rotten tomatoes là gì - Nghĩa của từ rotten tomatoes

rotten tomatoes có nghĩa là

A movie critic site which is one run by hipsters. They give terrible ratings to good/mainstream movies and extremely high ratings to "underground" or "cult classic" films that nobody has heard of.

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*Navigates to Rotten Tomatoes* *Sees The Boondock Saints got a 20% rating, but A Job Worth Doing, a straight to VHS movie that nobody has heard of, got 83% positive review by the "critics"*

rotten tomatoes có nghĩa là

A online community loosely based on reviewing/discussing movies.

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*Navigates to Rotten Tomatoes*

rotten tomatoes có nghĩa là

An free, online compiler of movie reviews. Rotten Tomatoes generally compiles over 100 reviews for popular movies, and presents the average rating (based on the reviews that give stars) and the percent of good, or "fresh" reviews. If 60% or more of the reviews are fresh the movie is certified "fresh," otherwise, it is "rotten," hence the name of the cite.

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*Navigates to Rotten Tomatoes* *Sees The Boondock Saints got a 20% rating, but A Job Worth Doing, a straight to VHS movie that nobody has heard of, got 83% positive review by the "critics"*

rotten tomatoes có nghĩa là

A online community loosely based on reviewing/discussing movies.

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*Navigates to Rotten Tomatoes*

rotten tomatoes có nghĩa là

A true act of terrorism for sick people. A “Rotten Tomato” is your typical latex water balloon with one major flaw, or upgrade depending on how sick you are. The tosser will fill a red, orange, yellow, or green balloon with one or more helpings of diarrhea (fresh or seasoned acceptable). The process of filling the balloon requires ingenuity beyond the scope of this article. Don’t be afraid to get creative.

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*Sees The Boondock Saints got a 20% rating, but A Job Worth Doing, a straight to VHS movie that nobody has heard of, got 83% positive review by the "critics"*

rotten tomatoes có nghĩa là

A online community loosely based on reviewing/discussing movies.

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Before we buy our tickets lets go to rotten tomatoes ( to make sure this movie isn't going to blow. An free, online compiler of movie reviews. Rotten Tomatoes generally compiles over 100 reviews for popular movies, and presents the average rating (based on the reviews that give stars) and the percent of good, or "fresh" reviews. If 60% or more of the reviews are fresh the movie is certified "fresh," otherwise, it is "rotten," hence the name of the cite. Guy A: Did (MOVIEA) get good reviews?

rotten tomatoes có nghĩa là

The appearance of a vagina after a U.S. Army infantryman has been there.

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Guy B: Yeah, it got a 93% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, you should definitely see it.

rotten tomatoes có nghĩa là

When a a guy farts into a woman who is on the rag and then eats her out. Dammmn Son!!! Julie is a freak- that bitch wanted the rotten tomato.

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A true act of terrorism for sick people. A “Rotten Tomato” is your typical latex water balloon with one major flaw, or upgrade depending on how sick you are. The tosser will fill a red, orange, yellow, or green balloon with one or more helpings of diarrhea (fresh or seasoned acceptable). The process of filling the balloon requires ingenuity beyond the scope of this article. Đừng sợ để có được sáng tạo.

rotten tomatoes có nghĩa là

Tosser: My vegetable of a neighbor used to enjoy our conversations before I nailed his wheel chair with fresh rotten tomato.

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A review website that many people hate simply because their favourite movie doesn’t have of a rating of 80 percent or higher. Primarily used by angry teens to whinge on about how critics are “biased.” Fanboy: “Oh my God, I can’t believe Batman v Superman got a 27 percent on Rotten Tomatoes! Critics are biased and stupid because they don’t share the same opinion as me!” Me: “Sorry to break it to you, but not everyone shares the same opinion as you. Đó là cuộc sống. Complaining about it isn’t going to change anything.”