Enable Remote Desktop win 7 Home Premium

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"Allow Remote Connections" available on Win 7 Home Premium?

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  • Enable Remote Desktop win 7 Home Premium

    Enable Remote Desktop win 7 Home Premium


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    I have need to connect remotely to a Win 7 Home Premium computer from my Win 7 Ultimate computer.
    I realize that 'Remote Desktop Connection' is not available in Home Premium, but is the option to allow remote connections there (Advanced System Properties/Remote/Allow Connections to this computer)?
    Will I be able to connect or must I use something like UVNC?


    Friday, November 27, 2009 3:18 PM


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    It will not work if you want to establish a Remote Desktop Connection to Windows 7 Home Premium.

    More information:

    Remote Desktop Connection: frequently asked questions

    In this article, please note:

    “You can't use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to computers running Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Home Basic, or Windows 7 Home Premium.”


    Nicholas Li - MSFT

    • Marked as answer by Nicholas Li Friday, December 4, 2009 4:38 AM

    Thursday, December 3, 2009 9:18 AM

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  • Enable Remote Desktop win 7 Home Premium

    Enable Remote Desktop win 7 Home Premium


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    I have need to connect remotely to a Win 7 Home Premium computer from my Win 7 Ultimate computer.
    I realize that 'Remote Desktop Connection' is not available in Home Premium, but is the option to allow remote connections there (Advanced System Properties/Remote/Allow Connections to this computer)?
    Will I be able to connect or must I use something like UVNC?


    Home Premium does not have the built-in software for a Remote Desktop Connection.


    Friday, November 27, 2009 3:37 PM

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    Give TightVNC a try. VNC is what is used by most, if not all remote support tools, like CrossLoop, RDC, GoToMyPC, etc. TightVNC is a simple, easy to setup and use VNC server and client. You run the server on the target (Home Premioum) machine and client on the control (7 Ultimate) machine.


    Saturday, November 28, 2009 2:07 AM

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    I had a chance to look at a Home Premium machine tonight. It DOES have 'Allow Connections to this computer' in system properties.
    Going to see if that works or not, will try VNC or LogMeIn if it doesn't work.

    Saturday, November 28, 2009 8:06 AM

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    It will not work if you want to establish a Remote Desktop Connection to Windows 7 Home Premium.

    More information:

    Remote Desktop Connection: frequently asked questions

    In this article, please note:

    “You can't use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to computers running Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Home Basic, or Windows 7 Home Premium.”


    Nicholas Li - MSFT

    • Marked as answer by Nicholas Li Friday, December 4, 2009 4:38 AM

    Thursday, December 3, 2009 9:18 AM

  • Enable Remote Desktop win 7 Home Premium

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    I must disagree and say that I do not want to hear it can't be done. It CAN be done, there has to be a way. I had Windows XP Home before I moved to 7 and they had said that it wasn't possible on that either, however you had to download something from Microsoft to enable this and then it could be done. I have been using the RDP for over 5 years now, and I want to enable it on windows 7. I don't have the paperwork anymore for Windows XP however I don't think that will help in this case. I was able to log onto my computer using RDP in windows and also from internet explorer. It was very convinient. I have tried programs to connect to my computers and I am not happy with any of them, and I prefer to just use RDP. There is someone out there who knows how to do this, just have to find them. I have windows 7 home premium, and I am sure there is a way to get this done, just hoping the right person sees this.

    Tuesday, December 8, 2009 10:32 PM

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    It will not work if you want to establish a Remote Desktop Connection to Windows 7 Home Premium.

    More information:

    Remote Desktop Connection: frequently asked questions

    In this article, please note:

    “You can't use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to computers running Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Home Basic, or Windows 7 Home Premium.”


    Nicholas Li - MSFT
    I think that's what I said - more or less. Do you guys mark your own answers as "answered"????

    Wednesday, December 9, 2009 1:17 AM

  • Enable Remote Desktop win 7 Home Premium

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    That is what is known as hacking, and as Microsoft OWNS the software and YOU only have the right to use it as is
    means it is illegal so you will get much, if any, help here.

    Wednesday, December 9, 2009 4:00 AM

  • Enable Remote Desktop win 7 Home Premium

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    Hi DMaria,

    Even Windows 7 Home Premium is not able to be connected with Remote Desktop Connection; you can still run “mstsc” (without quotations) in Windows 7 Home Premium to run the Remote Desktop Connection client and establish the RDP connectionto another computer which can accept the RDP connection.

    Nicholas Li - MSFT

    Wednesday, December 9, 2009 7:56 AM

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    I believe that this information is incorrect. I really should read: "You can't use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to computers running Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Premium, or Windows 7 Ultimate." That has been my experience. Why does MS continue to insist that Ultimate will give the user the ability to connect to a remote computer when it is clearly impossible?

