Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

Remote desktop on mac can´t connect to PC


I Get the error code:

"We couldn't connect to the remote PC. Make sure the PC is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled.

Error code: 0x204"

Problem is my Mac (OS 10.14) can't connect to PC at work (Win 10 Pro). The VPN establishes thou.
I connect via VPN (SonicWall mobile connect)
I also have a PC at home which connects just fine.
If I share internet thru my phone/4G the Mac will connect,
the problem is only when I'm on ethernet/wi-fi (but that's no problem for the PC).



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JeanPierreFourie-8253 · Jul 16, 2021 at 03:41 PM

Hi Mattias,

Have you found a fix for this? I'm having the exact issue. Same VPN and it also works when I hotspot to my phone.

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CarlFan-MSFT answered Jan 27, '21

Form the error message itself, it indicated the problem was related to the target computer.
Please follow the steps below to enable remote access in the target computer
Remote Desktop - Allow access to your PC
Remote Desktop - Allow access to your PC from outside your PC's network
Allow Remote Desktop through Windows Defender Firewall
You can navigate to Control Panel > System and Security, click on Allow an app through Windows Firewall link located under Windows Defender Firewall.
Click on the Change settings button located in the top-right section.
Scroll down through the list of allowed items and enable the Private and Public box associated with Remote Desktop and Remote Desktop (WebSocket).
Hope this helps and please help to accept as Answer if the response is useful.
Best Regards,


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ChiaSinLiew-5160 answered Oct 14, '21

I had the same problem (macOS Big Sur v11.6 to Windows 10 Pro) and the problem was solved by enabling "Full Disk Access" under "Security & Privacy" for the VPN program (GlobalProtect) for my case. I didn't try hotspoting from my mobile network so I don't know if that's true for my problem.

Just putting this out there and hopefully it helps some folks who have the same problem.


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Remote Desktop for Mac not connecting after Big Sur update

After upgrading to Big Sur, I can no longer connect to any windows computer using Remote Desktop app.
Any fixes?



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LeoStevens-1360 · Mar 09, 2021 at 07:33 PM

Are there any updates on a fix for this problem? I just started having the screen flicker issue with Remote Desktop running Big Sur.

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NickolasBoyce-6948 · Dec 19, 2021 at 02:50 AM

no problems on Big Sur, but now with Monterey update - getting regular connection hangs and key passing errors...?

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JennyYan-MSFT answered Nov 20, '20 | MariaRobison-7145 commented Apr 16, '21

Several steps you could have a try:
1.Go to Microsoft Remote Desktop > preferences > General Tab> uncheck “use system proxy configurations “ and
Also uncheck “Use hardware acceleration ”

This is one suggestion shared in another thread and many users reported that if fixed their issues.

2.Please try the beta version which included the newest testing features than the officially released version:

Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

3.Please also update the VPN version if used in your remote connection.

Hope this helps and please help to accept as Answer if the response is useful.


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Ashish-4732 · Apr 11, 2021 at 02:32 PM

Thanks Jenny a lot . Microsoft remote desktop using beta as suggested by you is working.

For everyone who are facing issues, please try the beneath link for beta download .

PS: you dont need to do any extra settings ,please mention the remote desktop Ip address you want to connect .


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MariaRobison-7145 · Apr 16, 2021 at 03:08 AM

Thanks Jenny!!!

Mine just started crashing today both on my MacBook Pro and iMac due to macOS Big Sur update. I downloaded beta version 10.5.0 (1836) just as you have suggested and boom! I am able to connect without any issues now. I have been unable to connect all afternoon today and glad I am able to connect now so I can get my presentation ready for work for 9am tomorrow morning! Whew!

Super thank you for this link!

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RobertSchwarz-2568 answered Nov 22, '20 | LarryAlexander-1838 commented May 8, '21

I'm also having RDP issues after Big Sur update. My issues is after connecting, the window rapidly "flickers" I'm running OS X 11.0.1 and RDP client 10.4.1. Turning off hardware acceleration doesn't work.


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JennyYan-MSFT · Nov 23, 2020 at 01:46 AM

What if beta version of remote desktop client for mac?


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RobertSchwarz-2568 JennyYan-MSFT · Nov 23, 2020 at 01:50 AM

I I tried the beta. It had the same issue.

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JennyYan-MSFT RobertSchwarz-2568 · Nov 23, 2020 at 01:55 AM

If above three suggestion did not resolve your issue, please report the issue via application and also post your question with details in the uservoice forum:


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LarryAlexander-1838 · May 08, 2021 at 08:24 AM

I've found that by not using 'full screen' and instead using 'fit to window', I was able to get rid of the flickering I experienced. I good enough workaround for me.

