Acer laptop shuts down after few seconds

  • Check to see if the RAM fell out.  Reseat it anyway. But it shouldn't shut off if the RAM is bad.  If it shuts off its because it's losing power or over heating. 

    Acer laptop shuts down after few seconds
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  • Get your can of air and give it a good cleaning.

  • BenJSpain wrote:

    Check to see if the RAM fell out.  Reseat it anyway. But it shouldn't shut off if the RAM is bad.  If it shuts off its because it's losing power or over heating. 

    I agree with re-seating the RAM.  Seen this happen more than once.

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  • The RAM is OK, is New!  Could it be the CPU? or motherboard. OR I should consider buying a new Battery!, or an adaptable fan

    In the past the computer did shutt off out nowhere while it was in used and that was because the left side of the laptop overheat

  • Any beeps or anything?

  • The HD makes a beep noise kinda when the laptop turns off, but I try the same HD in a diff. Laptop and it works.

  • Does anything show on screen?

  • m.aguilar20 wrote:

    The RAM is OK, is New!  Could it be the CPU? or motherboard. OR I should consider buying a new Battery!, or an adaptable fan

    In the past the computer did shutt off out nowhere while it was in used and that was because the left side of the laptop overheat

    That's OK that the RAM is new, but you could have a bad stick of memory. Do you still have the old RAM? if so put it back in and see if the problem is persistent. 

  •  Bill, I have try to put the old RAM but still nothing. Twon, nothing on the screen shows, I crack the old screen so I just put a new one. And  the fan has been clean!

  • Take out the battery, hold power down for 10 seconds. connect laptop directly to power source.  attempt to turn on.  results?

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  • I would say the RAM is probably bad, or needs to be reseated. Plus there is no promise that the memory is compatible with your laptop (had an issue like that about a month ago).

    EDIT: Just saw your post.

    If the memory is not the problem, then perhaps when the laptop fell the heatsink lost it's "grip" on the processor, and it is overheating in a few seconds...

    Good Luck!

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  • Perhaps bad memory slot? Did you try just 1 stick of memory, then the other, to rule that out?

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  • Jeremy, I have done that about 30 seconds ago, but nothing still. Brent, I have try just putting one memory then the other one, but nothing, Maybe the heatsink lost it's grip on the processor like you say and if thats the problem, what should I do?

  • Condolences on your recent loss.   At the risk of being labeled insensitive, I like how the OP starts out: "My laptop fell accidentally to the ground one time," as it reminds me of something a teenager might say, "... but we ONLY had sex ONE time!!!!"

    as if it takes more than one bounce to destroy a system board, or enter into the parenthood stage of life.... thanks for the smile of the day.


  • Maybe the heatsink lost it's grip on the processor like you say and if thats the problem, what should I do?

    Get your screwdriver. its time to take apart that laptop.

  • I have taken everything out, but I believe is overheating at the start like you guys have say, I'm just gonna buy a new fan and heatsink.

    Thanks guys for the inputs.....

  • Assuming that the heatsink lost it's solid connection, it would require a ton of screws to be removed to get to the heatsink. Basically, once you see the heatsink try to wiggle with decent force to see if it wiggles. It shouldn't wiggle at all I would say.

    One thing that you probably checked is connecting an external monitor. You say the fan stops spinning after a second, but perhaps it is going a lot slower (it's not uncommon for it to go all out for the first few seconds, then go down to a slow speed). I would wager that something on the LCD panel went out over the heatsink becoming dislodged.

  • I know the feeling for Acer's are a bit mixed, but I wouldn't rule out that the motherboard is bad based only on the fact that Acer made it. I've heard some horror stories about Acer machines, so I wouldn't rule that out.

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  • Are there any system beeps?
    Does the power indication light flash in a sequence/pattern?

  • Something I've seen on a couple Acers. Is that the charger plug can break its connection on the mother board.   You've basically have a dead computer.  If it was plugged in when it fell and especially if it landed on the plug, I'd look at that solder joint.  If there is even a crack it might not be getting a good connection.   Its tricky but fixable. 

  • I had this happen to me about 2 years ago i ended up sending it in because it was still under warranty and they said the motherboard and fans had to be replaced

  • hi i have a acer travelmate 6293 and it was working fine but now its restarting after start up and when i remove the hard drive its staying for longer now,'please i need help

  • in my opinion I will advice you to send it in first and see if they mention your MB bad then you can decide what you do next instead of worrying your self for what you are not expert in .. 

  • Dear all,

    I am using Acer 5552G laptop. Recently i setup new OS windows. But after a week when turn on my Laptop it is open but 15 min after automatically turn off. I m surprised it. After i restart my laptop but no respond just show on switch light 5 scc and again turn off.  pls tell me what to do now. If possible give me solution...

    Thanks and best regards,

  • Light off switch turn bottom left perhaps fall problem.

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  • I had the shut of issue on a Acer Predator.  After installing so many things it was hard to understand what caused it.  I lived with it for about a week before I tried to just use a bootloader like Clover to test being able to boot windows.  Turns out it would shut off right as windows10 would normally start animating at the bottom.  This made me think it had something to do with Hibernation or some other magic.  I looked around online and it turns out under the Control Panel you can search "What your buttons do" and I go down and uncheck "Fast Startup".  Turns out this feature tries to put the windows core stuff in memory.  I already have a 1800MB/s SSD so I thought - Why do I need this?  I uncheck it, reboot and bang -  fires up every single time now.

    More on Fast Start up here