deus là gì - Nghĩa của từ deus

deus có nghĩa là

Latin for; ''God wills it'' Common battle-cry for Crusaders killing filthy saracens and mamluks


Mamluk/Saracen-''KILL THE BYZANTINES!''
Byzantium-''Help me for once.''
Pope-''deus vult.''

deus có nghĩa là

The term originates from theatre, in which an actor is lowered from the upper stage (or more often, rises from the lower stage probably for financial and technical reasons) by a device called 'Deus Ex Machina'. This technique was used to present a character as being 'from the Gods'.

The name of arguably the greatest game ever created. Within the game 'Deus Ex' refers to the AI Helios, who having knowledge of all available information to mankind and control over every single communication on the globe is like a God, and JC Denton ('JC' debated to stand for 'Jesus Christ'), a christ-like figure who, on the box art looks to the sky as light shines down upon him against the darkness of the dystopian city behind, and who eventually manages to change the world's entire social order at the end of the game.


"Let's play Deus Ex"

deus có nghĩa là

The greatest first-person action RPG ever created. Created by the Ion Storm company in 2000.

Tells the story of JC Denton, a technology-augmented government agent who works for an agency called UNATCO, and discovers a hidden conspiracy involving members of the highest levels of government. How you play the game is totally up to you. You can do anything, go (almost) anywhere, and talk to (almost) everyone. The voice work is exceptional, the graphics are great, even years after it's release, and the plot is engrossing. This is definitely a game you should pick up.


JC Denton: What good's an honest soldier if he can be ordered to behave like a terrorist?

deus có nghĩa là

Ok first off I don't know who anyone can compare counter-strike to this game, they are in no way similar except they are a FPSs.

Deus Ex is quite possibly the best game ever made. No game is as innovative, well executed, well written, and plain old fun as this. This game never gets old no matter how much you play it. You can play anyway you want and your actions will affect the outcome of the storyline in dramatic ways. If you explore the game deeply it has a lot of cool hidden stuff. It gave birth to the whole good-guy-bad-guy meter a lot of games have today (Knights of the Old Republic, Fable, Elder Scrolls), but this game pwns them all. The beginning of the game drags a bit but if you get past the first 2 levels it picks up. The story line is deep and fun to follow also. What really makes this game shine is the nano-augumentation system on how you can upgrade your-self and really affect how you play. This game is not for everyone, if you want a pick up and play game you will hate this. If you love deep, engrossing games with countless hours of replay, you will not be let down.

Though System Shock 2 had this concept and was around before Deus Ex(one year before I think), it was not executed well and had many flaws.


If you haven't played Deus Ex you have no right to call yourself a gamer. Buy or download this game right now, just play it!

deus có nghĩa là

1.) Literally, "God".

2.) Main boss(er, sorta) of the amazing RPG Xenogears; a false god.


Thou shall bow to thy deus, Aquasol!

God damn Deus! Bastard healed himself!

deus có nghĩa là

In the theological theory of Pandeism (and occasionally in Deism, rarely in Pantheism) the appellation given to the entity believed to be the Creator of the governing dynamics of our Universe, and the underlying force which sustains our Universe and shares in all of its experience -- a term used to avoid confusion with theistic notions of "God" and all the baggage that term carries.


What's that you say? You're Bible-God is incapable of bringing about our current state of life through evolution by natural selection? And it is only able to experience existence through one man, instead of all men? Then it is doubly inferior to the Deus, which, naturally has such power.

deus có nghĩa là

When you're too drunk to text, but you text anyways!


Andy: "Yesssssssd!!!! Got kicked putt!"
Matt: "You got kicked out of the bar?! Why?!"
Andy: "Deu Kplopp"

deus có nghĩa là

Origin - Latin

Urban Origin - Originally created by an awesome player of the game Guild Wars. Known for his amaizing ability to do absolutley nothing while his team is getting raped up the butt and also the only guy in the game to kill everyone on his team while keeping himself alive aswell as the other team. What made him really poppular was his awesome ability to use the words, newb, newbcake, and the ever popular phrase,you lack discipline, in a horribly done asian accent. Also known for his other amaizing ability to hate people who play WoW, kill large numbers of newbs ranging from 100 to 1000 in seconds, calling the cops on "deus haters", and ghetto slaping his b****es.

Literal Meaning - God

Part of Speech - Noun

Definition - One who is able to rape, ghetto slap, bitch slap, pwn, and/orown everyone on his/her own team aswell as everyone standing within 50 miles of him/her while being a lazy retard with no skills at any game. Also known as "mother truckin rainman"


Nerd 1 - Dude, this is great were actually beating their asses.

Nerd 2 - Dude look OMG. deus just killed their whole team!

Nerd 1 - This would be good if he didnt just kill us all in the process.

Nerd 1 & 2 - DAM YOU Deus. Go Play in traffic.

deus có nghĩa là

"God wills it" in Latin. Used during the crusades.


Templar: DEUS VULT!
Byzantine Knight: ΓΑΜΩΤΟ!

deus có nghĩa là

Defective End User: often used by tech support people who are tired of answering what the problem with a computer is when it's something so simple they think anyone should be able to figure it out.


Customer: "Why won't my computer work? I turn on the power and everything!"
Tech: "Have you plugged the monitor into the computer?"
Customer: "Oh, do you have to plug it in to the computer, too?"
Tech to fellow tech: "Another DEU problem"