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MarielaG-2418 answered Dec 13, '20 | RPerk-2070 published Dec 17, '20

I'm having the same issue. I tried the recommendations mentioned above but they didn't work for me. I have Microsoft remote desktop 10.5.0 version and Big Sur as well. How can I make it work again? I tried calling Microsoft but unable to speak with a real person.

Error code: 0x204

I am able to connect from a different Mac that doesn't have the Big Sur update, so evidently the remote computer is ok. The problem is the upgrade.



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RPerk-2070 · Dec 17, 2020 at 01:41 AM

I am having the same issue, and have the same versions of RD and IOS. Have also tried the fixes above to no avail.

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Slvrscoobie-8885 answered Dec 14, '20

turning off gateway and graphics acceleration fixed my issue of user account but now I get an error about password being old? I also tried the newest version on Catalina and that gave the same issues.
Connecting to a windows server via VPN - can ping server, just cannot get it to connect


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Carl-2047 answered Dec 31, '20

For me, Remote Desktop worked under both Catalina and Big Sur until we removed NTLM authentication to force Kerberos only. Once this was done, Domain\Users could no longer log into remote computers. The only account that does work is the Domain\Admins account. Administrators can log into remote machines as Administrator but they cannot log in as any other user.

In my case, it would appear to be an authentication issue when Active Directory is not using NTLM.

We have tried the latest Beta build 10.5.1 and it has the same issue.


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RoyArauz-3349 answered Mar 7, '21

Are there any updates? I am about to buy a new Mac with OS Big Sur pre-installed and need to ensure Remote Desktop is working to log in to my work computer.



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AndreasBaumgarten answered Mar 9, '21

Here on my MacBook Pro running msOS Big Sur 11.2.3 with MS Remote Desktop 10.5.2 it's working fine without any problem.

(If the reply was helpful please don't forget to upvote and/or accept as answer, thank you)

Andreas Baumgarten


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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect




Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

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Mar 9, 2020 at 20:05 UTC

Hey Ricard

Are they using VPN?

What RDP program are they using? Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 is the one I use.

On the Windows 10, have you unchecked "Allow connection only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication" ?

Hope it gets you in the right direction.


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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect




Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

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Mar 9, 2020 at 20:08 UTC

There is no VPN service at the moment.

We are using Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 as well.

Yes we have "Allow connection only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication" off


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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect




Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

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Mar 9, 2020 at 20:21 UTC

Do you use a VPN when doing Windows to Windows?
Have you tried from a Windows PC to the PC in question?

May be silly questions but getting stuff out of the way will help narrow it down.


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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect




Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

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Mar 9, 2020 at 20:23 UTC

We do not have a VPN service at the moment thats why were using RDP to have remote access.

Hopefully we can get one soon and then just use that to connect to the network and remote in just using static ip.

And yes, pc to pc on the same network works fine.

Let me know if you need anymore info! Thanks


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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect



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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

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Mar 9, 2020 at 20:54 UTC

Having the same problem here, maybe we can work on it together. My problem happens locally or over VPN. VPN isn't the issue.

Confirmed " Allow connection only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication " is off

Firewall had to be manually set to allow Remote Desktop.

Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 on Mac returns error 0x4e.


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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect




Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

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Mar 9, 2020 at 21:30 UTC

Hey Collin,

Have you checked your logs to see what is propagating when you have those errors?

I've had a friend tell me with that error it was because the number of maximum connections was reached.

Not sure if that will help you but that might be something? You could change the value here: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\MaxOutstandingConnections

Let me know if that helps!


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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect




Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

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Mar 9, 2020 at 21:58 UTC

Interesting. I just tested this. I immediately found a registry script dedicated to this on GitHub:

My test computer had no entry for MaxOutstandingConnections, so I added the value

MaxOutstandingConnections = dword: 00000bb8


If you're still having the problem, and you can RDP internally from Mac to Windows, then the problem must lie at the gateway. Firewall rules are the first place I'd look. NATing the second.

Also, what kind of firewall do you have? Sounds like it doesn't support SSL VPN without additional licensing. Is that the case?


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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect




Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

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Mar 12, 2020 at 16:17 UTC


 We checked every possible scenario. We ended up doing a fresh install of the OS and when we downloaded it again it worked. So something was wrong, we honestly just don't know what it is.

Thanks everyone for your help!


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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect




Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

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Mar 12, 2020 at 19:10 UTC

I'm glad you found a solution - as frustrating as it is not to have a nice entry in the event viewer explaining the problem.


