What term do psychologists designate our personal awareness of feeling sensations and thoughts?

  • Q1:

    Our awareness of various mental processes, such as making decisions, daydreaming, reflecting, and concentrating, is called __________ A) consciousness. B) creativity. C) intelligence. D) self-awareness.

    What term do psychologists designate our personal awareness of feeling sensations and thoughts?
  • Q2:

    Our sleep-wake cycle follows a(n) __________ rhythm. A) infradian B) diurnal C) circadian D) ultradian

  • Q3:

    Which of the following is NOT an altered state of consciousness? A) concentration B) meditation C) sleep D) intoxication

  • Q4:

    A biological cycle, or rhythm, that is approximately 24 hours long is called a(n) __________ cycle. A) infradian B) circadian C) diurnal D) ultradian

  • Q6:

    Meditation, drug intoxication, sleep, and hypnosis are all types of __________ A) self-awareness. B) self-absorption. C) waking consciousness. D) altered states of consciousness.

  • Q7:

    Consciousness is the __________ A) state of arousal involving facial and bodily changes. B) awareness of ourselves and the environment. C) memory of personally experienced events. D) intentional recollection of an item of information.

  • Q8:

    Because throughout history so many cultures have found ways to induce altered states of consciousness, experts have suggested which of the following? A) Altering states have a genetic basis. B) There may be a universal human need to produce varieties of conscious experiences. C) That there may be a global moratorium on mood altering drugs. D) Altering states may be innate.

  • Q9:

    Awareness of one's own perceptions, thoughts, feelings, sensations and external environment is __________ A) awareness. B) existence. C) consciousness. D) attention.

  • Q10:

    The hypothalamus controls the __________ A) hypnotic suggestibility ratio. B) sleep-wakefulness cycle. C) frequency of nightmares. D) growth hormones that occur during sleep.

  • Q11:

    One religious practice from Brazil that conflicts with Western-based opinions regarding mental health is __________ A) mediumship. B) peyotism. C) Jainism. D) ritual trance.

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School: Community College of Baltimore County
Department: Engineering
Course: Intro to Psychology
Professor: Patricia quintero-hall
Term: Spring 2017
Tags: Psychology
Cost: 50
Name: Exam 4 Part 1 Study Guide and answers
Description: These questions and answers are to help you study and be prepared for the Exam due by the end of this week. Go over this test and answers and this will give you a clue and what to study. What kind of questions might be on the test and what you need to look over.
Uploaded: 03/21/2017

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When we feel alert and our thoughts feelings and sensations are clear this state is called?

Walking Consciousness: State in which thoughts, feelings, and sensations are clear, organized and the person feels alert.

What are some of the different ways psychologist use the term consciousness?

What Is Consciousness in Psychology?.
Perceiving the environment..
Socially communicating – engaging with others' minds and understanding their thoughts..
Playing a crucial role in controlling our actions..
Allowing us to think about issues and events outside of the present..

What term do psychologists use for the phenomenon that occurs when people are less likely?

Explanation: Bystander effect is where people are (like you mentioned in your question!) less likely to help a person if there are others around.

What do we call a state of consciousness that results from the use of alcohol?

The "intoxication state of consciousness": a model for alcohol and drug abuse.