Holistic development in a sentence

Holistic development in a sentence

How to use holistic in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word holistic? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
In this very useful guide, she offers a number of suggestions for stocking your holistic medicine cabinet.
Holistic development in a sentence
Holistic development in a sentence
A number of hospitals are now setting up pranic healing centres to promote holistic healing.
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Holistic development in a sentence
He was a pioneer of the holistic approach, who understood the anxieties, aspirations, and sensitivities of his patients.
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Holistic development in a sentence
As essential oils were dribbled onto my third eye, I felt I was participating in an ancient rite, not some modern holistic ritual.
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Holistic development in a sentence
For one thing, this overlap reminds us that a holistic spirituality should be neither individualistic nor spiritualized.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The milieu therapy of the Rayonex company with its holistic vital substances combination has proved its efficiency.
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Clearly, the findings reinforce the need for providing specialized holistic geriatric care at institutions and homes for the elderly.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The Transcendental Meditation program is a standardized behavioral intervention with holistic effects.
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Holistic development in a sentence
A holistic, or hybrid, approach to wireless network buildout can mean the difference between success and failure.
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Holistic development in a sentence
I'd had the straight-laced Freudian type, the holistic type and the latest one had been a nut for solving things with shock therapy.
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Holistic development in a sentence
I try to persuade them that holistic medicine need not be, indeed must not be, woolly and imprecise.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Marie O'Shea provides holistic therapies and spiritual healing, Master Chef Dolores Roberts deals with biotypes and nutrition.
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Holistic development in a sentence
A synergistic blend of healing substances, according to ayurveda, delivers a holistic benefit that is greater than the sum of its parts.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Some people equate the concept of holistic health with the New Age movement.
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Holistic development in a sentence
It was better than fabric painting because it helped retain the flow of the garment, giving a simple uncluttered holistic look.
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Holistic development in a sentence
A multidisciplinary health care team is needed to address the patient's holistic needs.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Choosing the Massage Training Institute, a leading organization teaching an holistic approach to bodywork, I began training for my diploma.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The holistic view of healthy living is now normal, no longer the territory of Birkenstock-wearing kooks and foreigners.
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Holistic development in a sentence
In many ways the New Age movement is the first successful manifestation of a holistic and multi-faceted approach to life.
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Holistic development in a sentence
In my case, due to early detection, my diabetologist was able to follow a holistic approach.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The new social sharing functionality allows businesses to take a more holistic approach to online marketing and brand development.
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Holistic development in a sentence
These clinics also employ holistic approaches to cancer treatment such as meditation, visualisation, massage and so on.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The following case study demonstrates how she combines all these areas to offer an holistic approach to treatment.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Gwendoline is a holistic healer, reiki master, teacher and practitioner of Light Divine Healing.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The ramifications of a holistic approach to crop growing and food production in Brazil would be disastrous.
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Intent and effort toward holistic living is more important than trying to allot equal time to different parts of life.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Just as the male and female principles complement each other, our views of history also much combine to give a holistic view of the past.
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Holistic development in a sentence
They offer a holistic approach to cancer care, which helps the whole family, not just the sufferer.
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Holistic development in a sentence
It emphasises the need to develop a holistic approach to heritage issues and sets out the relevant skills that are required.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Most fruitarians look at life from a holistic approach for both their health and their diet.
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Holistic development in a sentence
At the risk of sounding like a potty lifestyle guru, we need a more holistic approach to teenagers.
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He argues for more community involvement and a holistic approach focusing on restorative justice initiatives.
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Holistic development in a sentence
All three women went on to retrain in a variety of beauty and holistic healing therapies, before relocating to Dublin.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The Regent Street salon offers a range of hair, beauty, holistic and nail treatments.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Plant growth analysis is an explanatory, holistic and integrative approach to interpreting plant form and function.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Its core principle is that the teacher is integral not separate from his or her teaching, making the experience holistic.
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Holistic development in a sentence
I feel compelled to respond to Dr. Hanaway's article on vaccinations from a holistic and anthroposophical perspective.
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This makes AT virtually identical in intent with other holistic approaches such as permaculture and ecological design.
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Holistic development in a sentence
An alternate solution is to adopt a holistic philosophy and approach to any nursing situation.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Our local strategy is based on a holistic view of health care that integrates primary, intermediate, and secondary care.
