Why is good character one of the most important characteristics of a communicator

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Good character is important in life, because it opens you up to more opportunities, as a human being with human interactions. Having good character means you are respectful, caring, trustworthy, responsible, fair, and have good citizenship.
In the movie Radio there are both good and bad characteristics of most of the characters. For example coach Jones is a very respected and respectful individual, he gets that respect by showing respect and good character. Coach Jones gets Radio to trust him over time. Coach Jones cares for Radio and takes him under his wing and teaches him social skills so he is able to take care of himself and live in the world like everyone else. Radio has good character, he has manners and is respectful to everyone, he has a kind heart and enjoys people. Radio learns social interaction skills and manners through the
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When you are respectful you gain respect back (golden rule- do to other what you would want them to do to you ), this helps you to grow personally because being respectful is viewed highly in our society and will help you get where you need to go in life. Being trustworthy shows others that you can be trusted and relied on helping you to gain people who rely on you for things they need, it also allows you to rely on yourself and keep promises you make for yourself. Having good self satisfaction, loving oneself, helps you to be more confident and with this trait comes great things. Being confident helps you to get yourself out there and helps you to be able to have good communication skills. These are two very important things when it comes to job interviews, talking to your boss or coworkers, or even when making new friends.
Having good character, good personal traits and good qualities help you in life in very many ways. From the job site to a social interaction to being self satisfied good personal traits, character, and qualities help you all

Why is good character one of the most important characteristics of a communicator

Stan Garfield


Oct 15, 2019


1 min read

What are the qualities of good communicators?

Originally answered Oct 7, 2018

  1. Be authentic, honest, and open
  2. Be engaging, interesting, and approachable
  3. Listen actively, attentively, and with understanding
  4. Use appropriate body language and facial expressions, maintain good eye contact, and show empathy
  5. Return calls, reply to email, and respond to posts promptly, politely, and helpfully
  6. Use language carefully, correctly, and clearly
  7. Avoid buzzwords, confusing jargon, and corporate speak
  8. Speak and write appropriately, thoroughly, and in a timely manner
  9. Speak and write coherently, concisely, and compellingly
  10. Speak, write, present, post, reply, solicit/ask/answer questions, be interviewed, and interview others readily, easily, and effectively

See also: Articles about Communications, Grammar, and English Usage

Great people are usually judged by their character. Make sure that your character is great. Having good character means that you have such admirable traits as honesty, responsibility and courage.

It is beneficial for you to have good character. Being honorable and honest in the work you do and in your relations with others are essential in your life. Having an honorable character also provides you with personal benefits and can enhance your grades.

Questions you may have include:

  • What does having character mean?
  • What are the benefits to a student?
  • How does a student show character?

This lesson will answer those questions.

What character is

"Character" is sort of a catch-all word that describes your characteristic traits. If someone says you have character, it usually means that you are honorable and honest, have integrity, are courageous, and are reliable and responsible.

Poor character

On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are students who lie, cheat, or steal. They may also be lazy, unreliable or inconsiderate of others. Some are cowards.

Quite a character

The phrase "He (or she) is quite a character" usually refers to an extreme or unique personality. You can be considered quite a character if you dress and act in your own unique manner that is different than almost everyone else. You can be quite a character but still have good character by being honest, reliable and determined.

Good character important

It is obvious that honesty and integrity are important. The same is true for reliability and other forms of character, such as being courageous or brave. You should be ethical and conscientious in your work. This is especially important when working on a team.

Having an honorable character is a natural progression from being healthy, skilled, excellent and valuable in school.


Being a student of good character is important in your relationship with your teachers and other students, as well as your own self-worth.


If you are known as an honest and honorable student, as well as a person who is reliable and responsible, you will be respected by those with whom you deal. Fellow students, teachers and your parents will trust you, know they can depend on you, and want you involved in their activities.

People don't like to deal with someone who lies, steals or is lazy. Even your best friend can be turned off by such behavior.

Esteem and virtues

Another important factor is that the honorable student has a greater self-esteem. You feel good about yourself. Finally, there is the religious aspect of having the virtues of honesty, morality and ethics.

Maintain character

You should take care of yourself to insure that you have good character. Your actions determine what people think of you and establish your reputation. They also determine how others will respond to what you do and say.

The way to have good character is to always make sure that you are honest, honorable and forthright. Make sure there is no implication of dishonesty in any form.

You should also seek to be considerate of others and conscientious in your work. This doesn't mean that you need to be perfect, but it does mean that you are trying to be someone of high character.

Finally, being courageous enough to take a stand to help those in need or trying something new builds character.


You need to be honest and reliable. You need to be responsible and courageous. Your reputation affects how people deal with you. Having good character results in respect from others and greater self-esteem. Having character requires a constant effort.

Always do the right thing

Resources and references

Ron Kurtus' Credentials


Good Grades Resources



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Top-rated books on Getting Good Grades

Top-rated books on Good Character

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What is the most important characteristics of a good communicator?

Active Listening They listen attentively to what the other person is saying. The ability to listen attentively is the number one skill in effective communication. They wait patiently and carefully process the information they are hearing, in order to provide the most appropriate and effective response.

Why is character communication important?

Characters are the vehicle through which a story or idea unfolds. Things happen to them or 'through' them and as we empathise with them we experience their emotions as if they were our own. A good character portrays the human condition in a way that deeply connects us with the idea or event that is being communicated.