding between these three types. The term 'hemp' is generally used to describe low-thc varieties of cannabis which are grown for industrial uses.


Cannabis gets me lifted!

cannabis có nghĩa là

the actual name of a marijuana plant


cannabis có nghĩa là

A Plant that has been banned for nearly a century even though mankind and cannabis co-evolved. Other names include Pot, Weed, Ganja, Hash, Etc.
The Legalise Cannabis Alliance are trying to rectify this situation.
Cannabis Sativa [Hemp] has an estimated 25,000 uses other than it's most well known drug status.


Cannabis Sativa, Indica and ruderalis are all the same plant but grown in different parts of the world

cannabis có nghĩa là

The one plant that could cure all of our economical, agricultural, social, and FUTURE problems. If only the big corporations would worry about their children's children instead of their bank account.


Cannabis will save the world if you let it.

cannabis có nghĩa là

An herb which is usually smoked to get high. Symptoms include: short-term memory loss, hightened senses, creativity, hunger, general well-being, and in some cases, hallucinations.

Cannabis has basically no negative side-effects except mental addiction in few cases. Unlike what someone else said, YOU CANNOT DIE FROM SMOKING CANNABIS. There have been absolutely no deaths from only cannabis. I know someone who smoked 12 bowls of it in one night and just passed out drooling on the floor.

Better than alcohol because you don't get a hangover, and plenty of people can drive very well when stoned.


I just bought 1/8oz of cannabis.

cannabis có nghĩa là

Cannabis is the genus of plant that divides into three species: Sativa, Indica, and Ruderalis. Sativa is the only specie that produces THC which gives you the head high. Indica produces other cannabinoids which give you the tired and stoned feeling. And Ruderalis is an unstable variety of Cannabis that no one smokes because its gay and doesnt produce any get high chemicals.
--All the weed you smoke has Sativa in it. A lot of the times there a Sativa/Indica hybrid, but if you wanna get really high, pure Sativa's the way to go.
--All medical cannabis doctors refer to it as cannabis, never marijuana, because that word came from a mexican descent describing it as dope.
--The song "La Cucaracha" which very few people know the words to after the title, was actually made back when America made cannabis illegal. They made that law because mexican americans were coming to the US and smoking it, and there was a prejudice towards them from many white authorities. The song plainly states "the poor cockaroach cannot travel without his marijuana."

La cucaracha, la cucaracha
Ya no puede caminar
Porque no tiene, porque le falta
marijuana para fumar


This cannabis is giving me a head trip! It must be sativa.

cannabis có nghĩa là

the english name for marijuana. Why do they call it marijuana? because they wanted to associate it with mexicans as well when they were trying to outlaw it, using racist ploys.


Marijuana = spanish
Cannabis = english

cannabis có nghĩa là

The best kind of rope. Also used for smoking.


If it weren't for cannabis making rope for the exploration ships, we would not be in America. It was not until the world's fair that pot parties started in America.

cannabis có nghĩa là

mood altering psychoactive non-adictive herb.
incites communism therefore is banned.


I've opened another can a bees.

cannabis có nghĩa là

" ... highs from "sativa" strains tend to produce clearer, cerebral "head" highs, whereas highs from "indica" strains produce more lethargic "body" highs, with emphasis on drowsiness, and increase appetite ["munchies"]. To date, no undisputable chemical or pharmacological basis for these differing effects has been discovered. Anecdotal evidence suggest that variations in the amount of cannabidiol [CBD] may be a factor."


"Cannabis has long been used for fibre [hemp], for medicinal purposes, and as a psychoactive. Industrial hemp products are made from Cannabis plants selected to produce an abundance of fiber and minimal levels of THC [Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol], one psychoactive molecule that produces the "high" associated with marijuana. The drug consists of dried flowers and leaves of plants selected to produce high levels of THC. Various extracts including hashish and hash oil are also produced. The cultivation and possession of Cannabis for recreational use is outlawed in most countries."

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