Come back down to earth nghĩa là gì

come back/down to earth (with a bump)

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishcome back/down to earth (with a bump)come back/down to earth (with a bump)REAL/NOT IMAGINARYto stop behaving or living in a way that is not practical She soon brought him back down to earth. earthExamples from the Corpuscome back/down to earth (with a bump) Adai can come back to Earth after Gog is dead - after I am dead, perhaps. They recently have come down to Earth. Maybe, but the once pricey products that use this satellite technology have come down to earth. Peter Lilley came down to earth. In Karuzi you quickly come down to earth. AIr travellers came down to earth with a bump yesterday when they joined in some charity aerobics.