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Holistic development in a sentence
These two books bring a holistic approach to the analysis of transport and transport networks.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Moreover, holistic method has proved useful in the hard sciences, for example in the geological theory of plate tectonics.
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Holistic development in a sentence
This case study demonstrates the holistic approach that Coillte is taking to managing its forests.
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Holistic development in a sentence
For testers, the problem has been one of reconciling the relative importance of the holistic and atomistic elements in a syllabus.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Bahnm also maintains a list of holistic vets and approved therapists, remedial farriers and saddlers.
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Holistic development in a sentence
It also tries to take a more holistic approach to the question of protecting clifftop communities from erosion.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The hypothesis is that autistics fail at holistic processing of an image, instead remaining focused on its individual parts.
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Holistic development in a sentence
We will all need to get beyond our individual narrow interests and begin to develop a holistic solution that works for everyone.
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Holistic development in a sentence
I think where Chaos and Complexity theory are really going, is, a holistic understanding of the universe.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Traditional systems of medicine like Ayurveda are staging a comeback and getting kudos for their holistic approach to ailments.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The holistic system of Ayurveda advocates a well-balanced approach to stress management and skin health.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Say, for the sake of argument, that this is all unsubstantiated holistic hokum.
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Holistic development in a sentence
According to the general, the Army rightly views logistics as a holistic enterprise rather than as a series of stovepipe systems.
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This catastrophe has at least had the holistic consequence of making us aware of our common humanity.
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We believe that neither is a panacea and that holistic provision should include both methods.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Let us not be put off by the use of the word holistic, which we have come frequently to associate with some homeopathic quackery.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Emphasizing the scientific approach can lead to a company losing sight of the holistic perceptions of its customers.
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The holistic therapies might lead medicine back towards the holism of the ancient systems.
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Prices have gone up a bit, but, as with all holistic therapies, the more you pay the more it's worth.
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The therapist addressed these distortions and worked with her to develop a more holistic view of the relationship and each partner.
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Holistic development in a sentence
These offer a variety of courses and qualifications, from computing sciences and mechanical engineering to sports coaching and holistic therapy.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The holistic approach includes procedures such as acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, and herbalogy.
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Holistic development in a sentence
We believe that recovery is a process that heals the whole person therefore, we take a holistic approach to treatment.
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Obviously, supporting only holistic programs grounded in theistic assumptions would constitute discrimination against non-theistic worldviews.
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The appeal of this holistic medicine culture does need to be understood better by the modern medical establishment.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The afflictions of a person suffering from terminal cancer were poignantly portrayed in the film, which also dwelt on the strengths of holistic medicine.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Here is a holistic health care wrap-up that offers a few hours of relaxation as well as a complete rejuvenating experience for mothers of all ages.
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Holistic development in a sentence
According to the advocates of the holistic system, an integrative health care package would include facets from allopathy, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Yoga, Siddha and naturopathy.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Instead of that film's repressed romances, Iron Monkey offers a gob of melodrama, slapstick comedy, cooking montages, and demonstrations of holistic medicine.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Practitioners of Ayurveda, India's holistic medical system, say the supplement has laxative properties and that it can strengthen the digestive system.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The plan is to build a holistic cloud operating system for businesses and individuals, enabling a new generation of work and play.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The rhythms, sequences, waves and patterns with respect to the retrogression and direct motion of the planets is symphonic in its holistic entirety.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The anthropologically derived questions are designed to elicit information about each of the six dimensions, providing a holistic spiritual assessment.
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Holistic development in a sentence
These ripped ladies will take you through a variety of exercises, some obviously more high-impact that others, but all geared toward a more holistic toning of the body.
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He adopted a holistic approach to augmentation of water resources.
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Re-evaluating the placement of products in exchanges is just one aspect of this holistic approach to strengthening values.
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He decided to look for an alternative, holistic, and cheaper way to improve his soil and boost the health of his farm.
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Holistic development in a sentence
But to be credible, it will have to be holistic and persuasive, to address our fears as well as our hopes.
