indonesian là gì - Nghĩa của từ indonesian

indonesian có nghĩa là

A race that other 205 million people in this world have.
They're usually have a religious background (Mainly Muslim or Christian or Hindu if they're from Bali), gets their drivers liscense when they're 15, drives a motorbike since they were 10 and usually a smoker. - We have more that 17,000 islands (Bali is a famous one) and more than 250 different races.
- We love football (soccer) more than anything.
- We usually spend our time in Twitter or Facebook. - We speak more than just one language.
- We usually get mixed with Filipinos.
- We have tanned skin, black hair and big dark eyes.
- We invented the greatest shit ever... MI GORENG!


I'm Indonesian :D
mixture of Dutch, Central Java, Sumatran, Toraja and Timor :)

indonesian có nghĩa là

After eating curry the night before a man poos in a female vagina and then fist fucks the shit out of her thus excreting the feces out of the vagina.


"Why is there shit everywhere?" "Oh, sorry i gave my girlfriend an indonesian pocketbook last night." alabama hotpocket fist fuck stench trench vagina tampon socket cleveland steamer hotpocket dirty sanchez abe lincoln arabian goggles teabag nigger fudge packer

indonesian có nghĩa là

Great restraunt serving authentic indo food on Race Street in Philadelphia's chinatown section. you can usually expect to see several waiters in very nice clothes running around. it is a great place with fine food and decour. they also own cafe pandawan lima in south philly. expect to pay about 25 - 30 dollars per person.


damn the indonesia restraunt is expensive!

indonesian có nghĩa là

A country in southeast asia with a strong patriotic principle that flows through everything here, from the big corporations to the 7/11 stores. Although racially and religiously diverse, Indonesians have a high tolerance towards it and almost all live peacefully in co-existance. Foreigners are treated with the best hospitality an individual Indonesian can offer (they stare at you at first, but if you smile they would smile back). A recurring gag that happens in Indonesian culture is the overall hatred of our northern neighbor, Malaysia. Although our countries are almost the same, we have been involved in one diplomatic spat to another, mostly on their part. Threats of invasion has come across many times starting from the 1960's the most recent is when malaysia claimed some of Indonesia's cultural items as they're own. It is however, in my opinion, very far fetched and often unrealistic. Contrary to popular belief, most of Indonesia's terrorism come's from neighboring Malaysia, there has not been a terrorist leader in Indonesia who is Indonesian. So if you want to blame anyone, go blame Malaysia. The country however is rampant with corruption, it has improved, but is still common throughout all levels of government. Promises of death penalties are often made but never kept, usually they claim is cause by "religious" reasons. Overall that's Indonesia for you, if you want "Truly Asia" go to Indonesia. Trust me, Malaysia is pretty much bullshit when it comes to culture.


"Jakarta, born and raised." Indonesian culture; food, babes, beaches, booze, and indomie (cost like about Rp2.500 here, about 25 cents or cheaper I think. And no it's not made in Australia...)

indonesian có nghĩa là

The act of licking the pubic hairs of another persons anal cavity in a fast, circular motion. It works much better if the person receiving the Indonesian Lawnmower has a very hairy asshole.


D00d, my asshole is so hairy. I'm gonna tell that ho Rachel to give me the Indonesian Lawnmower, and then I'm gonna fart in her mouth.

indonesian có nghĩa là

The act of fucking a girl from Sweden in the ass in front of a Denny's while watching Perfect Strangers reruns. Contrary to popular belief, this can be done anytime throughout the day, as Denny's serves breakfast all day long.


I was performing the Indonesian Lumberjack on Heidi when she began to sob about her recently deceased pet goat.

indonesian có nghĩa là

When a man pours Indonesian hot sauce on his penis, and has a girl give him a blowjob, resulting in a burning sensation on the guy's penis, as well as a burning sensation on the girl's tongue.


She had the kinkiest idea last night, she asked if i wanted to try out the spicy Indonesian.

indonesian có nghĩa là

When one eats enough Asian cuisine to result in violent and painful diarrhea, sporadically exiting the anus, resembling the series of islands that make up Indonesia.


"I shouldn't of had all that duck sauce on my egg roll because now I have The Indonesian Squirts"

indonesian có nghĩa là

Something that doesn't feel right, has that illegal vibe you should stay away from. That off feeling u get.


Eg. that bike look Indonesian a lil, where'd you get the nuclear missiles installed? Eg. Is this really weed it feels very Indonesian.

indonesian có nghĩa là

people who lives in Indonesia. want some fun fact about Indonesians? 99% of Indonesians are just a bunch of bigots mad? I'm Indonesian you cant blame me fuckers


Indonesians who somehow loves kpop: write random 3 words
me: kpop is bad
Indonesian who somehow loves kpop: go to hell