sergeant là gì - Nghĩa của từ sergeant

sergeant có nghĩa là

A creature that has no mother but was created for the sole purpose of keeping non-rates in line and single-handedly winning battles. Can be your mentor, worst nightmare or just some guy messing with your mind...often at the same time.

Eats scrap iron and shits bullets, doesn't sleep with one eye open because they don't need to sleep, their best friend is their rifle and their girlfriend is whatever stripper they picked up at the bar last night.

Nietzsche said when you stare into the abyss, sometimes it stares back; Nietzsche had obviously had his first encounter with a Marine Corps Sergeant.


Sergeant: Their three chevrons is a natural evolution warning you to run like hell; kinda like a cobra's rattle or those poisonous fish with bright colors.

sergeant có nghĩa là

The badass gunnery sergeant from stanley kubrick's full metal jacket. He enjoys humiliating his privates and eventually gets shot by Private Pyle. He's played by R. Lee Ermey.


If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training... you will be a weapon, you will be a minister of death, praying for war. But until that day you are pukes! You're the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human-fucking-beings! You are nothing but unorganized grabasstic pieces of amphibian shit! Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn: I am hard, but I am fair! There is no racial bigotry here! I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops, or greasers; here you are all equally worthless! And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps! Do you maggots understand that? --Sergeant Hartman's speech to recrues

sergeant có nghĩa là

A rank in many modern militaries, especially the United States military, that is above corporal (Army/Marine Corps) and below staff sergeant.


Dave became a sergeant in the U.S. Army

sergeant có nghĩa là

The token black dude in the Halo series. He knows what the ladies like.


Sergeant Johnson: "Men, we've led those dumb bugs out to the middle of nowhere to keep them from getting their FILTHY claws on Earth, but we stumbled onto somethin' they're so hot for, that they're scramblin' over each other to get it. Well, I don't care if it's God's own anti-son-of-a-bitch machine, or a giant hula hoop, we're not gonna let 'em have it! What we WILL let 'em have is a belly full of lead, and a pool of their own blood to drown in! ...AM I RIGHT, MARINES!?" Marines: "SIR YES SIR!" --From Halo CE-- "When I joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy-schmancy tanks. We had sticks! TWO sticks and a rock for a whole platoon... and we had to share the rock!" --From Halo 2--

sergeant có nghĩa là

That nice NCO who always thinks of great new ways to get you running. The rank after Corporal and before Staff Sergeant in the British Army and U.S Army.


*On very cold day*
Sergeant: Are you cold?
Recruit: Yes Sergeant
Sergeant: Oh excellent, see that pole all the way down that road run up to it and run back...go!

sergeant có nghĩa là

The most influential of roles in all organized militaries.
The priveliges and responsibilities of this non-commisioned officer are perfectly balanced to give the maximum opportunity for theft, corruption, and imaginitive "interpretation" of orders, often accompanied by temporary deafness. A sergeant is also the platoons bitch (army), and serves all food/helps pitch poor babies tent/wipes the ass of any and all cadet/private in the area.


Drill sergeant: Boy, do you suck cock!?!

Private: Sir No Sir!

Drill sergeant: I bet you do! i bet you could suck a golfball through a length of hosepipe!!!

sergeant có nghĩa là

Derogatory word used to describe somebody of an arrogant nature. Also associated with smugness and people that take pleasure in letting others know when they are wrong, thus making them an annoyance to those around them.


You are a sergeant man! I cannot believe you told that girl that she was stupid and wrong and you are right cos you are a rockstar!

sergeant có nghĩa là

Nickname given to another person in a social setting to casually and delicately inform that person that he or she has food stuck between his or her teeth.


Me: "Liz, you are Sergeant Pepper."
Liz: "Really? I have food in my teeth?"
Me: "Yes. You have some pepper stuck between your top central incisors."

sergeant có nghĩa là

1. NZ slang. Adjective. A guy who is very good at picking up girls either naturally or learned. A guy who is very good at sarging. 2. PUA (Pick Up Artist), Player, Skux, Ladies Man. 3. Someone who has a lot of game. Origin - Sarge (Noun). To pick up girls. Derivative - Sarging (Verb)


1. He scored the hottest chick at the party last night. What a sergeant!

sergeant có nghĩa là

1. One of those fellas just loves the shit out of the military so much so, they just HAVE to have a military last name, in hopes of when said rank is obtained, they would just love to hear their name twice. 2. A person that just stares at themselves in the mirror with a handgun and practices dumb ass shit they would say in a high duress situation. 3. A total and complete shithead that is always wearing military gear and owns thousands of guns, yet when asked about military experience and all the battles they were in, it turns out they were a cook...


Any day now the shit will hit the fan and sergeant sergeant will be the one to save all your sorry asses!