final fantasy vii là gì - Nghĩa của từ final fantasy vii

final fantasy vii có nghĩa là

A role playing game released in 1997 by Squaresoft. Most video game enthusiest recognize this game as one of the greatest games ever, and for having one of the best, most captivating story lines ever. FF7 is recognized as bringing RPGs into the mainstream pipularity


Final Fantasy VII is the greatest game ever

final fantasy vii có nghĩa là

Belived by a great amount of gamers to be one of the best games ever made. Having a deep and involving storyline, dynamic charecters, and a awesome musical score, FF7 was largely responsible for raising RPGs to the level of popularity it has today.


Me: Final Fantasy VII melts your face off!
Flamer: I hate it, and Im mad because everyone else likes it.
Me: I can't hear you, your face is melted...

final fantasy vii có nghĩa là

For its time, final fantasy VII was a damn good game, because taking all things into consideration, it was made about 10 years ago. It is wrong to say that the graphics are bad compared to FFX-2 or whatever because the game was limited by the technology at the time. during the wandering around bits, yes the characters were very blocky, the backgrounds, while beautiful, felt a bit plastic and yes it is annoying that you take one step and suddenly ur in a battle. however character development was deep, the storyline is incredible [a bit rushed at the end perhaps, maybe they felt 40 hours was a getting a bit too long], the music is undeniably memorable, and the graphics, while sometimes poor, are saved by some of the battle animations [summons, spells etc] and CGI sequences. A lot of money and time was put into it and it shows.
Because of its mainstream popularity and huge fanbase, FFVII is also known mostly by those who prefer other FF games as Final Fanboy 7


based on a real final fantasy VII forum post:

person 1: OMG aeris is soooo annoying she is making the game so unenjoyable for me AGGGHHH, i wish she would just die.

person 2: hahahahaha..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ooohh thats just too good, no really stop it.

person 3: ever experienced a wish come true? lol

final fantasy vii có nghĩa là

"...quite possibly the greatest game ever made."
-GameFan Magazine


In my mind, Final Fantasy VII is the greatest game ever made.

final fantasy vii có nghĩa là

A RPG released in 1997, it caused the N64 to loose the console war. It was regarded as either the best game ever, or the most over-rated game. I personally feel it's a perfect game, but each to their own.


Final Fantasy VII> Final Fantasy VI.

final fantasy vii có nghĩa là

A game considered the best by mainstream RPG gamers due to it's "maturity" by mentioning things such as death, religion, and love.

In truth though, it is not that great. It it just another game that was overhyped by American otaku in an attempt to seem more japanese.


Aeris [Aerith] died... get over it.

final fantasy vii có nghĩa là

One of the best games ever, and it even has a prequel that just came out today called Crisis Core for the PSP. If only there were as much fans of it where I live as there is elsewhere...


Classmate: "Hey Teevo, have you been playing any Halo 3?"

Me: "No, I've been playing Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core"

Classmate: "What? Hmm, never heard of it. Sounds like an unknown game series."

Me: "No one here understands how good the Final Fantasy franchise is!"

final fantasy vii có nghĩa là

Final Fantasy VII was fantastic in the year it came out. Now, it's understandable why there is such a controversy over it in 2006: people are now expecting better graphics and bigger, more complex storylines. In 1996, Final Fantasy VII had these so the american population went crazy over it. Sure, there was no need to hype it up, but most did anyway. Just like people are doing now for video games like Kingdom Hearts [II] or Warcraft or ven Xenosaga[I, II, or III].

In another ten years, these games are going to be looked at the same way Final Fantasy VII is now being looked at: overhyped.

Final Fantasy VII has a deep and moving storyline. However, most people prefer other games in the series, because they may think that, for example, Final fantasy VI had better graphic or more complex characters [or even both].

Whether or not you enjoyed the game depends on your own personal taste.

For me, I thought that Final Fantasy VII had a great storyline, terrible graphics[the cut scenes could've been better, but then again I didn't play it in 1996 and am now used to game characters that can talk and 45-min long cutscenes: blame Xenosaga], and one of the most messed up main characters around. I mean, seriously, Cloud was screwed up for more than a disk. Well, anyway, I would much prefer Final Fantasy X's graphics anyday. Other then that, kudos to Sony for bringing about one of the best rpgs in 1996.


Final Fantasy VII was fantastic in 1996. In 2006, however, I'm looking towards Final Fantasy XII, because frankly, it'll have the graphics and storyline expected for this decade...I hope. In 2016, we might have hologram videogames...I can't wait.

final fantasy vii có nghĩa là

While it was certainly an influential game, the transition from 2D to 3D did nothing in terms of gameplay for the Final Fantasy series in VII. Final Fantasy VII literally rehashed the gameplay from Final Fantasy VI and added the extremely novel and worthless materia system to try and make the gameplay look less cut and pasted, yet anyone that had played Final Fantasy VI beforehand could see what a shameless copy VII was. Many other game series that had moved from 2D to 3D had retained the classic 2D gameplay feel while actually getting significant gameplay changes from moving into 3D which made them feel fresh [e.g Zelda and Ocarina of Time]. Since Final Fantasy VII changed nothing gameplay-wise when moving into 3D, the gameplay ultimately felt stale to those who had played previous Final Fantasies.

The presentational values VII introduced were excellent but the complete lack of any real gameplay evolution was largely disappointing for fans of the series who had played previous installments. Unfortunately VII is overrated for the fact many people had never played a JRPG before in their life [as they were mostly popular in Japan until that point]. Many people were unaware of how its gameplay had no significant changes in the transition from 2D to 3D and how the games only redeeming factor was the presentation.

A disappointing game all in all.


Person: What significant gameplay additions did it make over Final Fantasy VI?
Person: No what I mean is "gameplay", you know the bits you actually play, not what you watch. You know, most of us buy games to play them.
FFVII Fanboy: ...

final fantasy vii có nghĩa là

An epic low-fantasy RPG developed and published by Square [now Square Enix], and released for the Sony PlayStation console in 1997. Frequently cited as one of the best video games of all time, FF7 was lauded for its massive size, depth of story, stunning visuals and unforgettable score, and is widely credited with popularising role playing games in the western world. The game has since spawned numerous inferior sequels, prequels, remakes and spin-offs, none of which appear to have lessened its god-like reputation amongst enthusiasts.


Final Fantasy VII, the one that redefined gaming as we know it.

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