What model demonstrate a one way process of communication in which one person the sender gives a message or speech to a person or group of people for a certain effect?

Nature and Elements of Communication Quiz. This simple test covers various topics in Oral Communication including the elements, models, and axioms.

Part One| Multiple Choice. Read each test item carefully. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number (Rx2).

  1. It is the idea being transmitted by the sender to the receiver. It includes three aspects — content, structure, and style.
    • Sender
    • Feedback
    • Message
    • Channel
  2. It is the medium or vehicle through which the message is sent.
    • Channel
    • Feedback
    • Message
    • Receiver
  3. It is the response or reaction given by the receiver to the sender of the message.
    • Sender
    • Receiver
    • Message
    • Feedback
  4. When does encoding take place?
    • When the receiver interprets the message
    • When the sender translates the message into a perceivable form
    • When both sender and receiver need to exchange messages
    • When the sender recognizes the communication style of the other
  5. It is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.
    • Language
    • Communication
    • Channel
    • Message
  6. Which is NOT a basic element of communication?
    • Source
    • Destination
    • Medium
    • Language
  7. Which statement does NOT describe decoding process?
    • It is deciding on the medium to use in transmitting a message.
    • It involves interpretation.
    • It is assigning meaning to the message.
    • It is usually done by the receiver in a communication process.
  8. Which is NOT a linear model of communication?
    • Aristotle’s Model
    • Lasswell’s Model
    • Transmission Model
    • Interactive Model
  9. What is the sixth element, a dysfunctional factor, in Shannon and Weaver’s Transmission Model?
    • Field of Experience
    • Noise
    • Destination
    • Transmitter
  10. Which communication model presents a multi-layered feedback system for all parties involved and recognizes that anyone can be a sender and receiver at the same time?
    • Transactional Model
    • Transmission Model
    • Interactive Model
    • Linear Model
  11. Which is the strength of Barnlund’s Transactional Model that enables simultaneous message sending and feedback giving?
    • Transmitter
    • Shared Field of Experience
    • Encoding
    • Decoding
  12. What factors are considered the most important in Schramm’s Interactive Model, without which information can never flow between two individuals?
    • Encoding and Decoding
    • Fields of Experience
    • Transmitters
    • Communication Channels
  13. Which model suggests that message flows in a multicultural society, with multiple audiences, and through various channels?
    • Lasswell’s Model
    • Aristotle’s Model
    • Transmission Model
    • Transactional Model
  14. What model demonstrates a one-way process of communication in which one person, the sender, gives a message or speech to a person or group of people for a certain effect?
    • Interactive Model
    • Lasswell’s Model
    • Aristotle’s Model
    • Transactional Model
  15. Which does NOT comprise Lee McGaan’s four tenets of communication?
    • Commitment
    • Consistency
    • Concern
    • Conciseness

Part Two| Completion. Complete the five axioms of communication (Gamble & Gamble) below. Write your answers on the spaces provided (Rx2).

  1. You cannot not communicate.
  2. Every interaction has a content dimension and a relationship dimension.
  3. Every interaction is defined by how it is punctuated.
  4. Messages consist of verbal symbols and nonverbal cues.
  5. Interactions are either symmetrical or complementary.

Part Three| Analysis and Essay. Analyze and explain the given communication situation below using any of the five communication models. You may use a diagram to show the elements and the interaction among them (Rx10).

After committing excessive tardiness equivalent to three hours and five minutes during the previous month, an employee receives an NTE (notice to explain) email from the Human Resources Department. The department demands a reply within three consecutive days from the date of receipt as per company policies.

What model demonstrates a one process of communication in which one person the sender gives a message or speech to a person or group of people for a certain effect?

The linear or transmission model of communication, as shown in Figure 2.2. 1, describes communication as a linear, one-way process in which a sender intentionally transmits a message to a receiver (Ellis & McClintock, 1990).

What model demonstrate a one

The transmission model of communication describes communication as a one-way, linear process in which a sender encodes a message and transmits it through a channel to a receiver who decodes it.

What is Aristotle Model of communication?

The Aristotle model of communication is the widely accepted and the most common model of communication where the sender sends the information or a message to the receivers to influence them and make them respond and act accordingly.

Which model of communication shows the simultaneous responses of both parties involved in the communication process?

Barnlund. In light of these weaknesses, Barnlund (1970) proposed a transactional model of communication. The basic premise of the transactional model of communication is that individuals are simultaneously engaging in the sending and receiving of messages.