Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions

Press releases might feel like a thing of the past--how many companies really spend time crafting traditional releases for journalists when there’s social media and so many other ways to get the word out about their latest launch, product, or award? 

The answer is actually a lot. Press releases are still one of the easiest ways to get the attention of journalists, build media contacts, increase your ranking in the search engines, and raise awareness for your latest news. But, while brands are still working from a traditional press release template, they are getting more creative with the way they present them to relevant outlets. Think videos, infographics, and other multimedia elements.

We’ve pulled together an extensive selection of creative examples of press releases from a number of different categories. Hopefully, these will give you the burst of inspiration you need to get started on yours.

Your handy press release outline

It can be tempting to get too creative with your news release. You want it to stand out, but you also want to make it easy for journos to pick up and scan. So, while you can decorate your press releases with relevant images, videos, and links, it’s important to stick to the well-known structure that your media relations have come to know and respect. 

In fact, if your public relations team writes a press release that conforms to a format that journalists are familiar with, there’s a higher chance of it getting published.

There are certain elements journalists will expect from a press release, including your contact information, the location of your announcement, and a brief company bio. You can incorporate these separately into the main body of your press release so you can focus on getting the information you want across to writers. 

As a general rule, most press release outlines follow this structure: 

  • Descriptive press release headline
  • One or two sentences summarizing the press release
  • 3-4 paragraphs of information about the press release and any background information
  • 1-2 quotes from a relevant person
  • Bullet facts or figures
  • Company description
  • Contact information and phone number for further enquiries 

Use this as a free press release template and tweak it to suit your individual needs. At the top of the release, you’ll want to state that it’s for “immediate release”, as this gives journalists the go-ahead to publish a piece right away. 

Within the press release (ideally in the first paragraph), you should aim to answer the five “Ws”: 

  1. Who’s involved in the news story? 
  2. What’s the press release about? 
  3. When did the story happen or when is it going to happen?
  4. Where did the story take place?
  5. Why will the target audience be interested in the story? 

Here’s a breakdown of a sample press release that follows this structure.

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions

The piece starts with a punchy headline that uses emotive words like “epic”. It then goes on to summarize the press release and provide answers to the five Ws. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions

The eye-catching graphic adds a visual appeal to the traditional press release format and breaks up the paragraphs of text. Then, there’s a quote from a relevant person (the Chairman of the Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority) and a brief introduction to the rest of the press release. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions

This is followed by a bullet point list of events that journalists and readers can scan. The helpful links provide more information on each event. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions

The press release finishes up with information about the Miami Beach App and provides contact details that journalists can use to get more information. 

Now that we’ve got the structure down, let’s take a look at some effective press release examples from various industries that promote different events, launches, and news. 

Distribution at its best: content press release examples

Promoting a fresh piece of content with a press release is a popular way to gain visibility. However, it’s important that the content you are promoting has a purpose and isn’t just your latest blog post. It should be something meaty and useful, like a primary research report, the results of a survey, or a new infographic. 


Travel brand GetYourGuide draws attention to their latest study in this press release. 

Why it works: travel is a hot topic at the moment, and the addition of key stats in the introductory paragraph encourages journalists to read on. Stats are always good to include in a press release since they provide pull-outs for journalists to base their articles on. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions



The press release from startup Exmark promotes a video series they have released helping people build their patio seating and storage.

Why it works: the timely topic is of interest to people right now, plus the addition of images and videos provides a multimedia angle to the press release. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions


Get eyeballs on your brand with product launch press release examples 

Brands that are launching a new product often go straight to a press release to spread the word. The more news outlets that write about the new product, the better. But make sure your title is compelling enough to stand out against all the other product launches. 

SC Johnson

SC Johnson’s press release talks about its new sustainable product.

Why it works: the addition of videos and imagery adds another dimension to a text-based press release. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions



HelpfulCrowd announces the launch of its latest integration for e-commerce users. 

