Listening activity draw what you hear


  • What kind of music will you listen to? Music without words works best for this adventure!
  • What supplies will you need?
  • Will everyone listen to the same piece of music, or will you break into smaller groups to listen to different pieces of music?


  • Choose some music to listen to, as you listen to it, draw what it makes you think about!
  • If you feel comfortable, you can share what you drew with others did anyone else have a similar drawing to you?


  • Whatdo you know now that you did not know before?
  • What was yourfavouritepiece of music?
  • Did anyone make similar drawings, or were all your drawings different?

Keep it Simple

Start off by listening to some simple songs with words and drawing what you think of when you hear them remember, there are no right or wrong answers!

Take it Further

Try to use the music to inspire a short story or series of pictures. Maybe the music makes you think of a bird, so you draw a bird in a nest, an egg hatching and a baby bird leaving the nest. You can draw anything that you can imagine!