Tại sao clip torgn arcgis empty

Available with Business Analyst license.

  • Overview
  • Example Output


This Store Setup option is used if you want to create an empty store layer so that you can manually build your store attribute table and place the locations on the map.

Upon choosing the Create an empty layer option and clicking the Add... button the following window is displayed.

Tại sao clip torgn arcgis empty

At a minimum, you will need to create a StoreID to be used as the store ID field and a Name field to be used to identify the store name.

The Field Type drop-down menu has the following items:

  • Small Integer
  • Integer
  • Float
  • Double
  • Text
  • Date

Example Output

An example may be the need to create a layer of stores identified from an imagery map where address information is not readily available. You can quickly add fields via the Field Information window.


Extracts input features that overlay the clip features.

Use this tool to cut out a piece of one dataset using one or more of the features in another dataset as a cookie cutter. This is particularly useful for creating a new dataset—also referred to as a study area or area of interest (AOI)—that contains a geographic subset of the features in another, larger dataset.

An alternate tool is available for clip operations. See the Pairwise Clip tool for details.


Label Explanation Data Type

Input Features or Dataset

The features to be clipped.

Feature Layer; Scene Layer; File; Building Scene Layer

Clip Features

The features to use to clip the input features.

Feature Layer

Output Features or Dataset

The dataset to be created.

Feature Class; File

XY Tolerance


The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates as well as the distance a coordinate can move in x or y (or both). Set the value higher for data with less coordinate accuracy and lower for data with extremely high accuracy.


Changing this parameter's value may cause failure or unexpected results. It is recommended that you do not modify this parameter. It has been removed from view on the tool dialog box. By default, the input feature class's spatial reference x,y tolerance property is used.

Linear Unit
arcpy.analysis.Clip(in_features, clip_features, out_feature_class, {cluster_tolerance})
Name Explanation Data Type


The features to be clipped.

Feature Layer; Scene Layer; File; Building Scene Layer


The features to use to clip the input features.

Feature Layer


The dataset to be created.

Feature Class; File



The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates as well as the distance a coordinate can move in x or y (or both). Set the value higher for data with less coordinate accuracy and lower for data with extremely high accuracy.


Changing this parameter's value may cause failure or unexpected results. It is recommended that you do not modify this parameter. It has been removed from view on the tool dialog box. By default, the input feature class's spatial reference x,y tolerance property is used.

Linear Unit

Code sample

Clip example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the Clip function in immediate mode.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data"
arcpy.analysis.Clip("majorrds.shp", "study_quads.shp", 

Clip example 2 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the Clip function with a scene layer.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data"
arcpy.analysis.Clip("campus.slpk", "building_footprint.shp", 

Clip example 3 (stand-alone script)

The following Python script demonstrates how to use the Clip function in a stand-alone script.

# Name: Clip_Example2.py
# Description: Clip major roads that fall within the study area. 

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data"

# Set local variables
in_features = "majorrds.shp"
clip_features = "study_quads.shp"
out_feature_class = "C:/output/studyarea.shp"

# Run Clip
arcpy.analysis.Clip(in_features, clip_features, out_feature_class)


Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

Related topics

  • An overview of the Extract toolset
  • Find a geoprocessing tool

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