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The best Top Gun quotes help to show how the movie became such an iconic bit of entertainment. The 1986 film had Cruise playing Maverick, a skilled and arrogant fighter pilot who competes against the world's best in the Top Gun flight school. There are so many famous scenes and moments that fans remember, but some of the lines are just as memorable as the amazing aerial dogfights that Maverick gets himself into. With the franchise given a new life with Top Gun: Maverick in 2022, many people returned to the original and relived the most memorable Top Gun quotes.

While the aerial action and 80s vibes are what most people remember about the movie, there are many Top Gun quotes that have stayed with fans and become as famous as the movie itself. Many of these quotes highlight how Cruise's character of Maverick became such a beloved movie hero. Other Top Gun quotes highlight aspects of the movie, from the romance to the humor to the rivalries. Certain Top Gun quotes even become better after watching Top Gun: Maverick. Looking back on these lines might make fans want to revisit Top Gun all over again.


25 Best Movies Like Top Gun

The best movies like Top Gun satisfy the need for speed and have plenty of drama to balance the action. What are they, and where can they be watched?

"I Thought Of Being An Instructor, Sir."


Top Gun: Maverick finds the former hotshot of the Top Gun class return after years away as Maverick becomes an instructor for Top Gun's new generation of would-be pilots. However, this development was actually teased decades earlier at the end of Top Gun.

After completing the program, the commanding officer asks him what he would like to do next. Instead of going off to save the world, Maverick insists he wants to return as an instructor - as if setting up the sequel that came decades later.

It is interesting to see Maverick immediately seeing that as a path for himself even though the sequel shows him somewhat forced into the role of instructor. Though it makes for a fitting end for the first movie, the sequel makes a lot of sense, showing Maverick continuing to try and prove himself the best by pushing world breaks with state-of-the-art planes.

"So, You're The One."


While Top Gun: Maverick 's romance with Jennifer Connelly's Penny was a highlight of the sequel, fans shouldn't forget about Maverick's first love interest. Anyone who has seen a movie before would be able to predict that Maverick and Charlie will fall for each other by the end, but the relationship does start off rather cold. With Charlie as the new intelligence officer lecturing the Top Gun candidates, she is not impressed with Maverick's arrogant ways.

As he interrupts the lecture to boast about his skills in front of everyone, Charlie challenges that ego. There is a sense that she has seen this kind of arrogance before, and she is willing to wait to see if he is all talk or not. It helps to cement Charlie as more than just a love interest as she is one who will challenge Maverick.

"You Don't Have Time To Think Up There. You Think, You're Dead."


There is often the question in the movie as to whether Maverick's reckless nature as a pilot is a good quality or a danger. While it feels at times that it comes from Maverick's arrogance, he does give some insight into how he operates in a cockpit.

Explaining his method to Charlie, Maverick insists that the thing a pilot needs most is good instincts. Given the dangerous situations they find themselves in, Maverick feels that there is no time to think, only to act.

Though it does get him into trouble, the movie shows that having a pilot who can respond due to gut instinct can save the day. There are other pilots who fly smarter and after than he does, but when there is something unexpected happens in the air, there is no better pilot than Maverick to handle such situations.

"You Two Really Are Cowboys."


Seeing Val Kilmer return as Iceman is one of the best callbacks in Top Gun: Maverick, especially seeing how much the relationship between him and Maverick grew over the years. They are shown to be dear friends and share a great amount of respect for each other. However, in the first movie, he is not afraid to confront Maverick and Goose about their style of flying.

As a more cautious and perhaps intelligent pilot, Iceman sounds like a disciplining parent as he calls Maverick and Goose cowboys. While it shows the difference between these two rivals, it is also hard not to see Iceman's valid points. He has to share the sky with Maverick and is not too fond of having a pilot who feels that they have something to prove to the point that they will put others in danger. Though Maverick insists he is safe, Iceman sees it another way.

"When I Fly, I'll Have You Know That My Crew And My Plane Come First."


