fanboy là gì - Nghĩa của từ fanboy

fanboy có nghĩa là

A passionate fan of various elements of geek culture (e.g. sci-fi, comics, Star Wars, video games, anime, hobbits, Magic: the Gathering, etc.), but who lets his passion override social graces.


At the mall I almost got mowed over by some Dragonball Z fanboy on his skateboard.

fanboy có nghĩa là

1. A person who is completely loyal to a game or company reguardless of if they suck or not.
2. A pathetic insult often used by fanboys themselves to try and put down people who don't like whatever it is they like.
3. See fool or SEGA.


"If you don't worship SEGA and send them all your money and pay $500 for the copy of Panzer Dragon I'm selling on ebay then your obviously a Sony fanboy even though I've never heard you mention a single thing about Sony the entire five minutes I've known you." Said the SEGA Fanboy.

"Yeah but the SNES didn't have Blast Processing" Said the Sega fanboy.

"FF7 sucks" Said the SEGA Saturn fanboy.

fanboy có nghĩa là

A person who loves something without question.


Martigen is such a fanboy.

fanboy có nghĩa là

(n) Technocratic zealots; evangelicals of geekery. Characterized by irrational advocacy of a particular OS, console, company, or franchise.


Most commonly used to delegitimize contrary opinions in gaming forums.

Ex. "Waht the #@%? Darkrev0r jus a nintendo fanboy dont bother with him."

fanboy có nghĩa là

A person who has an undying urge to sway everyone that is not a believer of the belief system they have towards a game or system or every piece of hardware. If they do not succeed, they will not sway from their statement infront of anyone who knows their stancel.


ATI vs. Nvidia, Counter Strike vs. Unreal Tournament, AMD vs. Intel.

fanboy có nghĩa là

a person willing to defend and promote the object of his affection regardless of fact and objectivity. This encompasses everything from technological items like PC's and game consoles to gearheads and fishing fanatics.


Nintendo fanboy: Wii is better than PS3 and X360!

Gearhead: Greddy exhaust is way better than Dynomax!

Fisherman: Fly fishing rods by St. Croix are the best!

Golfer: If it's not a Calloway, its not a club!

fanboy có nghĩa là

Someone who has devoted their entire consciousness and personality to a random form of capitalistic media. Commonly found amongst gamers, music listeners, celebrity worshipers, anime freaks, etc. Will not hesitate to bash the living shit out of anyone who doesn't like what they like with such callous and witty insults as "fag" "fAg" and "FAG."


Fanboys don't realize that Sega, Sony, Nintendo, etc. all make good and bad products alike.

fanboy có nghĩa là

An individual who thinks that XBox, Star Wars, comic books, action figures, TV shows, and so on are life-or-death matters that require zealotry. Such behaviors go far beyond merely being a hobby or favorite pastime. These individuals feel that social skills are not required, and see no problem with becoming hysterical over meaningless issues. They often falsely believe that they are simply showing their "inner geek", as if their behaviors are charming and a source of enjoyable humor. They also often think they are clever, and that others "just don't get it". Fanboys frequently show the characteristics of an arrogant, pseudo-intellectual, going on for hours in a droning monologue.


"Dude, that guy on Lost last night got owned! Dude!"

"You are such a fanboy, dude!"

"Am not! YOU are the fanboy, dude!"

fanboy có nghĩa là

An extremely devoted follower of a particular media (i.e. film, film director, band, TV series, writer) who takes their love a step further by deriding those who have an opposing opinion. Early use of the term had been directed to anime and Stars Wars "geeks". However, growing popularity of both has limited this stereotype and "newer" fanboy subjects tend to be more polarizing in popularity. Typically, fanboys spend their time lurking around internet messageboards, calling any detractor of their media a "troll", "idiot" or just allege detractor(s) don't "understand" particular subject. Knee-jerk responses like this (over rational, intelligent discussion) makes for quick and easy attribution. Fanboys are also known for creating their own realities and interpretations of their beloved subjects.

The nu-metal band Tool and film director Wes Anderson are both noted for having fanboy followings.


TARANTINO FANBOY: I just watched "The Untouchables" last night, wow did that movie rip off "Pulp Fiction"!

NOT A FANBOY: Did Brian DePalma time travel 7 years ahead of 1987? I didn't know they had that technology back then.

TARANTINO FANBOY: OK, well then, "City on Fire" ripped off "Reservoir Dogs", the plot similarities are too close for comfort!

NOT A FANBOY: I guess Ringo Lam must have time traveled as well, because City of Fire was also released in 1987, well before Reservoir Dogs.

TARANTINO FANBOY: That is a lie! U R nothing but a Tarantino hater, U should stick to Disney and the Family Channel and leave the unique original filmmaking up to US!!!!!

fanboy có nghĩa là

A moronic word used much in the equally moronic world of video game culture. It is usually slung at fans of a popular game by losers who are jealous that their game isn't popular. It is related to dumb terminology such as "noob", used by people who embrace unfunny "humor" that eminates the sub-culture of video game players.


As soon as I was called a fanboy, I knew I was dealing with a putz who listens to idiotic Playstation songs by the losers who can't write real music.