How do you get married in Harvest Moon Save the homeland?

Question asked by Guest on Apr 4th 2011

Last Modified: Jul 15th 2011

Question for Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland

How to get married

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Question asked by Guest on Nov 27th 2012

Last Modified: May 27th 2013

Question for Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland

Why can't you get married in harvest moon save the homeland ps2

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How do you get married in Harvest Moon Save the homeland?

How do you get married in Harvest Moon Save the homeland?

How do you get married in Harvest Moon Save the homeland?

level 1

Save the Homeland was my first harvest Moon game. I remember hearing you could get married in A Wonderful Life and getting so excited thinking that was a just-added feature.

level 2

Same! AWL was always the best followed by Magical Melody for those reasons and a few more!

level 1

I remember just trying and trying hoping if I just did the right thing enough times I'd unlock it.

Oh, to be young.

level 2

SAME!!!! i was so confused

level 1

That didn’t stop me from trying to date Katie

level 1

well i now know a harvest moon game to avoid -_-

level 2

I loved the game for how different it was. You basically had to save the town from being developed into a theme park, there were several different endings too. Only major bummer was that you couldn’t get married! There is a similar version with the same concept called Hero of Leaf Valley and I believe you can get married in that version!

level 1

Is that the one where you’re a robot or something

level 2

Which HM is that? No, you just play a dude who doesn’t get married.

level 1

Innocent Life is still fun though.

level 1

Unpopular opinion: This is my favorite Harvest Moon game, honestly, the lack of romance is a contributing factor to my appreciation of it.

level 1

As a kid I used to see it in Walmart and I would debate asking my parents for it. So glad I didn’t, I was such a romantic little girl I would’ve been crushed if I’d bought it just to find out you can’t get married lol. Would’ve thrown a tantrum 😂

level 1

My first HM game i've played. The game felt kinda incomplete but the characters were so likeable i played hero of leaf valley right after it and leaf valley is such a nice upgrade from it apart from the soundtrack, this game has such masterpiece soundtracks :)

level 1

Hero of Leaf Valley my friend, plus it’s mobile! Unless you’re using an ... alternative console ... lol

level 2

I was so glad when I discovered this existed. I loved the world of Save the Homeland, but the fact that it was focused on endings ruined it.

level 1

I'd probably just fix it with fanfic anyway.

Well, once I get around to playing it, I probably will.

level 1

Save the Homeland was still fun tho!! Innocent Life on the other hand...

level 1

This was a weird one, no marriage was a bad choice, but having a definitive ending was nice... but it was ridiculously easy to accomplish any of the ending. I enjoyed it though, just 100% it way too quickly. The psp remake was nice.

level 1

There were definitely still romantic undertones but overall that game felt incomplete and too quick.

level 1

This is so shallow but I was definitely mad at this game! It had the BEST looking protagonist and I had a huge crush on Gohan in DBZ when I was younger so I named him Gohan (younger version, not GT). Then when I found out I couldn't get married I just stopped playing. Never felt so betrayed in my teen years lol!

level 1

I bought Save The Homeland on PS4 and never played it. Not even once. Marriage is very important in Harvest Moon 😂😂

level 2

Same with if a game just ends at a certain point in time. Looking at Harvest Moon SNES.

Can you play as a girl in Harvest Moon Save the Homeland?

In some Harvest Moon games, the player characters can be either male or female - they will never marry each other (except in IoH/SI). In some other games there is only male option.

How many endings Harvest Moon Save the homeland?

In this game there are 9 different endings to the game. Your goal in this game is to complete these endings.

Can you marry people in Harvest Moon?

Marriage in the Harvest Moon series involves courting one of the bachelors or bachelorettes in the game. Each game has a different set of requirements for marriage.