trojans là gì - Nghĩa của từ trojans

trojans có nghĩa là

See UCLA rejection

A Trojan is a USC student. They believe that spending 30k for their 3.0 is better then a "cheap" state school which out ranks them in every ranking, including alumni that on average make much more then a USC grad. USC is full of whores filled to the brim with STDs and some not even discovered yet! A typical USC student is a snob whose dad paid for them to go through an expensive private school and fail out, thus being rejected from every other credible school and having no other choice but to pay 30k a year for a piss poor degree. USC is also home to famous rapists and murders. If you're a girl at a USC frat party chances are 9/10 that you will be date raped by a trojan.


Company: Where is your degree from?


Company: Sorry we only want hard working individuals, might I suggest that you work for your dad.

trojans có nghĩa là

A popular condom


"Trojan man....!"

trojans có nghĩa là

Someone who wasn't accepted to UCLA.


I hope that someday I don't have to settle for being a Trojan...

trojans có nghĩa là

A piece of software to gain access to a computing system, while the owner isn't aware of it's existence.
Often introduced in a system hidden in an appealing looking free paquage or a free game.

In essence the same principle as the "Trojan horse" which Odysseus used to conquer Troy.


"I planted a trojan in her system, I even have access to her webcam now!"
"You really should get a life, dude!"

trojans có nghĩa là

A make of condom or shealth used to prevent the transition of semen from a man to a woman, man or animal.


"Yeah mate, I whacked on the ol' Trojan and did her in the batty"

trojans có nghĩa là

1. Very annoying hacking program.
2. AOL


"I used to have a really popular trojan called aol."

trojans có nghĩa là

1)Citizen of Illion(Troy)
2)Computer hacking program
3)Someone who is a double-crosser


"I hacked that Trojan with my new trojan software however it turned out the person who gave it me was a Trojan"

trojans có nghĩa là

Trojans AKA RATs (remote administraion tools) are pretty cool tools which you can use to gain access to a remote PC. You can do lots of things to the remote PC you are controlling you can open/close cd drive, remote shell(Command line), Screen/cam campture, Passwords, Key logger, download/upload files, execute+delete files Etc.

To access a remote PC Via RATs you must execute a Server (trojan) on the remote PC Either by sending via Email or MSN etc

To access a Remote PC you must first build your server which when executed on the remote PC will connect to your PC this is called Reverse connection where you can gain control of PCs behind Routers and Networks.

When building your server you will be asked to enter your DNS/Static IP so the remote PC can connect to your PC through a Port of your choice

Using these tools does NOT mean you are a hacker because it requires no skill and is easily detected by Anti-viruses (even though you can buy a Undetectable trojans)

Unfortunately RATs have fallen into the hands of immature people who send trojans to their friends and format their drives for no reason at all.

Programmers Often spend alot of time Building these Tools and most dont get enough respect for it.

So be careful what you download it could be a trojan and a immature noob could steal your data and your passwords


Noob: Hey, accept this its a well good game
Guy: wtf this makes my PC slow
Guy: no way noob
Guy: hey wat doing to my PC u send me fucking trojans didnt you
Noob: Kekekekeke ^^

trojans có nghĩa là

A member of a great family that has an alumni network of over 300,000 members worldwide. It is currently ranked higher than UCLA, NYU, UVA, Tuft, Michigan - Ann Arbor and many other prestigious universities. In the past 5 years USC has won 4 Rosebowls and 2 national championships. Some graduates from USC include Forrest Whitaker, Kyra Sedgwick, George Lucas, and Mark Sanchez. Included on the faculty is Dr. Paul Frommer, a linguistics professor who created the Na'vi language. The 5 true characteristics one must have to be a Trojan are FAITHFUL, SCHOLARLY, SKILLFUL, COURAGEOUS, and AMBITIOUS. USC gives over 600 million dollars in scholarships every year to make sure that financial problems do not stand in the way of a student and their proper school. The Trojan Marching Band is considered the greatest band in the history of the universe.


Interviewer: Where did you go to school?
Interviewee: I went to USC. I'm a Trojan.
Interviewer: You're hired. Prospy 1: Did you see Tommy Trojan over there?
Prospy 2: Yeah he looks so glorious. I hope I get in and don't have to settle for UCLA...

trojans có nghĩa là

An undesirable person that makes friends with a nice person in order to get in to parties and other social circles and events. As in using nice people in the manner of a Trojan Horse to gain access to places they would not be invited normally.


We were going to invite Jeff to the party, but Michelle will totally Trojan.