Google review restaurant

Users can now leave more detailed restaurant reviews on Google

Details like price range and meal type are useful for potential customers, but will Google use it to enable search filters?

George Nguyen on July 21, 2021 at 6:00 am

Google has expanded restaurant reviews to enable users to include price range, the type of meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.) and whether they got take out, delivery or dined in, the company announced Wednesday. This feature is now available for mobile users on Android or iOS, and it is live for all restaurants in the U.S., with more countries and categories rolling out in the future.

Google review restaurant
Googles expanded restaurant review options. Image: Google.

Why we care

More granular reviews will provide potential customers with a better idea of what to expect before they visit (or order from) a restaurant, which can inform their decision on where to eat. This can also provide restaurant owners with more information that can be used to improve their customer experience.

At this time, users cannot filter searches using this additional information, but, at some point, Google may roll out that capability. That would allow users to narrow down results to, for example, restaurants in a particular price range. Restaurant owners could also use that feature to identify their competitors at a particular price point.

And, Google has said that it plans to extend expanded reviews into more categories, so the impact this has on the restaurant industry will eventually be felt across other local business sectors.

More on the news

Along with the expanded restaurant reviews, Google also announced a number of user-oriented updates:

  • Transit crowdedness predictions, first announced in 2019, have been expanded to over 10,000 transit agencies in 100 countries. In New York and Sydney, the company is piloting the ability to view live crowdedness information at the transit car level; this feature is also planned for a wider rollout.
  • Google Maps users on Android can view the distance and time theyve driven, flown, biked or walked on a monthly basis using the new Timeline Insights tab. Users can also view the amount of time theyve spent at different places, such as shops, restaurants and airports.
  • Google Maps users on Android can also revisit their old trips by navigating to Trips in the Timeline tab. This section contains information such as locations visited, miles traveled and so on.

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About The Author

Google review restaurant
George Nguyen
George Nguyen is an editor for Search Engine Land, covering organic search, podcasting and e-commerce. His background is in journalism and content marketing. Prior to entering the industry, he worked as a radio personality, writer, podcast host and public school teacher.