Review The Therapy Face Shop

Review The Therapy Face Shop

For my birthday this year, I was blessed to receive this from my good friend. I am a big fan of The Face Shop products, and I guess he thought that my advancing age meant that I needed to keep up with my anti-aging regime.

THE THERAPY set comes with a full sized Secret Made Anti Aging Cream ($45.00) and sample sizes of the THE THERAPY First Serum and THE THERAPY Oil Blending Formula Serum.

Review The Therapy Face Shop

From The Face Shop website:

This anti-aging, naturally blended cream is processed trough a vacuum kneading method that keeps skin smooth and moisturized.

  • Powerful anti-aging cream contains Marche’s blended
  • The vacuum kneading method helps deliver effects deep down the skin.
  • Marche Handmade Anti-Aging Blending Formula

Review The Therapy Face Shop

Review The Therapy Face Shop

When you first open the jar there’s a layer of oil on top, you need to use the spatula provided to stir together the oil and the cream until combined before using. I didn’t know this, so I stored this box on it’s side for a month, and there was some leakage when I opened it.

Review The Therapy Face Shop

My cheeks have been really dry this past winter so I found that this cream was really effective in repairing my flaky skin. A little bit goes a long way – I use a pea sized amount and it’s enough to cover my whole face (except my forehead). I didn’t apply it on my forehead because my T-zone is quite oily and I don’t think that I would be doing it any favours by applying this cream there.

It might be a bit too heavy to use in the summer time, but I’ll continue to use it until I see adverse affects. I have pretty sensitive skin and I’m happy to say that this product has not caused me to have any breakouts.

Although the set cannot be purchased in Canada, the cream is available now on The Face Shop website.