Random Spotify playlist generator

Generate random songs and discover new music on Spotify and YouTube!

Discover random songs, artists, and albums, and listen to them directly on Spotify and YouTube, with the click of a button! Filter by genres and popularity.

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Discover random songs, artists, and albums, and listen to them directly on Spotify and YouTube, with the click of a button!

RandomSong.net is an application that generates random songs from multiple artists and genres. Its a tool developed to entertain and expand your musical repertoire, introduce you to different styles and albums, and connect musical lovers around the world. We developed the application valuing the minimalist design and the ease and fluidity of the website while encouraging the integrated sharing functionality. Also, the connection with mainstream music platforms, like Spotify and YouTube, makes it more pleasurable to find something appropriate to your taste!

How do I use the application?

Its very intuitive and simple. Just click on the Generate Random Song button and a random song will be presented to you.

Clicking on the image, youll be redirected to Spotify. You can also click on the artist name or the album name, and youll be sent to the respective pages.

Clicking on "Filters", you can personalize your experience by selecting the desired genres and popularity of the artists.

Also, you can listen to the song by clicking on the Spotify or YouTube buttons, accessing these platforms directly. If you find something that you like, you can easily share your finding on Facebook or Twitter.

If you dont like the song presented to you, just endlessly click on the Generate Another button, until you find something attractive!

Do you use an API?

Yes, RandomSong.net uses the Spotify API to generate songs.

We follow the guidelines demanded by Spotify, and all the credits of our music database go to the streaming platform.


We are really glad that you are enjoying RandomSong.net! We always seek to improve our application and make it better, faster and more pleasing.

If you want to help us to improve the website, feel free to share your thoughts, feedback, bugs and suggestions on the Forms below.

Click here!

Developed by Pedro Serras and João Pedro França

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