Extra love là gì

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Many men find it extra hot to make eye contact at this point, so he can see how much you love what you”re doing.

Đang xem: Extra nghĩa là gì

how much you love what you”re doing.However, this is rarely seen in modern competitions because it would gain no extra points for the spin.

If each If each family member is punctual when coming to the family study, it gives everyone some extra time.
I turned to the mission president I turned to the mission president accompanying me and asked if he had an extra copy of the Book of Mormon with him.
They will not mention names, but their warning talk will help to They will not mention names, but their warning talk will help to protect the congregation because responsive ones will take extra care to limit social actimister-map.comties with any who clearly display such disorderliness.

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Với những loại thuốc kháng mister-map.comêm mới, vết mổ sê lành trong vài ngày, chứ không mất đến mấy tuần đâuEVBNews EVBNews
Side effects include: Weight gain due to extra water retention to the muscle Potential muscle cramps / strains / pulls Upset stomach Diarrhea Dizziness High blood pressure due to extra water consumption Use of creatine by healthy adults in normal dosages does not harm kidneys; its effects on the kidney in elderly people and adolescents were not well understood as of 2012.normal dosages does not harm kidneys; its effects on the kidney in elderly people and adolescents were not well understood as of 2012.Bởi tôi có mặt ở đây trước nên tôi thấy là tôi có thể đi nhận phòng ngủ nếu không ai thấy phiềnWikiMatrix WikiMatrix

The competition was extended in 1985 when an extra age group, the Under 14 [Junior] section was introduced and again the first champions were from Scotland, as Rangers won the Northern Ireland Youth Soccer Tournament at that age level.introduced and again the first champions were from Scotland, as Rangers won the Northern Ireland Youth Soccer Tournament at that age level.
So, when the subroutine compounds the interest… it uses all these extra decimal places… that just get rounded off.

Xem thêm: bang bo tro ez mua 8

She reports on her week, sharing a summary of She reports on her week, sharing a summary of the stories she has shared on her Facebook page throughout the week with a few extras.

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Các bản dịch đã thực hiện

Giới hạn là 5.000 ký tự. Sử dụng các nút mũi tên để dịch thêm.

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "extra", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ extra, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ extra trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Quartz & extra slim

2. Nine extra floors.

3. The extra power required an extra 100 tons of engine and reduction gears.

4. With extra whipped cream.

5. Go the extra mile.

6. Need an extra hand?

7. We require extra help.

8. Room service is extra.

9. I'll try extra large?

10. That little something extra.

11. First are the normal computer-game style power-ups: extra health, extra armor, etc.

12. I have your extra towels.

13. Free babysitting service [ lullabies extra ].

14. Beckham scored in extra time.

15. Oral report on extra readings.

16. Not Desiring “That Extra Dollar”

17. There's a weird extra skin.

18. Running shoes have extra cushioning.

19. Is there any extra charge?

20. Are there any extra charges?

21. Insist on extra maraschino cherries.

22. How much extra is that?

23. Yours has extra marshmallows, Jake.

24. You give me extra pickles

25. They scored in extra time.

26. Rolling through the extra point!

27. Pasting the value also pasted an extra space, so press Backspace to remove the extra space.

28. Why not take an extra break at no extra cost - courtesy of Shell and air Miles?

29. Taking Advantage of Extra Advertising Minutes

30. Solving the puzzle earns extra cash.

31. She needs extra vitamins and protein.

32. Here's just some lame extra footy.

33. Caroline earns extra money by babysitting.

34. Be extra careful about personal hygiene.

35. Expanded entry giving extra encyclopedic information

36. He just lacked that extra zing.

37. It just bugs me that I have to work so many extra hours for no extra money.

38. Look Sampat... cut that extra swagger.

39. A newsboy was screaming an extra.

40. 2 Is there any extra charge?

41. Extra shine and silkiness to coats.

42. I always wanted that extra dollar.”

43. It's how you make extra money.

44. Sending kids to make extra money.

45. Our immediate requirement is extra staff.

46. Velour provides extra softness and size.

47. The match went into extra time .

48. Allow extra time for your journey.

49. Maybe you need an extra hand?

50. Do you have an extra scalpel?

Từ: extra


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