fursuiters là gì - Nghĩa của từ fursuiters

fursuiters có nghĩa là

A quick and simple definition (unlike the guy's up there)

A costume that one puts on that makes someone look like an animal. Usually used by furries and actors.


Furries often wear fursuits to furry conventions.

fursuiters có nghĩa là

A fursuit style of costume is usually a elaborate full body costume constructed over a period of many months. The wearer may make their own costume or have another make it for them. They may be very elaborate and involve several different colors of fur. The head is usually sized to be more true to life.

There are several methods used to construct the head. Papier mache may be built up possibly on a wooden frame, but this usually results in a very heavy head. Foam blocks may be hollowed out and carved, then covered with fur. Plastic or fiberglass strips or wire may be formed into a frame and covered with papier-mache or other material. A hockey mask or other helmet may be used as a foundation to build a head.

The most elaborate heads are ultra custom made to form fit on a persons head. This is done by making a lifecast, or mold of a persons head. Lifecasts can also be made of the body and hands.

Some may apply one or more pieces of latex rubber, called prosthesis, shaped like muzzles or ears, to their head with spirit gum. The edges can be blended to the skin with some kind of putty or clay material. Then makeup can be applied over the prosthesis and face.

The body suit is usually constructed from several different colors and possibly lengths of fur. Usually there is belly fur of a contrasting color, usually light or white, reaching from the throat to near the groin. In come costumes, the zipper or other fastening is run along the seam between the belly fur and the body fur.

Tails are usually fur covered foam and are large and thick. They may be sewn directly to a costume if light weight, but larger and heavier tails require a butt plate. The butt plate is a shaped piece of plastic, leather, or other material held on the body with a belt. The butt plate provides a firm support for a heavy and/or large tail.

Paws and feet are usually elaborately done. Paws may include all five fingers or include just four fingers, or may have just the thumb free with all other fingers in a mitten. There are usually pads of a contrasting color made from leather or fur. Feet may be just covers going over street shoes and held on with elastic, or they may be elaborate anatomically detailed feet. The feet can be plantigrade, resembling human feet, or digitigrade, resembling animal feet.

The costume may be detailed with character clothing, jewelry, weapons, or other objects such as badges, staffs, etc.

One should try to be as original as one can when constructing a costume. Any characters as Chuck E. Cheese, Mickey Mouse, Tazmania, etc. are copyrighted and one could get into serious legal problems for copying the style of the costume too closely. Also copying another fursuiters costume too closely is not advisable either. Would you want your creation, that may have cost hundreds of dollars and taken a year to construct, copied by all and sundry?


Some furrys like to wear fursuits

fursuiters có nghĩa là

A person who enjoys dressing up in costumes made to mimic anthropomorphic subjects. (See Furry for a definition of Anthropomorphism)

Not all Fursuiters have fursuit fetishes and partake of Fursuitsex.


fursuiters có nghĩa là

a habit of certain, usually obese or otherwise disfigured, ill-adjusted individuals, whereby the costume and persona of "really cool" animals is adopted in everyday and sexual life.


Guy1: Hey, why the fuck are those fat assholes dressed up like squirrels?
Guy2: Don't you know anything, man? They're fursuiting. It's totally cool.

fursuiters có nghĩa là

A style of costuming that focuses on animal costumes (fursuits), usually custom-built, mainly associated with furry fandom, but also includes mascot costumes. Fursuiting events include costume parades and dances at conventions, charity and other public events, mascot competitions, and fursuit bowling.


He enjoys fursuiting because it makes children laugh and attracts women.

fursuiters có nghĩa là

A suit made of fur and is filled with tears and shame.


I bought a fursuit for $1,000.

fursuiters có nghĩa là

A clown who performs in an animal costume instead of make-up and silly clothes.


The kids all laughed at the fursuiter's antics at the charity walk.

fursuiters có nghĩa là

The scariest fucking thing I have ever seen


I told Billy (SCREW U BILLY) to run after we saw the FURSUIT

fursuiters có nghĩa là

A poster on the GameFAQs website who specializes in highly involved yet tragically inept trolling to gain attention, particularly on Fighting Game related subjects. Also happens to self-produce a series of video games-related clips on YouTube in an attempt to escape his clearly sad and abrasive personality. Relies on frequent and usually incorrect use of the word "fanboy" to keep his self-esteem intact when confronted by those who are aware of his own severe bias and general ineptitude. However, he strangely will not resort to this "fanboy" stamp when faced with intelligent or articulate criticism, and instead chooses to ignore such input.

Relies heavily on a depraved illusion of social acceptance to make it through each day, and is known to commonly associate with similarly misguided yet self-assured individuals. Avoids treadmills, his mortal enemy, and other forms of exercise at all costs. Approach with extreme care and do not prod it with overly intelligent or justified comments, as this may confuse and enrage it.


"Hey, what's this youtube link?" "Oh, it's Fursuiter, I won't waste my time."

fursuiters có nghĩa là

Fursuit bowling is a common furmeet activity, usually organized by a group of friends. When fursuit bowling, the members of the group will dress up in their fursuit and bowl whilst wearing it.


Jake: Dude, where were you last night?
Tom: I was fursuit bowling with some friends