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Holistic development in a sentence
For example, Mandarin's usage of mass nouns predisposes its discourse to take a more holistic approach to the world than say, English, which demarcates objects more readily.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Many doctors treating ME patients now favour the holistic approach.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Clearly, there is an urgent need to move from the hitherto widely used step-by-step, sequential approach to marketing to a more holistic, dynamic and non-sequential approach.
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This holistic approach has very naturally flowed across to the trainees.
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Holistic development in a sentence
They talk about biodynamics as a holistic system of agriculture that views a farm as a living individual within the larger framework of the living earth and universe.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Empty space exists only for the unengaged reader, who lacks imagination, knowledge, and a holistic view and who thus fails to perceive connections and relationships.
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Holistic development in a sentence
How can we be healthy in a holistic way, if we are deprived this view of ourselves or if we only see ourselves portrayed as damaged and unhealthy?
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Holistic development in a sentence
The idea is to promote a more holistic approach to conservation without either weakening current provision or introducing burdensome new restrictions.
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Holistic development in a sentence
It is possible both to accept the basic scientific principles of cause and effect and also to believe in the holistic view of the world as a living organism.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The right hemisphere embodies those artistic and intuitive qualities of holistic and integral design that are are familiar in all great design, art and craft.
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Holistic development in a sentence
In this chapter, a holistic approach will be taken, overviewing the parameters of infringing treatment in light of decisions taken by the various international bodies.
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Holistic development in a sentence
If so, a paradigm shift to the holistic approach might be managed.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The approach of treating the patient in a holistic manner allows homoeopathy to treat many diseases where conventional medical treatment does not have much to offer.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The entire family of organizations is synergistic and holistic.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Instead, many are finding holistic panaceas and a philosophy which views the patient as a whole body rather than as a disease or a collection of symptoms more beneficial.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Belief in the phenomenological paradigm is a fundamental appreciation of naturalistic inquiry, qualitative methods, inductive analysis, and holistic thinking.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Even our efforts at fighting corruption will be in vain if we are not holistic in our approach by ingraining inclusiveness and merit in government action.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Increasingly, companies have to consider environmental aspects in a holistic manner and furthermore they need to act foresightedly and respond quickly to new developments.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Once I have assurances from both authorities I will look at the town as a whole and take a holistic view of the problem, rather than an emotive one.
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Holistic development in a sentence
College leaders in the West Midlands are struggling to cope with a growing demand for courses in holistic therapies.
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Ancient Chinese society, informed by Confucianism, promoted a holistic outlook, Nisbett and his colleagues propose.
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All traditional medicine is holistic in nature, putting as much emphasis on maintaining health as on defeating illness.
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Holistic development in a sentence
She provides holistic primary care with a focus on rheumatological diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The range of topics in RFD was broad, ranging from holistic health to gay politics.
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Holistic development in a sentence
In a similar, if seemingly antithetical way, the holistic repleteness of images keeps us from perceiving their conceptual order.
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This is often a call to use a holistic spectrum of statecraft tools, ranging from soft to hard.
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The report provides a holistic analysis of the External Beam Radiation therapy market in terms of forces affecting the market.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Yehudit believes that holistic healing treatments are the most natural and effective way to correct the energy imbalance in the body.
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Westin's advocacy of holistic well-being taps into a real longing in people to live their lives with less burnout and more aliveness.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Following the Second World War, folklorists began to articulate a more holistic approach toward their subject matter.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Pentecostalism is a holistic faith, and the belief that Jesus is Healer is one quarter of the full gospel.
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The Privatisation strategy will provide a holistic framework for disinvesting public sector assets.
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The Dharma Sword is the first holistic big data marketing product launched by Alimama after merged the China's leading ad platform-AdChina.
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First, by conflating POI, we can exploit complementary attributes to arrive at a more holistic understanding of places.
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Holistic development in a sentence
A holistic and profound exploration of human potential and the spiritual commonalities between seemingly distinct faiths.
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Holistic development in a sentence
In ancient India, copper was used in the holistic medical science Ayurveda for surgical instruments and other medical equipment.
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These holistic practices can also help minimize the environmental impact of healthcare.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Nurse expanders work for the nursing service and identify more with the goals and holistic approach of a nursing model.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The institute blends traditional medicine with holistic therapies such as acupuncture, therapeutic touch, and massage therapy.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The party claims that, taken together, these principles give the party a holistic view that is in common with all Green parties around the world.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The typical ethnography is a holistic study and so includes a brief history, and an analysis of the terrain, the climate, and the habitat.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Before Suzy died, I used to run a nationwide group called the British Slimnastics Association, which takes an holistic approach to keeping fit.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Investigating the potential of holistic taphonomic analysis in zooarchaeological research.