While Maverick is confident in his style of flying and isn't afraid to push the boundaries, he does seem bothered with being perceived as a reckless pilot. He can have a laid-back attitude about being risky and a bit of a rebel, but he always fights back against those who claim that he is a danger to others when he is in the sky.

This even includes when Charlie brings up the point and Maverick drops his attempts to flirt with her in order to set her straight. Maverick seems genuinely angry that he is doubted in this matter and makes it clear that the plane he is flying and the crew that depends on him always come first. It does seem to be a battle within Maverick to be the best and to protect those he cares about.

"Every Time We Go Up There, It's Like You're Flying With A Ghost."


Something that fans might forget when rewatching the movie is how much the memory of Maverick's father plays into Top Gun. The character is not mentioned at all in the sequel but he plays a big role in explaining Maverick's approach to flying. He was seen as another top pilot who died in action and that loss could be what pushes Maverick to do the things he does. Goose seems to recognize this and even worry about how much of a distraction it is for Maverick.

It seems that Maverick is chasing something when he flies, trying to be as good as the memory of his father. Interestingly, the memory of Goose is what later haunts Maverick after he had warmed him to let the memory of his father go. It is a somewhat forgettable aspect of the movie, but the quote does highlight that Maverick is not as in control when he is flying as he likes to insist.

"God, He Loved Flying With You, Maverick."


While Top Gun: Maverick is the kind of sequel fans can watch without seeing the original, it does a great job of making the loss of Goose in the first movie really matter. Maverick is clearly filled with guilt over the death of his best friend and wingman, blaming himself for what happened.

Though Meg Ryan does not return in Top Gun: Maverick as Goose's wife, Carole, her brief appearance in the first movie does a great job hammering home the connection between Maverick and Goose.

Though Carole is clearly crushed by losing Goose, she can at least offer these bittersweet words of comfort that Goose loved when he flew with Maverick and likely wouldn't have traded it for anything. However, that trust he had for Maverick is also something that stays with him. It is a heartbreaking line that actually makes it all the more satisfying to see Rooster get to fly with Maverick in the sequel.

"The Pentagon Sees To It That I Know More Than You."


Once again, this is a quote that allows Charlie to be more than a love interest as she is given her own strength and authority in the story as well. Having her as the intelligence officer makes it so, that despite the pilots' skills, she always has a certain power over them.

She is also not afraid to throw this in Maverick's face when he gets a little too cocky. When he tells her that his impressive flying mission was classified, Charlie points out that there is nothing Maverick is aware of that she doesn't already know.

Charlie was an ambitious and intelligent character who was a great foil for Maverick in the original movie. While it makes sense that she and Maverick did not last as a couple, it would have been fun to see her in the sequel and see how far she rose in her career.


25 Best Movies Like Top Gun

The best movies like Top Gun satisfy the need for speed and have plenty of drama to balance the action. What are they, and where can they be watched?

"You Gotta Let Him Go."


Another aspect of the first movie that is being touched on in the sequel is the death of Goose. It is a pivotal moment in the first movie and puts Maverick at a crossroads where his guilt over the accident nearly leads him to quit.

After hearing from countless others that he is a danger and he is going to get someone hurt, Maverick is broken by the idea that he was the cause of his friend's death, whether or not that is true. However, Viper is the one who gives him the motivational talk he needs to hear.

He explains that it is something he needs to put behind him. However, with Maverick encountering Goose's son in Top Gun: Maverick, that loss comes back to haunt him. Quite perfectly, that movie forced both Maverick and Rooster to stop allowing the death of Goose to hang over their heads.

"That Was Some Of The Best Flying I've Seen To Date — Right Up To The Part Where You Got Killed."


This quote was uttered by Jester, played by Michael Ironside, whose smaller supporting role as an instructor of Top Gun helps to highlight the good and bad in Maverick as a pilot. Jester secretly admired Maverick's uncanny flying skills, and his ability to think quickly in a high-octane situation. However, he was less than impressed with Maverick's recklessness, which threatened to derail not only his career but the lives of his team.

