Tiếng Anh lớp 4 Unit 5 sách mềm

4. Listen and number.

  • Tell pupils that they are going to listen to four dialogues about what the four characters can do and number the pictures.
  • Ask them to look at the pictures and identify what the character in each picture can do (In Picture a, Tom can play the piano. In Picture b, Phong can sing. In Picture c, Peter can play football. In Picture d, Nam can play table tennis.) Check understanding.
  • Play the recording for pupils to listen and number the pictures.
  • Play the recording again for them to check their answers.
  • Get pupils to swap their answers before you check as a class. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary.

         Key:    a 2         b 4         c 3          d 1

         Audio script

         1. Mai:        Can you play table tennis?

             Nam:      Yes, I can. It’s my favourite sport.

             Mai:        Let’s play it together.

            Nam:      OK.

           2. Tony:      Can you play the guitar?

           Tom:       No, I can’t.

           Tony:      What about the piano? Can you play the piano?

           Tom:       Yes, I can.

        3. Tom:       Let’s play chess.

           Peter:     Sorry, I can’t.

           Tom:       What about football? Can you play football?

           Peter:     Yes, I can.

            4. Mai:        Do you like music?

               Phong:    Yes, I do.

               Mai:        Can you dance?

              Phong:    No, I can’t. I can’t dance, but I can sing.