emmanuella là gì - Nghĩa của từ emmanuella

emmanuella có nghĩa là

Beautiful, pretty, gorgeous and talented lady with good morals! Loves music! Craves love soo Deep the ocean could be jealous! Gets angry very easily but only lasts for seconds! It takes the little things in life to make them happy! They are grateful and naturally loyal people . They are great with friendships because of the positive energy that exudes whilst they are amongst their friends! Everyone needs an Emmanuella in their friendship cycle!


Friend 1: hey guys we should
All go out next week
Friend 2: oh yh definitely! Not without Emmanuella though!

emmanuella có nghĩa là

A beautifull , caring and loving girl ..usually with nice eyes ,attractive 'assets'. Also known for talking too much!


Assets emmanuella

emmanuella có nghĩa là

Emmanuella is probably the sweetest girl you'll ever meet, wirh a nice body and very intelligent but quick to catch an attitude but soon get over it [maybe]. Can be bipolar asf , veryyy sensitive and is not afraid to throw shade But is a good friend and can put a smile on anyone face


Everyone needs an emmanuella in their lives

emmanuella có nghĩa là

One of the most amazing, beautiful, caring and loving girl ..usually with nice eyes ,attractive 'assets' you will ever meet. An Emmanuella is sure to bring a smile to anyone's face, and is the kind of girl who lights up a room with her presence.Also known for talking too much!
Slightly kooky, a little bizarre, but very funny and unique, you will never meet another individual as truly inspiring and wonderful as Emmanuella.


Wow, you look so gorgeous... Almost just like an Emmanuella!

emmanuella có nghĩa là

Best mun, she is loving, caring, fair in coplexion[mostly] and brave. She is loved by all.


Emmanuella: "God is with us" a female giving name.

emmanuella có nghĩa là

Very loving and caring lady. Extraordinarily neat and well organised. She's well disciplined, doesn't get distracted by unnecessary activities. She doesn't let anything being her down no matter how big. She's surrounded by lovely friends. She's selfless, Always willing to welcome people in even when she doesn't know who they are. She's a very good poet, loves musics, enjoys reading. Most of all she's charmingly beautiful.


I don't know how you do it, but each time I think about you I become so restless wishing I could just see you for a little moment even just a glance. Lately you in my mind so much that I see you in my dreams. Can't express how much you mean to me. Emmanuella I don't feel its d right time to tell you but if I don't it like I lost an important value in me. Ella, I love you

emmanuella có nghĩa là

Playful and intellectually curious, Emmanuella is constantly juggling a variety of passions, hobbies, careers, and friend groups. They are the social butterflies of the zodiac: These quick-witted twins can talk to anyone about anything. Find them buzzing between happy hours, dinner parties, and dance floors. Emmanuella is pretty, witty, and one of the most creative girls! Any Emmanuellas are notoriously very social creatures, they love to chatter, and this girl will dazzle everyone she meets. She's just naturally gifted and has the enviable knack of making everything she does look easy. Always treat and understand your Emmanuella right!


Hey, hey! What's your bsf's name?
Her name is Emmanuella :]
Wow...you must have a great bsf! :O

emmanuella có nghĩa là

Brings a smile to your face and warmth to your heart with every joke and moment you share together. She is naturally beautiful, with an amazing figure. She is gifted and dazzles everyone she meets. Her presence is inviting and her nature is kind and loving. When she enters a room all eyes are on her - she has impeccable style. Her friends know she’s the one to go to for honest advice and admire her for her bubbliness and silliness. Her lovers admire her for her charm. You can talk to her for hours yet still never run out of anything to converse about. She is probably the quirkiest person when you get to know her and tries to make everyone around her feel safe and accepted. She has the biggest heart. Emmanuella is the best friend you wish you’d always have.


“Is that Emmanuella?”
“What an amazing person!”

emmanuella có nghĩa là

a girl who reads smut daily. that is all. all she will ever talk about s smut.


you: hey emmanuella!
emmanuella: smut.

emmanuella có nghĩa là

Brings a smile to your face and warmth to your heart with every joke and moment you share together. She is naturally beautiful, with an amazing figure. She is gifted and dazzles everyone she meets. Her presence is inviting and dazzling and her nature is kind and loving. When she enters a room all eyes are on her - she has impeccable style. Her friends know she’s the one to go to for honest advice and admire her for her bubbliness and silliness. Her lovers admire her for her charm. You can talk to her for hours yet still never run out of anything to converse about. She is probably the quirkiest person when you get to know her and tries to make everyone around her feel safe and accepted. She has the biggest heart. Emmanuella is the best friend you wish you’d always have


“Is that Emmanuella?”
“What an amazing person!”

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