After his hot-shot attitude is cooled following a loss to Viper and Jester, Maverick is forced to stare down the barrel of reality when Jester accosts him in the changeroom, publicly lauding his flying skills in front of the other pilots, while dealing a critical blow to his ego at the same time. It is a perfect encapsulation of the best and worst traits of Maverick as a pilot.

"Remember Boys, No Points For Second Place."


With competition heating up for the TOPGUN trophy, Maverick and Goose are forced to step up their game against Iceman's team, including the arrogant Slider, who fires off this quote in an attempt to demoralize them.

While Iceman and Slider are keen to win, the former is more concerned with Maverick's recklessness in the air, a fact which only raises tensions between the two, right up to the point where the unthinkable happens.

The competition aspect among the eager pilots is one of the best aspects of Top Gun and makes it out to be a bit of a sports movie as well. This is another aspect of the movie that is actually even more effective in the sequel. The competition among the new crop of pilots is a bigger part of the story with some very entertaining characters, with Glen Powell's Hangman as a standout.

"You're Not Going To Be Happy Unless You're Going Mach 2 With Your Hair On Fire."


As Maverick wrestles with his own hot-headed attitude, Charlie attempts to help him reconcile it with his superb flying skills, and find a comfortable middle ground. This quote proves that she wasn't totally convinced but instead believed Maverick may be too obsessed with flying close to the razor's edge to change.

It's a quick, but effective examination that sums up Maverick's character. That wild approach makes him a bit of a wildcard, but also makes him a great hero from the 80s action movie era. Though Charlie doesn't appear in Top Gun: Maverick, it is easy to see how advice like this left a lasting impact on him. However, it is funny to see the opening sequence of Top Gun: Maverick has him flying at Mach 10 until he nearly bursts into flames, proving that he never really matured that much.

“Watch The Birdie!”


As it turns out, the competition between pilots extended beyond those in the same Top Gun school and focuses on the pilots of opposing countries as well. The introduction to the film sees Maverick and Goose set upon by two aggressive MiG-28s attempting to intimidate U.S. forces. While both sides come dangerously close to firing off a shot, neither is willing to pull the trigger, instead opting to outflank each other in a show of skill and determination.

Maverick decides to up the ante by turning his F-14 Tomcat upside down, directly above the canopy of one of the MiGs. Rather than resort to violence, he simply flips off the opposing pilot and laughs, while Goose takes a polaroid of the encounter. It is one of the moments that cements Goose as one of the great movie sidekicks.

“This Is What I Call A Target-Rich Environment.”


Maverick was every bit as arrogant and overcompensating in the air as he was on land. A ladies' man by nature, his newfound status as a top-grade fighter pilot would certainly have been enough to attract a bountiful amount of attention from the opposite sex.

Upon visiting a bar with Goose, Maverick begins scoping out the lovely ladies before uttering this quote. For all his confidence and bravado, however, Maverick strikes out with the one woman who catches his attention, which is comically ironic, to say the least.

Whether it is intentional or not, the scene comes across as a hilarious display of how Maverick might not be the hotshot he thinks he is. It is possible to chalk it up to cheesy 80s movie dialogue, but he cannot even separate himself from his pilot identity when out at a bar and it makes him out to be goofier than how the character usually comes across.


Top Gun Cast & Character Guide

The Top Gun cast has bona fide movie stars like Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer and '80s icons like Kelly McGillis and Meg Ryan playing its characters.

"Sorry Goose, But It's Time To Buzz The Tower."


Maverick is certainly one of the best pilots in the sky, but he has a reputation for being reckless as well. Though he does not like the suggestion that he is unsafe, he doesn't have a problem showing off and displaying a rebellious nature. Sometimes that unorthodox attitude is exactly what the situation needs, but most of the time, it just gets him in trouble.