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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect




Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

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Mar 24, 2020 at 19:33 UTC

Richardq23 wrote:


 We checked every possible scenario. We ended up doing a fresh install of the OS and when we downloaded it again it worked. So something was wrong, we honestly just don't know what it is.

Thanks everyone for your help!


Regarding your " We ended up doing a fresh install of the OS" comment, which OS did you reinstall? I think you mean that you reinstalled the Mac OS.

I just ran across a Mac user who can click Get, then Install, on the App Store for theMicrosoft Remote Desktop 10 app, but it never downloads. I ended up finding and using the beta version (

EDIT: I found production version downloads listed in this post "It can be downloaded from official MS site that links to the domain for all downloads). The direct download link is:". Thank you tokevinmcox​ !


Edited Mar 24, 2020 at 20:06 UTC

  • Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect



  • Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect




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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect




Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

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Mar 27, 2020 at 03:10 UTC

Hey Gregg,

So yes, I was referring to the Mac OS install. Before reinstalling the OS, we had tried the beta for Win10 and the production app. We would still get the same error after configuring the application. We could install it and run it, but after adding the gateway we could not connect.

After doing a fresh install of Mac OSX Catalina and redownloading the app we were able to get it to work. It could honestly have been something that was configured in the system preferences prior but I might have missed it.

Thanks for your response!


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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect



Rieger462 May 9, 2020 at 17:32 UTC

1st Post

I am using the same app that you are and it worked for my iPhone 8. I just upgraded to iPhone 11 and that app will not connect along with a few other apps.



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Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect



ronstjuste Nov 3, 2020 at 01:17 UTC

Has anyone found a root cause to this issue? This just started happening and I can't find any solution or work around.


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Question: Q: Remote Desktop for Mac won't connect (but will from Windows)

I'm trying to remote onto a Windows 2012 Server using Remote Desktop Connection for Mac. Using the same credentials, it works from my Windows PC (using Remote Desktop for Windows), but trying to do it from my Mac I get the error:

Remote Desktop Connection cannot verify the identity of the computer that you want to connect to.
Try reconnecting to the Windows-based computer, or contact our administrator.

Is it possible that the remote server allows connects from only Windows clients? Surely not. Any help greatly appreciated.

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Posted on Jan 10, 2015 9:59 AM

Reply I have this question too(638) I have this question too Me too(638) Me too

Jan 26, 2015 5:05 AM in response to rcook349 In response to rcook349

I doubt this a 'problem' with the mac as such nor does it have anything to do with Remote Desktop for Mac which is an entirely different product and for which this forum is for. Questions about RDC for Mac should be put on the relevant Microsoft forum rather than here. However your problem may be with your understanding of the secure remote connections requirements between your server and remote connections. I doubt you'd be aware of any of this as generally server administrators won't necessarily discuss them. By default a mac will not have server-client trust certificates installed simply because the exchange won't happen transparently between an MS based server and non MS-OS such as OS X.

You begin to solve the problem by asking your server administrator for the server's root certificate. He/she has to export this using the built-in tools. They should know how to do this? Once exported save it to a memory stick, insert it into your mac, double click on the .cer file and when prompted install it as a system keychain. On further prompts make sure you select 'Always Trust'. Launch RDC for Mac and you should be OK?

If your server administrator does not know how or, worse still, won't do this for you, then you have far deeper problems that go well beyond OS X in particular and IT as a whole in general.

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Jan 26, 2015 5:05 AM

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Jan 26, 2015 5:05 AM in response to rcook349 In response to rcook349

I doubt this a 'problem' with the mac as such nor does it have anything to do with Remote Desktop for Mac which is an entirely different product and for which this forum is for. Questions about RDC for Mac should be put on the relevant Microsoft forum rather than here. However your problem may be with your understanding of the secure remote connections requirements between your server and remote connections. I doubt you'd be aware of any of this as generally server administrators won't necessarily discuss them. By default a mac will not have server-client trust certificates installed simply because the exchange won't happen transparently between an MS based server and non MS-OS such as OS X.

You begin to solve the problem by asking your server administrator for the server's root certificate. He/she has to export this using the built-in tools. They should know how to do this? Once exported save it to a memory stick, insert it into your mac, double click on the .cer file and when prompted install it as a system keychain. On further prompts make sure you select 'Always Trust'. Launch RDC for Mac and you should be OK?

If your server administrator does not know how or, worse still, won't do this for you, then you have far deeper problems that go well beyond OS X in particular and IT as a whole in general.

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Jan 26, 2015 5:05 AM

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Oct 23, 2015 8:43 AM in response to _GeeBe In response to _GeeBe

i have been fighting this since first installing windows 10 on one of my test systems....i FINALY have the solution.

So i HAVE been using CORD to log into my PCs from OSX. But it was not working on the Win10 box. I was in the insiders Beta program. and after some update CORD finaly started working. Well as said above, that was short lived with the next update CORD stopped working again. I can remote desktop in from a PC but not from CORD on my Mac.

So following the advice above i downloaded MICROSOFTS's remote desktop. and as soon as i tried to remote into my Win10 box, a message come up about generating a security certificate for this user. I said Yes, and boom! remote desktop ed in perfectly!

Sadly CORD (my preferred client) is still NOT working, but now we know WHY! Win 10 looks for this "security certificate" and if it doesnt find it Win10 will REFUSE the connection. This must be a PC to PC handshake that we never see.

So for CORD we need to ether:

1. Disable this "security certificate" check in remote login (best solution)

2. Get CORD updated to deal with this "security certificate" (doubt this will happen)

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Oct 23, 2015 8:43 AM

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Dec 28, 2015 10:02 AM in response to Ryan Duff In response to Ryan Duff


So I did a inplace upgrade to Windows 10, from a Working window 7 system. CORD logged in PERFECTLY just as under Windows 7!

Now I need to play the difference game. What setting is WORKING on the newly upgraded box, that is not set on my original Windows 10 system.

All the setting for Remote Administration looks the same. All the firewalls are off.

Again the only lead I have is that Microsoft Remote Desktop app works on the original box, but not CORD. And i THINK this is due to a security certificate issue. Problem is I have not idea where to find that in Windows 10

Any new ideas?

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Dec 28, 2015 10:02 AM

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How to fix Unable to Connect – Error Code 0x3000064 (RDP from macOS)

Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

Earlier this week, we received a call from a client stating that they could not longer connect to their Windows device at their office using their personal MacBook. The client was receiving an error message “Unable to Connect” with the error code 0x3000064. This error is related to the latest version of the Windows Remote Desktop application in macOS.

Remote Desktop connection not working /can’t connect [Fixed]

Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

by Ivan Jenic

Troubleshooting Expert

Passionate about all elements related to Windows and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating system, with a specialization in drivers and driver troubleshooting. When he's not tackling... Read more

Posted: January 2021

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  • Remote Desktop is a very useful feature, which allows us to control our computer from another device.
  • Some factors can cause Remote Desktop to stop working but read the article below to find plenty of solutions.
  • We wrote a lot more about Remote Desktop Connection so it would be useful for you to bookmark the page.
  • If you experienced any other Windows 10 errors you have to check out our Windows 10 errors hub.

Mac Remote Desktop unable to connect

Remote Desktop is a very useful Windows 10 feature, which allows us to control our computer from another device.

Of course, it requires an internet connection to work, so if your computer is not properly connected to the internet, you won’t be able to use this feature.

However, even some other factors could cause Remote Desktop to stop working, and we’re going to talk about these issues and solutions for them in this article.

Speaking of issues, many users reported the following problems:

  • Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons Windows 10
    • Sometimes you might get this error message on your PC. If you encounter this problem, be sure to try all the solutions from this article.
  • Windows 10 RDP client not working
    • Sometimes RDP client won’t work at all on your PC. This can be due to your system configuration. To fix that, make sure that you’re using a private network.
  • RDP this computer can’t connect to the remote computer
    • This is another common problem with RDP. To fix this issue, be sure to check both your antivirus and firewall.
  • Remote Desktop not working after Windows 10 upgrade
    • Sometimes issues with Remote Desktop can occur after installing a Windows update. To fix the issue, simply remove the update and the problem will be fixed.
  • Unable to connect to remote PC, please verify Remote Desktop is enabled
    • This is another common problem with Remote Desktop. However, you should be able to fix the problem using one of our solutions.
  • Windows 10 Remote Desktop credentials did not work
    • If you encounter this error on your PC, you might be able to fix it simply by removing your saved credentials.
  • Remote Desktop cannot connect error, certificate expired invalid, in the time allotted
    • There are various errors that can appear while trying to use the Remote Desktop feature. However, you should be able to fix them using one of our solutions.
  • Remote Desktop won’t connect over the Internet
    • This is another problem related to the Remote Desktop feature. If Remote Desktop can’t connect, be sure to check your firewall and antivirus settings.

The remote desktop can’t connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons:

  • Remote access to the server is not enabled
  • The remote computer is turned off
  • The remote computer is not available on the network

These can be caused by a limited network connection, not enough memory, and wrong firewall settings.

So, if you can’t connect to Remote Desktop in Windows 10, make sure your computer doesn’t have any of the above-mentioned issues.