    Thursday, September 2, 2010 5:44 PM

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    What? That's nonsense. I use Remote Desktop with Win 7 Ultimate almost every day - fromWin 7 Ultimate to 2003 Server, XP and Win 7 Pro at work. And to Win 7 Ultimate fromWin 7 Home Premium from home to work via VPN.

    • Proposed as answer by Cherrz Wednesday, March 9, 2011 12:04 AM

    Thursday, September 2, 2010 8:04 PM

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    It will not work if you want to establish a Remote Desktop Connection to Windows 7 Home Premium.

    More information:

    Remote Desktop Connection: frequently asked questions

    In this article, please note:

    “You can't use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to computers running Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Home Basic, or Windows 7 Home Premium.”


    Nicholas Li - MSFT
    This is microsofts way of trying to get more money out of the people who bought into the windows 7 home premium deal. they make you buy say Xp pro,you upgrade to win7 home premium and lose remote desktop incomming and efs files system. supposedly this is the win 7 expeiriance that the commercials say it was their idea. wait until they try to remote to home. go to my pc.com seems to be making money off this short comming remember how much XP Pro cost and now look at the win 7 upgrade. to use the remote desktop you have to pay 89 bucks more to upgrade that to pro just for this. what a rip. that puts the cost to around 210 bucks. stick with Xp pro and no problems. then internet explorer 9 only works on win7 and some vista.

    Monday, October 4, 2010 3:18 AM

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    Hi Mattyrj,

    Did you get a solution yet because I am chasing the answer :)



    Tuesday, March 8, 2011 11:56 PM

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    Hi All,

    Have sorted this out. You can do it. *easily.

    Start - Accessories - System Tools - Remote Connection.

    I just dragged it out onto my desktop, punched in the IPS and have remote connection ever since.

    Hope this helps someone.



    Sunday, March 13, 2011 10:18 AM

  • Enable Remote Desktop win 7 Home Premium

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    Hi All,

    Have sorted this out. You can do it. *easily.

    Start - Accessories - System Tools - Remote Connection.

    I just dragged it out onto my desktop, punched in the IPS and have remote connection ever since.

    Hope this helps someone.



    Yes if you have 7 Home Premium you can establish remote connections to other workstation depending on their OS. However you still cannot connect to a 7 Starter, 7 Basic or 7 Home Premium from another workstation using a MS solution. As suggested above, a 3rd party solution is required to connect TO a 7 home premium workstation. This is what Charles was trying to do back in 2009.

    Saturday, April 2, 2011 8:39 AM

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    LISTEN, you cannot connect remotely to a Windows 7 Starter, Home Premium or anything except Professional and Ultimate. If you can find any other 3rd Party Program that is allowing you to connect in any way it is classed as a website that breaks the Microsoft Windows 7 Terms and Conditions (If you read them). If you have found a program that allows you to connect to a windows 7 Starter or Home Premium you no longer have the right to use the OS and should uninstall it immedietly. Whether you like it or not Microsoft has put this restriction in place for a reason and you must follow these Terms. So don't go having a go at anyone who has posted the most helpful answer you will get. If necessary Upgrade to Windows 7 Professional.

    What you are asking on this Post is for illegal content and no one who is on here will post anything about this to you.

    • Edited by Jamesdavies787 Sunday, April 22, 2012 7:26 PM

    Sunday, April 22, 2012 7:22 PM

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    And rickr_4

    Don't you know there are loads more advantages to Windows PRO so do some research before you post here

    Sunday, April 22, 2012 7:25 PM

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    Saying that you cannot do this is somewhat false. I know that you CAN do this on Home Premium. I have one of my computers set up to do it.

    Yes - Windows 7, Home Premium

    However, I have another computer with the same OS that I cannot do it on. I think a contributing factor in this is that the computer that will allows RDP is setup to be a sever of sorts (used for local, in house, uses ONLY), with IIS installed. IIS does come with Win7, (even the home premium)... all you have to do is turn it on.

    So I know for a FACT that it is possible to connect via RDP to a Windows 7 Home Premium machine. I connect to my "server" from the outside on a weekly basis.

    Of course, this post is over 3 years old, so that could have something to do with it too...

    • Edited by Apolymoxic Tuesday, March 4, 2014 5:50 AM Correct Typos

    Tuesday, March 4, 2014 5:39 AM

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    I just found this out the hard way. Idiotic bullsh#$#! like this is why I switched to linux.

    Microsoft Windows sucks.

    Tuesday, May 13, 2014 9:45 PM