Why it works: the press release follows a traditional structure with relevant quotes and a summary at the top, but the most compelling part is the screenshot which shows users what they can expect from the tool. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions



Vidalgo uses this press release to announce the launch of its new marketplace.

Why it works: Vidalgo follows a traditional press release structure. The images of the people involved add a human touch to a very tech-focused piece. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions



OwnersBox talks about the launch of their latest game in this press release.

Why it works: the introductory paragraph works particularly well in this press release. As well as providing vital information, it uses emotive language to engage the reader. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions



myPOS Online has created a press release to launch its new e-commerce solution.

Why it works: myPOS breaks down the press release into separate headings to make it scannable for journalists and readers. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions


Boost your guest list with event press release examples

Wondering how to write a press release for an event? These are some of the easiest types of press releases to write because you’re essentially advertising a specific time and place. Make sure you include all relevant details and pick out some of the most exciting things about your event--will there be celebrities there? Will there be a theme? 

Von Dutch

Von Dutch advertises its Summer Fridays events in this press release.

Why it works: the press release mentions some world-famous celebrities who are involved and bolds their names for easy scanning and extra emphasis. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions


Dan Chan

Dan Chan uses this press release to offer his services for just $1.

Why it works: apart from the compelling headline ($1 is hard to say no to), this press release uses quotes from well-known outlets to bolster Chan’s reputation. Even small businesses can use press releases to their advantage. ‍

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions



Spotify’s branded press release is eye-catching while still maintaining the traditional structure of a press release.

Why it works: in true Spotify style, the brand includes a playlist in its press release--adding in audio makes the piece more engaging for journalists and readers. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions


New hire press release examples: show off your team

Many brands opt to send out a press release when they get a new hire or form a new partnership. Usually, this hire will be someone high up in the company, like a CEO, and the press release should outline what this person brings to the role along with a quote from the new hire themselves. 

Citi Solutions Center

Citi Solutions Center announces a top-level new hire via press release distribution. This can be a great way to introduce consumers to the people behind your brand and add clout if they happen to be a big name in the industry.

Why it works: Citi Solutions takes the opportunity to explain why its new hire is good for the business, and including a headshot of the new hire adds a human touch. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions

SourceCreate engagement with a video press release

Create engagement with a video press release


ScribbleLive filmed a video press release to announce their acquisition of Appinions. 

Why it works: the structure is similar to a written press release, but by interviewing the CEO, the brand can get a personal perspective about the news. 


Press release writing: eliminate “blank page syndrome”

Staring at a blank page isn’t the most productive use of your time. While a press release comes with a structured outline and is mostly a fact-based writing exercise, it can still be tricky to pull off. Jasper’s Press Release Title and Intro Template makes it easy to get words down on a page. 

They take key information about your event, product launch, new hire, or piece of content and weave it into an engaging narrative that journalists will love. 

Media event in which journalists are invited to hear an announcement and ask follow-up questions

All you have to do is give a bit of information about your press release, add your company name and the tone of voice you want the AI to use. 

Press releases don’t have to be stuffy old paragraphs from the past. Instead, they can be a creative way to promote your business while securing relationships with journalists and getting much-needed media coverage. If you don’t know where to start, use the examples we’ve listed here for inspiration. Sign up today and give Jasper’s templates a try. 

What is media relations in public relations?

Media Relations involves working with media for the purpose of informing the public of an organization's mission, policies and practices in a positive, consistent and credible manner. Typically, this means coordinating directly with the people responsible for producing the news and features in the mass media.

What is PR communication?

"Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics." Public relations can also be defined as the practice of managing communication between an organization and its publics.

What is press rejoinder in public relations?

Rejoinder: It is an article or release written to respond to issues raised in a previously published article. Rejoinders are often written to set the record straight correcting inaccuracies, errors of fact or reasoning or blatant lie or misrepresentations contained in the previous article.

What is defined as a major occurrence that has the potential to affect an organization company or industry in a negative way?

What is defined as a major occurrence that has the potential to affect an organization, company, or industry in a negative way? crisis.