Pay tribute nghĩa là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "pay tribute", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ pay tribute, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ pay tribute trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. He then turned south, forcing Babylonia to pay tribute.

2. It seemed proper to pay tribute to her in this way.

3. Here, some of Derek's follow drivers pay tribute to his skills.

4. The event will pay tribute to the late trumpeter Louis Armstrong.

5. She digressed from her prepared speech to pay tribute to the President.

6. I pay tribute to the efforts of the construction industry training board.

7. He has forbidden his followers to pay tribute to the emperor, Consul!

8. I pay tribute to him for his support for the Peace Train.

9. Ugarit was obliged to pay tribute and to supply its overlord with troops.

10. Here to pay tribute to her gospel roots is our American Idol, Fantasia!

11. Let me here pay tribute to the millions who are champions of democracy.

12. Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome.

13. I pay tribute to the tireless efforts of members of the campaign committee.

14. I'd like to pay tribute to the party workers for all their hard work.

15. The opportunity to pay tribute to my Khan from my journeys... along the Silk Road.

16. Memorial Day is a national holiday to pay tribute to Americans killed in military service.

17. I pay tribute to the fact that he has shown a personal interest in the case.

18. We pay tribute to the Greek Presidency for showing political acumen and foresight by launching "Corfu discussions."

19. And they heard the Prime Minister pay tribute to them when they sat in on Question Time.

20. During that time, the Company has grown substantially under his leadership and we pay tribute to his achievements.

21. As well as his family, dozens of students were there to hear the college's vicar pay tribute to their friend.

22. I pay tribute to the work of the churches in my borough and other inner-London boroughs on this issue.

23. I should like to pay tribute to the care with which the justices record the family history and the chronology.

24. I pay tribute to the Home Office for the way in which it dealt with immigrants who came to Northern Ireland.

25. However, on account of unfaithfulness, the Israelites were often in an inferior position and were forced to pay tribute to others.

26. The ogre became so wealthy by being a great landowner; people had to pay tribute to him to get any-thing.

27. I pay tribute to the fairness of the Home Office in dealing with the cases that have come to my attention.

28. 19 I pay tribute to the fairness of the Home Office in dealing with the cases that have come to my attention.

29. The Pals pay tribute to the passing of the Shack and 11 more lovelies can be found inside this classic stocking filler.

30. Mr Benn is a thoroughly charming man, and I was pleased to pay tribute to him when I got up to speak.

31. After a prayer service in church to honor Virgin Mary, children brought gifts and flowers to pay tribute to their own mothers.

32. In the traditional way, a monument erected in the burial ground would be the most appropriate way to pay tribute to the departed.

33. As we mark the end of America’s combat mission in Iraq, a grateful nation must pay tribute to all who have served there.

34. 19 After a prayer service in church to honor Virgin Mary, children brought gifts and flowers to pay tribute to their own mothers.

35. Its leader, Kublai Khan, demanded that the Japanese pay tribute to the new Yuan dynasty and threatened reprisals if they failed to do so.

36. They started to pay tribute to the fallen soldiers, the military and blew the lights-out signal that the LDC will allow victims to rest.

37. With a special burial ground accessible every hour of the day, friends and family from all around the world could practically come together at anytime to pay tribute to the deceased.

38. Since there are millions of tourists from China visiting Hong Kong every year, the prelate hoped mainland Catholics would also come to "pay tribute to the relic and model on the late pope."

39. The princes of southern and eastern Russia had to pay tribute to the Mongols of the Golden Horde, commonly called Tatars; but in return they received charters authorizing them to act as deputies to the khans.

40. In December 2007, an international conference on Nonconvex Programming was held in Rouen, France, to pay tribute to him on the occasion of his 80th birthday, in recognition of his pioneering achievements which advanced the field of global optimization.

41. first day of school, I know your new teacher. When I see you feel so warm, warm. In three years you will let us grow into a more sturdy trees. No matter whether I will be tall and straight trees, or low shrubs. Teacher, I will pay tribute to your life green. I hope our youth will always be with you the joy, Teacher's Day approaching, my dear teacher, I wish you good health and good luck!

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "paid tribute|pay tribute", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ paid tribute|pay tribute, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ paid tribute|pay tribute trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. He paid tribute to the organising committee.

2. He paid fulsome tribute to his attractive, blonde secretary.

3. He then turned south, forcing Babylonia to pay tribute.

4. The commander paid tribute to the courage of his troops.

5. The richer the vein was the less the tribute paid by the mine; the leaner the vein the greater the tribute.

6. In her speech, she paid a glowing tribute to her predecessor.

7. The film directors Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg also paid tribute.

8. The couple paid tribute to the helicopter crew who rescued them.

9. 16) They paid tribute to Rhea, the Mother of the Gods.

10. The doctor paid tribute to his nurses by praising their work.

11. Then the tribute the mob paid him was a sorry tribute indeed, for that same mob had wallowed "Ephemera" into the mire.

12. It seemed proper to pay tribute to her in this way.

13. Here, some of Derek's follow drivers pay tribute to his skills.

14. March 2007 the French Institute of Haiti paid her a posthumous tribute.

15. The director paid tribute to all she had done for the charity.

16. The minister paid tribute to the men who had fought the blaze.

17. The Taylor Prism parallels the Bible account of tribute paid to Sennacherib

18. After the game Wenger paid tribute to the 23-year-old debutant.

19. The event will pay tribute to the late trumpeter Louis Armstrong.

20. The Assyrian king’s claim regarding the tribute Jehu supposedly paid cannot be corroborated.

21. She digressed from her prepared speech to pay tribute to the President.

22. I pay tribute to the efforts of the construction industry training board.

23. At her funeral her oldest friend paid tribute to her life and work.

24. Tribute formerly paid to freebooters along the scottish border for protection from pillage.

25. He has forbidden his followers to pay tribute to the emperor, Consul!

pay tribute Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

pay tribute

show that you respect or admire a person, honor someone In a letter to Ms. Lee, the City paid tribute to her for service to her community.

tôn vinh (ai đó hoặc điều gì đó)

Làm điều gì đó như một cách thể hiện sự tôn trọng hoặc ngưỡng mộ một cách công khai đối với một người, một nhóm hoặc một sự vật cụ thể. Bộ phim tôn vinh một loạt phim phiêu lưu cũ được phát sóng trên truyền hình vào giữa những năm 1930. Người hâm mộ trên toàn thế giới đang bày tỏ lòng thành kính đối với ngôi sao nhạc pop sau cái chết đột ngột của anh .. Xem thêm: tri ân, tri ân

bày tỏ lòng kính trọng đối với ai đó hoặc điều gì đó

Hình. để chào một ai đó hoặc một cái gì đó; để công nhận một người nào đó hoặc một cái gì đó. Nhiều bạn bè của Judy đã tụ tập để tỏ lòng thành kính với cô. Chúng tôi sẽ tổ chức tiệc chiêu đãi để tri ân công việc của ủy ban .. Xem thêm: cống hiến, vinh danh

trả công ˈtribute to somebody / something

cho thấy bạn tôn trọng hoặc ngưỡng mộ ai đó / điều gì đó: Các thành viên của ngành âm nhạc để tỏ lòng thành kính đối với cố Leonard Bernstein.Trước đây, người ta thường phải tỏ lòng thành kính đối với một vị vua cai trị, nghĩa là trả tiền để được bảo vệ hoặc để không bị tấn công .. Xem thêm: pay, somebody, something, cống. Xem thêm: