What is the difference between preparation and compilation of financial statements?



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What is the difference between preparation and compilation of financial statements?

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What is the difference between a prepared, compiled, reviewed, and audited set of financial statements?

The prepared financial statement requires no verification of the independence of the auditor. The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) takes the client information and puts it in the financial statement format without providing any assurance on the accuracy and completeness of the information. It has the lowest form of reliability of the different services on financial statements that can be provided by a CPA. In a compiled financial statement, the CPA is required to evaluate and disclose his or her independence with regards to the entity being audited and evaluate the financial statements for obvious material misstatements. The CPA is required to associate his or her name to the financial statements in a compilation report, but does not provide an opinion. In a review of financial statements, the CPA analyzes the information provided by the client and enquires about any unusual trends. There is no independent verification of the detailed accounting transactions. However, the CPA does provide limited assurance on the financial statements. An audited financial statement provides an independent verification of the information presented in the financial statement. This service provides the highest level of reliability and assurance. For more information, see our training module, The Auditors Report.


The Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) provide guidance in performing preparation of financial statements, compilation, and review engagements. SSARS engagements tend to take much less time than audits and can be provided at a lesser cost. These services are not, however, as rigorous as an audit. The SSARS are issued by the AICPA.

CPAs can provide any of the following services as provided for in the SSARS: 

Preparation Engagement

AR-C 70 provides guidance for preparation of financial statement engagements. This standard allows CPAs to issue financial statements without a compilation report. A disclaimer (no assurance is provided) is required. Disclosures to the financial statements are not required. The CPA need not be independent.

Compilation Engagement

AR-C 80 provides guidance for compilation engagements. The CPA usually assists with the preparation of financial statements and then reads them to see if they appear appropriate. Disclosures to the financial statements are not required. A compilation report is required. The CPA need not be independent. 

Review Engagement

AR-C 90 provides guidance for review engagements. The CPA usually assists with the preparation of financial statements and then makes inquiries and creates analytics. These procedures provide the basis for a limited assurance report. A review report is required. The financial statements are full-disclosure. The CPA must be independent.

Here are my SSARS articles to assist you in your work.

Compilation Articles

AR-C 80

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What is the difference between preparation and compilation of financial statements?

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What is the difference between preparation and compilation of financial statements?

Supplementary Information: SSARS

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What is the difference between preparation and compilation of financial statements?

Bookkeeping, Preparations, Compilations, and Reviews

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Review Articles

AR-C 90

What is the difference between preparation and compilation of financial statements?

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What is the difference between preparation and compilation of financial statements?

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What is the difference between preparation and compilation of financial statements?

Bookkeeping, Preparations, Compilations, and Reviews

Today, we’ll answer various questions regarding bookkeeping, preparations, compilations, and review engagement.

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What is the preparation of financial statements?

The preparation of financial statements involves the process of aggregating accounting information into a standardized set of financials.

What is a compilation of financial statements?

A compilation is the one of the lowest level financial statement services an accountant can provide. A compilation consists essentially of presenting information obtained from a client in financial statement format. There is no assurance being provided by the accountant.

What is the difference between compiled and reviewed financial statements?

A compilation is a basic summary of your company's financial statements written by a CPA using data provided by your company. Unlike a review or an audit, this method provides no assurance. There are no tests performed, and the auditor does not examine any internal controls.

What is the difference between audited and compiled financial statements?

In short, the differences between an audit, a review, and a compilation are as follows: Level of assurance. The level of assurance that the financial statements of a client are fairly presented is at its highest for an audit and at its lowest (none at all) for a compilation, with a review somewhere in between.