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What colors will the 2023 Toyota Highlander come in?

But for now, see all of the 2023 Toyota Highlander exterior colors here. .
Wind Chill Pearl
Midnight Black Metallic
Celestial Silver Metallic
Magnetic Gray Metallic
Ruby Flare Pearl
Moon Dust

What color is Cypress in Toyota Highlander?

The new exterior paint color option for the 2023 Highlander is Cypress, an attractive green hue .

Is Toyota changing the Highlander for 2023?

PLANO, Texas (Dec. 1, 2022) – Sophisticated, spacious and powerful – Toyota's grand plan for its SUV lineup will expand the Highlander nameplate in 2023 with the all-new Toyota Grand Highlander .

Does the Toyota Highlander come in green?

Exterior Colors. Celestial Silver Metallic [Silver] Cypress [Green] Magnetic Gray Metallic [Gray] Midnight Black Metallic [Black]