Cách làm bài exam hubspot

So, you’ve decided to get your HubSpot Inbound Certification. You won’t be sorry.

The training you'll get will be invaluable whether you're working with clients or overseeing your company’s own marketing initiatives. Here’s some information about what to expect, how to best prepare and what the test will be like.

How to Pass the HubSpot Inbound Certification Exam

There are 11 sections to the HubSpot Inbound Certification program. Each one offers approximately 45 minutes of video content. Each section is subdivided into easily digestible segments that are perfect for those that are fitting the training into their busy day, or who want to easily retrieve and review specific information. Read on for a few key ways to pass the final exam!

Watch the HubSpot Training Videos (possibly in slow-mo)

The videos are hosted by various HubSpot Team Members, who present the material in their own unique and engaging styles. Slides are clear and easy to follow. There is also an outline on the home page for each section that tells you what you will learn in that segment. Additionally, there are links provided to more content that delves deeper into each topic.

Though you can stop and start these videos, we recommend that you allow enough time to watch each segment in one viewing. Each section is designed to deliver information about that topic.

For example, the second segment deals with website optimization and it’s role in Inbound Marketing. Sub segments include Website optimization and inbound marketing; how to optimize a website; best practices; and what website optimization in execution looks like.

Watching all these segments together reinforces the concepts and offers a holistic take on the topic which can get muddled in your brain if not viewed altogether. You should also consider slowing down the speed of these videos if the speaker is talking too fast for you to take notes!

Don't Binge Watch the Videos

If possible, don’t binge watch more than one segment at a time. While they all tie together in regards to effective elements of Inbound Marketing, each concept should be allowed to stand on its own at first viewing.

Take your time and make sure you understand each section. There are key takeaways at the end of each segment. If they don’t seem completely comprehensible, go back over and either watch the applicable segment or read over the PDF that accompanies each segment.

Download the Extra Materials

Download the provided PDF slides, and video transcripts, that offer a text-based way of studying or reviewing information. This is especially helpful if you're not an auditory  learner. 

While the "Additional Resources" are extremely valuable, you may want to wait until after you pass the test to review them. There is already a lot of content to digest, and while these additional resources can reinforce what you are learning, it's best to stay focused on the material that is presented in the course and will be addressed on the test. 

SEE ALSO: 4 Inbound Marketing Best Practices For Your eCommerce Business

Review the Study Guide

Once you have completed all 11 sections, you will be directed to take a 60-question test. It is a timed test and you will have 75 minutes to complete it. All questions are either true/false or multiple choice. 75 minutes is a sufficient amount of time to take the test, so don’t stress about the ticking clock onscreen.

We advise you to download the study guide and review it thoroughly before taking the test. It would be a good idea to have it handy, not as a cheat sheet, but as a reminder of some concepts that might escape you while taking the test.

You need a score of 75% to pass and gain HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification. If you don’t pass the first time, you may retake the test 48 hours after taking the previous test. You are given three opportunities to pass the test. If you don’t pass any of the three attempts, you may take it again 30 days later.

Keep Calm

The test is broken down into sections resembling the video segments. Once you take the test, you will be shown how well you did on each segment. If you don’t pass, make sure you print out this page so that you know which areas you should focus on before taking the test again.

All questions are well written and not designed to be trick questions. Read each question and corresponding answers thoroughly. As mentioned, 75 minutes is sufficient time to take the test, so don’t feel you have to rush through any question.

Good luck! Need some more guidance on Inbound? To speak to one of our very own Inbound Certified specialists, contact us today.

Cách làm bài exam hubspot