Windows 10 desktop icons move after resolution change

I have a weird issue. Every now and then, seemingly at random, my desktop icons' positions reset to alphabetical order. I have them grouped by type -- all my games in one place, IDEs in another, etc. -- and it's incredibly frustrating to have to rearrange them.

This doesn't seem to happen after updates. It does, sometimes, but other updates don't change it, and it sometimes resets without an update. Auto-arrange icons is off, as is "allow themes to change desktop icons", I haven't changed my monitor resolution in six months1, and I've followed just about every piece of advice that didn't involve mucking with the registry, because I don't really like playing around with that on the say-so of some random person on the internet. This keeps happening anyway.

Short of installing some software, how can I permanently prevent Windows from rearranging my desktop icons? Is it possible?

1: Intentionally, at least. It's entirely possible that Windows is mucking with the resolution settings and hiding it from me.