Trẻ mồ côi tiếng anh là gì

Cho tôi hỏi "trại trẻ mồ côi" tiếng anh nói như thế nào? Thank you so much.

Written by Guest 6 years ago

Asked 6 years ago


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He was orphaned at the age of four and raised by family members of friends.

He was orphaned at 5 and raised by relatives.

Hall died in 1971 and the organ was once again orphaned.

Shortly after the move, his parents died, leaving him and his younger brother orphaned.

Orphaned at the age of one, he grew up in a series of foster homes.

After surviving smallpox and being orphaned, she earned a following for her deep spiritualism before dying at just 24.

As a result, rare diseases were largely ignored due to poor economic potential and were thus said to be orphaned.

She also looked after her two brothers, one whom is disabled and are orphaned.

Most of the millions already orphaned like them or would be orphaned like them have their fate currently hanging in the balance.

He was orphaned by age 16, but others on the island looked out for him.

The charity-school for girls was established in 1773, and was enlarged and converted into a school of industry in 1800.

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Bản dịch của orphan – Từ điển tiếng Anh–Việt

a child who has lost both parents [rarely only one parent]

trẻ mồ côi

That little girl is an orphan

[also adjective] an orphan child.

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Các ví dụ của orphan


On this occasion, three daughters were orphaned, so the family property was granted to a couple with two male children.

Care was taken of all of the orphans.

The state monopolises welfare provision to orphans and abandoned children found in urban areas, where it emphasises institutional care.

The solution was most probably sought in increasing the pace of discharge of older orphans into the community.

Within this tradition, adoption and fostering used to be the two main ways of providing alternative care to orphans and abandoned children.

According to current policy, only orphans and abandoned children [found in urban areas] are taken into the care of the state.

Thousands of orphans and abandoned children have grown up in foster families in these ordinary rural villages.

One in every ten orphans died in the orphanage, a level of mortality about average for this age group.

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