After accomplishing a flight lesson, Maverick is pumped up and requests a flyby of the tower. Even though he is denied, Maverick has already decided he's going for it, despite Goose's protests.

It's a fun moment that shows the rebellious attitude of Maverick that he cannot help but get himself in trouble. As Top Gun: Maverick shows, he hasn't really lost much of that attitude as, even as a middle-aged man, he still butts heads with his superior officers like Jon Hamm's Cyclone and Ed Harris' Hammer.

"She's Lost That Loving Feeling."


Aside from all the excitement of the flight school, Top Gun also succeeds with its compelling romance. Maverick sets his sights on Charlie in a bar, unaware that she is actually one of his instructors at the school.

However, just like in the skies, Maverick has a unique approach to his targets. As he and Goose discuss how he'll woo this beautiful woman, Maverick says "She's lost that loving feeling" which Goose is not happy about.

They proceed to sing the Righteous Brothers' famous song before the entire bar joins in. It's a cheesy but undeniably fun moment that shows the charms of Maverick and proves he doesn't take himself too seriously. While the audience might be expecting him to be suave and cool, he proceeds to make a fool of himself with Tom Cruise really selling the moment.

"Great, Then I Won't Have To Worry About You Making Your Living As A Singer."


Part of the reason the relationship between Maverick and Charlie works so well is that she is unimpressed with his cocky attitude and smooth gimmicks. There is a sense that she can see right through him and knows the kind of guy he is and is not going to show any interesting until he proves he can rise to her level rather than her sinking to his. This even comes after his valiant effort to woo her with a singalong performance.

Charlie ensures Maverick that the way to win her heart is not so easy, humoring only long enough to turn him down in a memorable way. Finding out that he is a pilot, Charlie delivers this great insult to his subpar singing skills and shows that she might be the much-needed person to deflate his ego a bit.

"Because I Was Inverted."


The early sequence of Maverick and Goose taking a picture of the enemy plane is a great introduction to Maverick as one of the best pilots in the sky. However, his antics are stunning enough that he has a hard time getting anyone to believe them. When Charlie tells the class of pilots the secrecy of the enemy planes, Maverick is all too happy to boast about snapping a picture.

Charlie is dubious about this claim to begin with and it only gets more unbelievable when Maverick explains his plane was inverted. This results in Iceman directly calling out the claim as false. Though it isn't easy to convince his fellow pilots of this, the fact that the audience saw him do something everyone else thinks is impossible makes him a hero worth cheering for.

"Talk To Me, Goose."


The relationship between Maverick and Goose makes for one of the best action movie friendships. Though Maverick is a skilled pilot, he also relies on Goose as a partner in the skies, often using the catchphrase "Talk to me, Goose," to get his wingman's read on the situation. Losing Goose and that voice in the cockpit with him is part of the reason Maverick has such a hard time getting back in the sky.

During the climactic dogfight at the end of Top Gun, Maverick tries to get over his guilt of what happened to Goose and fly with that instinct that made him one of the best. However, in a touching moment, he speaks to Goose once again and asks for his guidance, proving that their bond was a big part of Maverick's abilities as a pilot.

"Take Me To Bed, Or Lose Me Forever."


Top Gun arguably introduced a lot of big names in small roles. One of the most recognizable faces that pop up is Meg Ryan in her big-screen debut. Ryan plays Carole, Goose's fun and energetic wife. Though it is not a large role, Ryan shows off a lot of the charm and humor that would soon make her a big star in the movie business and set her up as a rom-com icon.

As Goose and Maverick double-date, Carole, yells to her dear husband, "Take me to bed, or lose me forever." It's a goofy line, but Ryan knows how to sell it. In that small role, she helps to make Goose's death more tragic as it establishes his loving family and how their cheerful time together in this scene is quickly shattered shortly after.

"I'll Fly With You."