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Holistic development in a sentence
This event will be offer free craft demonstrations plus taster holistic therapy and mediumship sessions.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Under this holistic view, quaternary, quinary, senary, septenary, octonary, nonary, and denary sources would be realized some day.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The text draws from sedimentology, geophysics, and structural geology to give a holistic picture of influences on basin formation.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Focus will now be on comprehensive and holistic primary healthcare, including preventive and promotive health, to improve health and reduce healthcare expenditure.
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He also believed that through the BNE holistic business model, the economic benefits of those resources could be shared by all Belizeans and pave the way for a better Belize.
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Holistic development in a sentence
OtoStat also extends the test frequency range of wideband immittance up to 6,000 Hz, offering an unprecedented and holistic view of conductive disorders.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Indeed, natural, holistic approaches help lower blood sugar levels and improve mood among people with type 2 diabetes, and may play an important adjunctive role in treatment.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Dorothy's journal entry beautifully captures this new, holistic perspective as a process, offering us a glimpse of not just a poet but an ecopoet at work.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Compliance adhocracy exists as new policies, laws and regulations evolve over time and no one can describe a holistic view of the end-to-end compliance infrastructure.
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Holistic development in a sentence
National Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Policy 2015 will provide a more holistic, comprehensive and syncretic framework of the various issues related with this sector.
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Holistic development in a sentence
His ethics of nature and wildlife preservation had a profound impact on the environmental movement, with his ecocentric or holistic ethics regarding land.
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Holistic development in a sentence
One of the central characteristics is that anthropology tends to provide a comparatively more holistic account of phenomena and tends to be highly empirical.
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Our holistic study of these modern-day traces suggests it to be a complex trace arising from domichnial, fodinichnial and possibly pascichnial behavior of polychaetes.
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Holistic development in a sentence
A difficult question is, what is happening to balance and holistic planning in this rush to technologize the career-planning process and again fit people into jobs?
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Holistic development in a sentence
It is a holistic approach based on the core assumptions of physicalism and the power of an empirical epistemology in understanding and treating emotional brokenness.
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Holistic development in a sentence
She has been a holistic nutritionist for over 30 years, studying nutritional therapy, holistic medicine, herbology, homeopathy, yoga, and shiatsu.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The power of Chinese lies in its holistic, aesthetic, vitalistic nature.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Triggered by the risk-reduction initiative of the 1990s, camps are reshaping their health service paradigm and, as a result, embracing a more holistic approach to wellness.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Examples from Classical Literature
Although holism sees human beings as integral organisms, holistic approaches are inclined to have this physical focus.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Of these holistic therapies, bioenergetics is perhaps considered the most respectable because it is used by some psychologists.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Education needs to shift from the atomistic view that isolates subjects from the whole of reality to a holistic perspective.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Pink is optimistic, fulgent, engaging, positive, holistic, angelic, and open-minded.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The Consolations invokes a holistic view of futurity, wherein the Saturnian sensorium fits its environment.
Holistic development in a sentence
Holistic development in a sentence
It sounds all holistic, except the mustard plaster produced third-degree burns and the garlic produced agida.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Consequently, in the holistic view, fate and predetermination have a more prominent role.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Reason, revenue, relationships, rousers and resilience are key drivers of reputation that have to be understood in a holistic way, but must also be actively managed.
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Holistic development in a sentence
To discern the important common elements between Blake and Smith, we need first to look at Blake's fundamental concerns, to see the Blake afflatus in a holistic way.
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Holistic development in a sentence
Policy makers need to take into consideration behavioural responses to changes in the cost of disease, and implement strategies that are holistic and longsighted.
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Holistic development in a sentence
A TEAM of hard-working field sales representatives voluntarily mucked in and got their hands dirty by helping to build a vegetable garden in the grounds of a holistic centre.
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Holistic development in a sentence
The latest modalities offered within the clinic are based on the benefits of holistic medicine, and include sciatica relaxation, reflexology and lomi lomi.
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