Though Maverick strives to be the best pilot around, he has to compete with Viper [Tom Skerrit], the head instructor of Top Gun school. While Viper is hard on Maverick and calls him out for his mistakes, he sees the potential in the young man. After Goose's death, it is Viper who convinces Maverick that he needs to get back in the cockpit and continue, becoming even more of a mentor figure to the younger pilot.

After graduating, Maverick is given his first assignment and told he will be assigned a new partner. However, Viper says Maverick could call him if he needs one, saying "I'll fly with you." It is a moment of acceptance in that Maverick is not only being told he can fly with the best but that Viper trusts him even after Goose's death.

"I Am Dangerous."


Maverick's rival in the Top Gun school is Iceman [Val Kilmer] and he makes for a great 80s movie villain, albeit a likable one. Iceman is the complete opposite of Maverick, flying by the book and showing tremendous patience while up in the air.

He sees Maverick's reckless behavior as a liability in the sky. As the two butt heads, Iceman calls Maverick dangerous. Maverick snaps back, "That's right, Ice…Man, I am dangerous." Cruise's delivery and the way he and Kilmer play off each other make this a great and memorable faceoff, cementing their compelling rivalry.

Though Maverick usually defined himself against people insisting he is a dangerous pilot, he uses this moment to warn Iceman that he is not someone to be underestimated. Such moments make their later friendship in the sequel even more heartwarming.

"Son, Your Ego Is Writing Checks Your Body Can't Cash."


One of the most entertaining clichés in 80s action movies is the tough authority figure who always chews out hotshots for their reckless behavior. Top Gun continues this tradition with Stinger, Maverick and Goose's superior officer, who gives them a verbal berating after pulling another of their stunts. Though he is a brief part of the movie, this line helps him to stand out.

As Stinger breaks down all of Maverick's accomplishments, he quickly follows up by pointing out all the times he screwed up. In a classic boss line, he tells Maverick "Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash." Not only is it funny, but it actually sums up Maverick pretty well. One of the reasons Top: Maverick is seen as the better movie is because it puts Maverick's macho ego in check while allowing him to still be himself.

"You Can Be My Wingman Any Time."


Though Maverick and Iceman are enemies at first, it's clear they have a lot in common. They are both arrogant and think they are the best around, so it's natural they would butt heads. But all that changes when the two pilots have to work together in a real dogfight.

While Iceman is still not confident in Maverick as a team player, Maverick pulls through, taking out the enemies and saving Iceman. Back on the ground, Iceman finally admits Maverick is a good pilot, telling him "You can be my wingman any time." Maverick responds, "Bulls***. You can be mine."

The respect earned between them perfectly sets up the friendship between Maverick and Iceman in Top Gun: Maverick. It also makes for a fitting end to Top Gun with Maverick earning the praise of his toughest critic.

"I Feel The Need…The Need For Speed!"


There is no line as iconic as this in the entire movie. As Maverick and Goose prepare to take to the skies again, they pump themselves up with this mantra, "I feel the need…the need for speed!" It is another example of a corny 80s movie line that is mocked by some, but it also gets the energy going. These are the kind of guys that live for that adrenaline rush.

It is also an appropriate summation of Tom Cruise's personality in general as he always seems to be striving to go bigger and faster with his movies - something he continues in Top Gun: Maverick. Both Cruise and Maverick continue to push the limits in exciting ways in the sequel and it is likely that kind of attitude would not have existed without the original Top Gun.

What is the famous line from Top Gun?

In no particular order, here are 10 iconic lines from the movie..

"That's right, Iceman. ... .

"It's classified. ... .

"Because I was inverted.".

"Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash.".

"I feel the need -- the need for speed.".

"Hey, Goose, you big stud.".

"You can be my wingman any time.".

"This could be complicated..

What did Maverick say to Goose?

Maverick: This is what I call a target-rich environment. Goose: You live your life between your legs, Mav. Maverick: Goose, even you could get laid in a place like this. Goose: Hell, I'd be happy to just find a girl that would talk dirty to me.nullTop Gun [1986] - Quotes - › title › quotesnull

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